Fallout 4
Need Help - Feral Ghoul Missing Head Glitch

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Hey everyone,

Having some problems with my ghouls. Just loaded up a freshly installed/modded Fallout 4 with FROST, and I'm getting this. I've tried uninstalling all of my retextures that pertain to creatures (not just ghouls), and the issue still prevails.

If anyone's interested, here is my modlist: https://gyazo.com/57fb6d1c9eb73b63318002afd115b61b

Note that dD - More Blood and Bits is usually enabled. I popped it open in FO4Edit and saw that it conflicted with Frost's ghoul race, but I'm still getting the issue. Also, Pilgrim and related mods are intentionally disabled. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I've started the game with them off.

Also, I don't have the Workshop DLCs installed, as FROST cautions against it. Dunno if that could be an issue, but I thought I'd mention it.

One last thing for reference: I'm using Creepy Creatures of the Commonwealth, Crows and Critters, and Detailed Feral Ghouls for retextures. I've been letting Detailed Feral Ghouls overwrite but, as I said, it's made little difference either way.


  1. SoulFlower776
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    You got to press space my good sir, at least this is the case in my playthough.

    Mind you for you it could be another key because space is unusual key bind for the game to interact with objects but in the context of this bounty you aim at the corpse that usually your marker shows and press space, it should ''pluck'' the head from it.

    Also, I am from the future and I hope this message reaches you in time.
    1. tyr8338
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That worked! Thanks.
  2. Christopherrrivas
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    so i know what happened but not how to fix it because i caused a similar issue to my game the folder deleted all ghoul head meshes maybe there is somewhere to redownload them
  3. WebbProductionsEntertain
    • premium
    • 643 kudos
    I’m having the same problem. Although my game started having this bug after i installed the feral ghouls NV mod which brought that bug into existence as well as others. There really should be a way to fix it.
  4. deleted49413338
    • account closed
    • 79 kudos
    Old topic but was just looking for solutions to this. Unfortunately it looks like someone mentioned it could be because the npc was changed from a human or other race to Ghoul and is spawned in dead.

  5. rockbiter68
    • premium
    • 704 kudos
    No, I never did figure out what it was. The same thing was happening to me: living ghouls spawned with their heads, but the already dead ones were annoyingly missing them. I ended up completely wiping that install (for different reasons), so I have no solution for you. Sorry.
  6. lauretta
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, I know this post is kind of old, but did you ever figure out what the issue was? I'm having a similar problem where my feral ghouls are missing their head textures (I can see the meshes on mine though) after uninstalling a mod that replaced the ghouls.
    Edit: well, I'm dumb. turns out only the ghouls that had already spawned before I uninstalled my mod were the ones missing the heads. new ghouls that spawned were all fine
  7. tru3th
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    Not exactly on topic but how did you get such a lovely font my good sir?
    1. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 704 kudos

      Download Alternate Font 2. It says the ammo count is broken but it works fine with Pleasant UI. Can't speak for DEF/Vanilla.
    2. tru3th
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      thank you so much
  8. Bennzoor
    • premium
    • 202 kudos
    Have you tried grabbing the ghoul in game? I think that happens when you change the race of the npc and they spawn dead already.
    1. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 704 kudos
      I have. I tried picking up his body, wacking it with a piece of lead pipe, and even tried spawning a feral ghoul via the console. All continued to have no head. :/