Kellogg Wrap

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Hello.  I've been told my pictures of my Kellogg Wrap outfit are not suitable for display when the front is shown, but this is just to let you know I've shared the outfit as a mod in case anyone would like it.

Kellogg Wrap Outfit

Thanks :)

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 317 kudos
    I think we've all run afoul at one point or another with a set of pics. Nice job on the outfit, Karna!
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thanks, FastBlackCat
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 344 kudos
    Well, I guess that just about wraps it up. Your leveled list tips were good. Maybe you could gather all your tips together as a series of tutorials on a mod page.
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      *Chuckles* Speaking of tutorials, my last tutorial on leveled lists is one of the posts which got pulled by moderation. I'll have to see if I can remember what I wrote to recreate it.

      Hopefully Carnagefiend (who asked for the information) got what he needed before it got pulled.

      But yeah, I agree with you, Cormell. I very much like the modding community here on Nexus and all the help everyone gives each other. I've received lots of help and have seen lots given for no other reason than someone wanted help
    2. carnagefiend
      • premium
      • 222 kudos
      It got pulled? F**k!
    3. Karna5
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      I'm working on reconstructing it, Carnagefiend. I hope to have it redone before tomorrow
    4. Karna5
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Oh no, this is terrible. I just spent the last hour retyping it with pictures, and Nexus didn't add it. It's all gone again.
  3. ritchieblackmore
    • BANNED
    • 299 kudos
    She also makes a good figure from behind. Looks great!
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thanks very much, my friend