Fallout 4

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  1. deleted3510254
    • account closed
    • 18 kudos
    Wish I could make a character as good looking as yours.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Aww thank you, I dont know if he is really good looking or not he is alittle more out of the norm then alot of the guys right now.
  2. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Good to see you posting here, I just made my first tonight as well.

    Yeah, I'm liking the worldspaces and the NPC stories for the most part. What I'm not a fan of are the little contradictory details like finding Jet in vaults as part of experiments when Jet was invented after the war and how I'm finding crappy pipe weapons in sealed pre-war locations as loot. ...and the aesthetic for the weapons is just way off in my opinion. The rest is pretty good stuff. I'm even ok with voiced protagonists as an idea, though the Mass Effect style of keywords is garbage.
    1. BumNanner
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Agreed on the dialogue. Thank modders for the dialogue menu that actually says what the character says instead of "SARCASTIC, BARTER, YES, NO"
  3. Ludaus
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    It's interesting how others opinions on the male voice acting can be so varied. Like I think he's perfect and has a lot of emotion when needed and not over dramatic when it's not. (hits those sarcastic dialogue options spot on).
    The only time I'd say he came close to being boring is when you chose the 'nice' options. But everyone is boring when you chose those (I'm looking at you Commander Shepard...).

    And just a point about Nora and Shaun that might make it easier to enjoy(maybe?), in Fallout 3 you were forced to have a backstory, with your father and mother and the whole intro about living in a vault. So it's not really unique to FO4.
    1. Zero7Sum
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You're not looking at it from the right perspective. Everyone has parents that predetermine where they live/are raised, but not everyone is a war veteran or lawyer (depending on sex, which is a whole issue in itself) that enters a heterosexual marriage and has children. Not only this, but Codsworth also predetermines numerous personality traits for your character. If you don't earn his approval (by being handy with crafting, being very kind and helpful, and making very specific plot decisions), he straight up says you're not the person he remembers. He also gives you a holotape from your wife who mentions specific personality traits (being patient, kind, loving, funny, a great father).

      Any illusion of control you have over your fo4 character is just that: illusion. Acting any other way than the game's pre-determined personality is lore-breaking, which is why everyone has a problem with it. There's no getting around that.

      Having a backstory isn't the problem; it's having such a *specific^ backstory in a game that's major selling point is being whomever you want to be that is the problem for everyone.
    2. Ludaus
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      I didn't actually notice the forced personality. I dunno, it doesn't bother me that much and I can mod it later to remove those things if I want.
      I get it though, when it comes to the games Bethesda makes people expect to be able to create their perfect character. Someone who is 100% what you want and what you find interesting (one of the main reasons I don't like movie characters very much - they're too tailored to a general audience and they're not something I'm interested in).
      The main thing that bothered me was the heterosexual marriage. No one can say it's to fit the '50's' style at all because you can be a mixed race couple! I'm bored of heterosexuality. It's everywhere, everyday and there was no reason they couldn't include it. So I do get it.
  4. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Your char looks great,.. as i understand it is a wip but he already looks great.
    The tattoo's look pretty awesome too,...

    To be honest i think the game is much fun,.. but i see your points of criticism too.
    What bothers me the most,.. but that's from a screenshooting point of view, are the bad textures and the fact that the rendering in the vanilla game alone eats a lot of fps , at least with my pc it does.
    There a few mods outhere that fixed that and my performance has increased considerably while using texture mods that would normally lower your fps,..

    But the overall experience i get from the game is pretty good. I love the crafting system and the way they have integrated that into the game. The little funny things you meet when out exploring are very well done too aswell as the outdoor lighting. The story is thin indeed and not very original, but the other main quest line is well made (at least as far as i have played it) .
    So,.. all in all a good experience for me.
    I appreciate the fact that you care enough to write such an extensive piece about it,.. hence my lengthy comment,...
  5. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    First off, love your character - he looks awesome both pre-war and post-war. ^^

    And yeah, to parrot the others, I don't care for the storyline/forced character, but I can forgive it since FO3 was pretty much the exact same thing. The big issue I have with FO4 is just the fact that there are so many oversights and re-used ideas that it just lacks any feeling of love or care put into the game. The storyline is just an inverse of FO3 [3=kid looking for parent, 4=parent looking for kid] and there's *way* too many throwbacks to FO3. Not enough original content.

    That said, Codsworth is awesome, and he alone made a lot of the early-mid-ish game enjoyable for me. Still haven't beat the game, but I'll probably go through as many of the quests with Codsworth as possible.
  6. Cavalier753
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    Gotta second Kains down there, New Vegas really did spoil us in terms of the roleplay factor of Fallout games :p. In any case, glad to see a post from you! Seeing the work of the mighty Nivea always makes a sense of wonder well up in my chest.
  7. Kainschilde209
    • premium
    • 87 kudos
    Yay, some of my favorite people from New Vegas finally came back east! "Welcome home", indeed.

    As far as the forced backstory, I'd say we were all spoiled by New Vegas.

    Fallout 1: You live in a vault, you are a leader in the growing faction of people wanting to open the vault door and join the world outside. The overseer, in an attempt to :cut off the head" so to speak, tags you to go outside the vault, alone and unaided, to find a replacement for the vaults broken water purification chip or an alternate source of water. Your character has a political backstory in place and a pre-existing antipathy between yourself and the Overseer.

    Fallout 2: 30 years later, you are the grandchild of the Vault Dweller. You have come of age in Arroyo, the village founded by your ancestor after they were forbidden reentry to the vault due to "exposure to outside influences". The valley is going barren, Crops are dying, animals and people are getting sick and suffering from pronounced mutations. You are the chosen one, selected to be sent on a mighty quest to find a GECK and heal your home.

    Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of steel: A large group of BOS soldiers has been sent out cross country in a series of zeppelins(See the Prydwn in FO4) to visit the major bases and significant businesses on the east coast to recover advanced tech, Halfway across, a couple of the zeppelins go down near Chicago, the rest continue on. The game is the story of the crews of the down zeppelins trying to regroup and make their way to the final destination of the remaining zeppelins.

    Fallout 3: "You were born in the vault, you'll die in the vault" is what you'd been indoctrinated to for most of your life. Then, around your 19th birthday, Dad cuts and runs, and you have to follow him out to find out what the f*#@ is going on.


    Fallout 4: "Could you please help me find my son?"
  8. Auslander66
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    I hope you do mod for FO4. I hear your concerns about paid mods and all that, but FO4 would really benefit from your work. =)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Ditto. I just hope that the hurdles/roadblocks placed in the way of modders thus far aren't an indication of things to come. I don't know what it means, maybe what they have done was inadvertent (maybe not), but I worry about pay for mods.