![Character Creation using bodyslide Character Creation using bodyslide](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/29057900-1508742621.jpg)
About this image
Just uploaded the Character Preset for nexus!
I went into a lot of detail making this one myself including the face with looks menu in game and other mods.
(Putting this on the 5 screenshots I uploaded because I didn't know what I was doing. The First three were showing off the first build with zero sliders on body slide and a face I only messed with a little. The other two |Didn't know I could only upload 5 screenshots at a time| are my knew character that I took my time with. Body was made with body slide outside the game and face was made with looks menu inside the game. I was trying to show off the improvement. Tell me which one you guys like more.)
Once you find your preset, create a folder on your desktop named "Presets". Copy and paste your preset into the folder "Presets". 7zip the new Presets folder and upload to the nexus. If your set up to only have a manual download make sure to have a "READ ME" doc. In it, list the file path to find and add your preset manually ( Steamapps/common/Fallout4/Data/F4SE/Plugins/F4EE/Presets ). Also add a list of the mods that you used in the creation of your preset. I hope this helps you upload your preset if you wish to do so.