Fallout 4
Making use of the 600MB of - technically free - assets

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  1. kathrynfr15
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Lmao, badass
  2. Fathomer57
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  3. Kuschel-Drow
    • supporter
    • 97 kudos
    Well... Hopefully that will make them realize how stupid it is to put all the stuff into our games prior to buying it and destroy our modded installs eachs time they do. I want to keep control over what I install and what not, and IF my Fallout folder exceeds 50GB or more, then it has to be MY choice WHY it gets that huge, and not because of some stuff added to game and being put behind pay walls, although everyone (including myself) who knows the basics of CK can make free mods out of these assets for themselves.

    As I've said many times before: They should keep their stuff untill someone decides to buy something and stop messing up our modded installs for stuff like that. -.-
  4. mk123456
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Imo there is of course truth in your statement but everyone who is able to do reverse engineer this data should remember that Bethesda did provide the data archives knowing they themselves provided already tools to make this possible as well as designing their games and engine with moddability in mind.

    It's just disrespectful, the implications you make. When somebody would use art assets from another modder who did allow them to be used and then would openly talk down on him for doing so, everyone would jump you because this is seen as outrageously non-conform.

    Suddenly the people who made this game and preserved/reinvented the whole IP/franchise and are on top of that just employees (and humans) are being approached as being some lowlifes or whatever. It just makes me sad. Was already sad to see pointed fingers over every-single-small mistake in this game or F3, but what happens now after the Creation Club went live, is really lamentable.
    1. falloutkid12
      • premium
      • 139 kudos
      I'm not talking down the creator of these assets. In fact, he or she is one of my favorite people in the world for creating a working model of one of my favorite weapons from Fallout 3 for Fallout 4. I'm also not trying to be mean to the talented people at Bethesda that brought me one of the few games I bothered to play over 1000 hours of - the designers, coders, 3D artists, voice actors, even Todd himself.

      I am, however mad at the corporate schlucks that run Zennimax/Bethesda and profit the most from the Creation Club financially. Sure, they bought out Fallout back when it was on it's last legs, saving it from the brink of death, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to give them more than what I give to the creators of the game and of the mods that I enjoy.

      The creator of the models and textures already got paid when he or she signed over the mod. The dev. team gets paid stale chips and wet tissues worth of each credit pack purchased on steam, and the rich c**** that did absolutely nothing to put the mod into the game, get paid %99.99 of the pack's value.

      I don't see the logic in paying the greedy, rich slob more than the hard workers. (whom technically already got paid when I purchased the game and its DLCs. The other got paid when they signed over the models.)
  5. Bkrp
    • BANNED
    • 18 kudos
    They're so lazy with this one they didn't even bothered to add new reload animations, they had to reuse Laser Musket ones. Deadpool2099 and Covadonga shotgun mods both add new reloading animations and these mods are free of charge.

    That being said, who do you think deserves your money?
    1. falloutkid12
      • premium
      • 139 kudos
      A LOT of people, all of which do not work at Bethesda and can be found here on the Nexus.