Mk22 Turret Addon 3

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  1. SteelCore
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    Is it possible to retex the legs so that they match better? And can I just say how much I love that you are doing this! There is a SEVERE lack of turret mods that add anything interesting beyond the vanilla models...It kinda ruins the feeling when you're trying to build a futuristic and high tech settlement or base and its guarded by turrets that look like they are held together with duck tape and elmers glue. I tried to commission somebody to port a Palma CIWS as a turret but nobody wanted to tackle it haha This as a alternative is gonna be an instant favorite I can already tell.
  2. choochoo1
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    Sweet, Where does this fall power wise compared to the regular heavy turret?