Fallout 4
Out of the Icebox

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  1. McBaal
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I think the male sole survivor SCREAMS Frank Castle aka "The Punisher" showing up in the wasteland. Maybe the male Sole survivor crawls out of Vault 111 a broken man and goes on a killing spree against Raiders and everyone getting in his way to avenge his family. Maybe your characters get captured inside a Raider base only to watch the wasteland version of the Punisher to whipe out the entire base. Nick follows him to investigate who this one man army and badass killing machine is, which leads up to Valentine helping him in finding Kellogg. Via Nick their stories could cross over from time to time.
  2. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Despite of my scepticism for vanilla FO4 start (welcome to the game, where you can be literally ANYONE, Anchorage veteran in his 30-s, married and with son) it could be a very strong beginning, if playing "OhmyGodwhereamI" scenario :D
    Agree with Cormell, because I just like stories about gentlemen :D At the same time GrendelofSiealvgrund is right too, your characters are badasses and a peaceful one will probably add to the story... Lawyer Nate? :D But not the comic artist. This one is taken :D

    I believe that you'll choose the best result possible, though, and whichever Nora or Nate it will be, it will be perfect ^_^

    Good series of shots, my favorite is the vault crowd one, it looks like we're peeking at these people :)
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Fantastic shots in the ice box. Male Sole Survivor. Why? I'm just a male chauvinist pig. First chance I've had to use that term since the '60s.
  4. Heresthewolfman
    • supporter
    • 44 kudos
    Love this set. Despite initial misgivings, I've actually really grown to like the opening sequence.

    I know it's probably the odd pick, but I really like the shot of Nora's hands scraping against the floor as she scrambles out of the pod. The end shot of Nate in front of the explosion is really cool too; really nice shot and it was taken at probably the ideal moment in the animation sequence, looks like he's shielding Shaun's eyes face against his chest.

    Also I finally get to use my comment approval GIF on something cause that seems like the cool kid thing. Not quite as charming as Hugh Jackman tho.

    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      f*#@ I want one of those now. PM me how you did that because that is awesome and I need to make my own. I can only use Hugh Jackman thumbs up so many times before he gets stale.

      Was hesitant to post these, tbh. Been overdone a million times, but I just need to gauge interest to see who people want as the Sole Survivor. Also, nice seeing you again!
    2. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      Haha thanks, glad you like it.

      I just used Nvidia Geforce Experience, to record it since it's already running in the background the whole time I'm playing. Probably any video capturing program that saves the file as .mp4 would work though.

      I just used Giphy to turn it into a GIF cause I stupid. The file needs to be under 100MB for Giphy to accept it though. It has a feature to cut the clip to your liking too which made it really easy to make the loop look half decent. It's just the vanilla "Sitting, Cheering" animation otherwise.

      Thank god websites like this exist elsewise I'd never get the cool stuff.
    3. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      Oh dude. Dude. I just read all of The Survivors so far and now hot damn I'm really intrigued with where you're going to take it.

      I'm gonna say Nora should be the survivor you include. Your cast is really intriguing but it seems like the majority of named characters are total badasses, or at the very least combat capable.

      Not to play to stereotypes but since Bethesda did anyway, I lean towards Nora being the classic Fallout Speech-Check-Fixes-Everything, pseudo pacifist character, which fits especially if you play the vanilla Lawyer origin.

      Not saying she can't be badass too, but if you don't already have a character that fits that particular archetype, it may be a good addition.