Fallout 4
Fallout 4 - Time Attack

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  1. Remhac
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Disclamer! : This video is not a mod, or even a mod in the works, for I have no CK modding skills. It is just an Idea. Read on below, if you'd like.


    Quick Q&A:

    "What is this for?" This video serves as "mod concept" of sorts, a general idea. That concept being the idea of "Timed Quests". I find vanilla quest to be pretty boring by themselves. I also tend to find more caps then I know what to do with, and that's without doing a single quest. So I birth the concept of Time attack. Complete missions given by a mercenary contractor. Have rival contracted mercenaries trying to swoop in on your bounties. Your reward is dependent upon you completion time. (If other types of modes are included than maybe how the contract is done will factor in as well.)

    Rewards are in the form of Resource Points, which you can use for gear, weapons, materials or food & water. I think a "Big risk, Big reward" type of system should be in play here to get the most of a something like this. Permadeath, (How I played in the video) or loss of items come to mind. The reason I say this is because something should ultimately be pushing you towards your objective. But at the same time make you have to think and get crafty. If I have a set time, limited ammo and medic supplies, how do I get it done fast as possible without any serious losses? The time serves to put fire under your feet while death makes you think before you confront things. (Know that the Permadeath thing or item loss would be optional, some people may not like such things and should have toggle-able options.)


    "Oh, okay. But what's with the voice/dialog?" That was just for "roleplaying" purposes. I and many other NexusMods users like to share story of a characters adventures in the wasteland and beyond. So I decided to kill two stone with one bird...Wait, that's not right.

    1. I can show off my "meh" voice acting and editing skill and even include some of my music that I've made.

    2. I can show a progressing story of with my character(s).

    3. Who knows. Maybe this will inspire a future mod or something. One can only dream.


    "You ran out of fake questions, didn't you?" Yes...yes, I did.....kill me, pls.

    ...Or ask them yourself.
    1. BlueOgreSan
      • premium
      • 251 kudos
      I'm still watching the video, but after I've read your description, I gotta say that your mod concept is really interesting and would make this game feel more refreshing and challenging. Or even make it feel completely different, like an overhaul it deserves. Great brainstorming.
    2. Remhac
      • premium
      • 48 kudos

      Thank you. I think an overhaul would sound great. I plan on adding things as I go along. Fallout surely needs some more ideas.
  2. Bennzoor
    • premium
    • 202 kudos
    Gosh Darn! This is such an awesome video!!! It's so crazy how you were able to take Fallout and make into a whole different game. Love the idea and concept.
    1. Remhac
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Thank you so much.
  3. Cavalier753
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    Remhac! I haven't seen you since the glory days!

    Hey, awesome video. The concept is fresh for a Fallout game, due to the lack of any kind of timed event missions. Gave me Phantom Pain flashbacks through most of it, which is definitely not a bad thing.

    I still don't know how you were doing the binoculars bit, which I thought was pretty rad.

    1. User_44497587
      • account closed
      • 26 kudos
      These? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17819/? I think... I didnt watch the whole video but from the start I'm pretty sure he was using those.
    2. Remhac
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Hey, Cavalier. It's good to see you too. It's definitely been awhile. Thanks a bunch for the comment. I was actually inspired by TPP. Even watch a few videos before recording my voice over. Oh, I just used the prewar binocular mods here on the nexus.
    3. Remhac
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      That's correct. Thanks Harth.