Fallout 4
Survivors - 7

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  1. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    Your twist, nope - wrong word, your improvement on the plot and characters is in reality an option that could have/should have been integrated into the game. I'm not a game developer so that means nothing actually, but it would have been an improvement IMO. Dig the suit A.I. you integrated into this. Don't know if you'll read a new comment on an older set, but this is really good work. Makes the coffee taste awfully good this morning.
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I finally made it back to comment, about two weeks late. This was a top notch episode, Cav!

    P.S. Just read your convo with Carnagefiend below, and I totally agree. Bethesda could have and should have made him much more than they did, I'm glad you're taking up the torch for him, Cav.
  3. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    This is how Preston should have been developed.

    Spot on, spot -on-. The moments of weakness, the pausing, the hesitation... this perfectly ties into the game's build of Preston but instead of s**ting any semblance of development into the latrine you took it to the REAL next step.

    Why the game developers act like YOU have to be the head honcho of any organization is friggin' beyond me. Preston just throws the mantle of leadership on the character without even asking. And you can't even say no!

    This is MUCH better. Much better.

    Also, the part about the grenade... I was totally thinking the kid did a suicide mission. After I found out he lived, I thought, "Yeah, YOU would think that wouldn't you, Mr. Book of Eli on Crack. This ain't Fury Road, jagoff!"

    xD Mah soul...

    EDIT: Gah, this the last one. Bah. >.>
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time for this. It really means a lot to me for people to take an interest in the stories I write, and to actually have positive things to say.

      Yep, ever since Preston came onto the scene, i despised him as a character. I thought he was a pointless shoe-in, meant to only give the player a source of endless quests and plot dump. And I was right. Then, I decided to actually raise his affinity and get to know the guy.

      There was so much wasted potential there, it physically made me sick. I thought that Preston could have been so much more. Then the Preston memes arrived, and the character just became a joke. So even if it's just my head-canon, I want Preston to to become someone worth being. To have a real shot at becoming more than the developers intended him. For however long as he can last in the Wasteland.
    2. carnagefiend
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      I'm curious to see where you're going, because I would like to see it explored legitimately.

      I saw you recently read my 'Divergence' picture, so I'll spare you the details in my "timeline". But even in mine I thought that it was more dignified of Preston to have died in the line of battle than to be left as a Mission Muppet. He could have been great, so I'm looking forward to more.

      Last tid-bit, I like to think of these things as "alternate timelines". I guess they'll never be canon, but as long as you're consistent within your own universe that's all that matters!

    3. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      I wanted to ask you/talk to you about that, actually. See, it was your "Divergence" that really got me thinking about Preston and the Quincy survivors and served as my inspiration. I absolutely loved what you did with them, as I too thought it was fitting. The Longs weren't really personalities in their own right; you can't just give someone a single personality trait, toss in some tragic backstory, and call them a character. There are nuances to everything, lots of little information you never know about but nevertheless are a big part of who someone is.
    4. carnagefiend
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Oh, I had no idea I did that!

      Well, I guess then you and I are of the same mind on it. I thought the exact same thing about the Longs, and the reason why everyone hated them was because they never developed. They became pin-cushions for the players to literally beat. Even Beth flagged them as killable, which is a tragedy in its own right.

      I would have loved to see Marcy eventually break down, finally feel safe. I was hoping her husband maybe could grow into a stronger person, maybe become a Minuteman or even volunteer to learn to shoot, become a guard, or even run a nursery for lost and homeless kids.

      Hell, maybe they break up, and Marcy goes to Diamond City to become a guard because she never feels safe here. Maybe you can convince her husband to go live with her down there, and maybe he sets up that nursery, or becomes a teacher, or kills himself because he's plagued by his failures.

      I dunno, ANYTHING!
  4. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    That was so beautiful!... :')

    Also, happy to see Preston as a worthy character. Bethesda made sad stereotypes of all the companions, love to see you giving him personality and motivation ^_^

    Eris <3 She is gorgeous!
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      That was my whole intention with writing Preston in place of Carlisle. He had too much potential as the last minuteman to keep following his (rather pathetic) role of quest doler. I hope you continue to enjoy his growth as a person.

      Eris was also something I really wanted to do. I drew some obvious parallels with Halo's Cortana and the Master Chief for this one. But she's going to be her own "person," more or less.
  5. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Damn, that's good stuff. Now that's what PA should do. Wonderful story, well told -- you managed to capture everyone's feelings and emotions very well. Even Eris, I think.

    Say did you get to see the Gerald Ford before you left town?
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      You act like I ever left. I'M STILL TRAPPED HERE. :|