Fallout 4
Graham's Successor

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Looks great. Thanks for the showcase.

    Silly thought, but I've wondered how the soldiers remember what's in each pocket. Say, do the Navy blues or whites have pockets now in the pants? I don't think they used to.
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      I don't know about officers, but enlisted whites have pockets. Blues do not, sadly. And also, the blues trousers have WAY TOO MANY BUTTONS.
    2. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Burst out laughing when I saw the "way too many!!!!!!* buttons comment.

      Great set, Cav, and I'm high intrigued, waiting for the next chapter!