AKM and AK-47

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Made this AKM more than half year ago by Tim Bergholz' tutorial. Right now I don't plan to turn it to standalone mod, but maybe I'll make partial Handmade Rifle replacer in few months (Right now I have to take a break)

Some more screenshots and model in 360 on my Artstation page


  1. berezarian
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Another AK47 no need more.
    1. the only good ak mod out right now is the AK74M, what are you talking about
  2. VoteForSwarley
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I've been craving an AKM ever since the game released so this'll be amazing! Would you end up adding polymer stocks and handguards, or just leave it with the traditional style??
  3. PConspiracy
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I was actually hoping for an AK mod from you. After using the Assult Carbine mod I am so excited to see this come to the game.
  4. maximizers
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    D'awww... Here I am still hoping for that infamous single-action revolver... Or a revival of the .357. x3
  5. ItsukaTenma
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    This looks amazing! Just want to point out that the AK-47 doesn't have a slanted muzzle since the newer AKM has it.
  6. McGriggles
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Looks awesome, but what we really need is a Chinese assault rifle (fallout 3 esque) relpacer for the handmade rifle. Would help make the AK they added lore friendly in a way and would be a great way to make up for the mistake they made of cutting the CAR from the game. They had the meshes all set anyways, they should have at least used it for nuka world but some reason they decided to use the HMR instead. Same goes for the R91, (fallout 3 as well) they cut that from the game and kept the combat rifle and "assault rifle" when they even have in game silhouettes of the rifle, as seen at commonwealth weaponry in diamond city. So weird. Anyways, great job on all the mods you have produced in the past year or so. You deserve a break man
    1. FadeAway111
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It's not reusing the same model, animation and texture from the old gun of old fallout sequences, then cooking them with esp and boom, CAR and R91 for FO4! Doing that would have ended up weird guns with weird textures, like they came out from nowhere. Beth'll have to remake everything, from assets for different modifications to unique animations for every ported gun (since each gun has different grip model, hence different suited animation). And that would have cost them manpower and time.
    2. McGriggles
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      I'm not really sure what you're saying but they already had high polly models all set for the Chinese Assault Rifle, they had obviously already planned on putting it in the game and it was cut last minute. As for the R91 it didn't even make it to meshes, they just have concept art and pictures. Indicicating they had planned to put that in as well, but just decided not to I guess. Maybe they didn't because like you said, they didn't want to create new animations. Which is apparent since they made everything left handed in FO4
    3. McGriggles
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      I never saI'd anything about reusing models, textures, or animations from FO3. I just said they should have gone through with remaking the two guns. They clearly were going to already. Now all we can do is hope modern rectify this. I hope someone replaces the "assault rifle" and handmade rifLe with those two guns.
    4. FadeAway111
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      The same question can be asked on many of their other cut contents. I guess there's only one answer, they rushed for the release date and decided to cut what they are planning to do, or even what they are doing. But still, one more question appears in mind: What the hell had they been doing the whole 5 years after Skyrim, only to just skip many interesting plans and rush for the launching day for one of their, if not the most important game?
  7. Corni950
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    I really hope that you will release this at some point, it looks really lore-friendly and great. Thank you for all the awesome work you have done so far!
  8. OunceStripes
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Oh great it looks fantastic! I like the naked receiver it give a Escape from Tarkov feeling. On a other hand I would like to see something like the Elysium AK with a airbust device. I think it will fit perfectly the fallout universe and can be easily made by making it a legendary version with explosive rounds.
  9. Gambit77
    • premium
    • 1,075 kudos
    looks good, but there isn't really any shortage of good looking AKs.
    You haven't by any chance been working on an ACR or an Uzi?
    1. Dylanvknr2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i agree that the ak market is a bit over saturated. but on the other hand none of them realy have a good fallout look. this one with the open back makes it look more salvaged. add more rust and broken parts, a wide range of mods like the m16a4 and this could be the best ak out there
  10. Cronix416
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Aww man you are gonna make it into a Handmade Rifle replacer i dont have Nuka World or at least add a vanilla version