Fallout 4
Fortress Sanctuary

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  1. Damsel
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Truly stunning, as always!

    Your buildings are sophisticated and never boring!

    That small pathway you made, with all that vegetation is completely gorgeous, I love it!

  2. Theondas
    • supporter
    • 49 kudos
    This is just amazing.. I mean not "just" amazing but you get the point.. I can't even describe it! Are you going to make this a blueprint? Wondering if it's even possible at this scale Would love to explore this build anyways.

    The Settlement system in the game sure is amazing... only problem I have with the system is the frame rate... it's just terrible and next to unplayable to play n build at 10 fps...
    1. Ghostrider250
      • member
      • 45 kudos

      yes i want to do it as a blueprint but unfortunately i can´t download the mod with NMM atm. Well i have 10 fps partial too as you can see in the video, but it´s not unplayable. You will have some graphic issues, it can´t be avoided with this amount of items (over 18.000)

      All houses are empty, no decoration no floors nothing, I have prepared a dungeon entrance too.
      The Castle and the villag wall are still unfinished. So you can decorate how ever you want.