Fallout 4
Art of kill

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Ever wanted to sneak upon your enemy and stab them?
Try Better Locational Damage today and get a cat for free!

Jimmy: Whaaaaat? Better Locational Damage? That doesnt sound like a killmove mod!?

Zzyxzz: Yes! Thats absolutely true Jimmy! Better Locational Damage is a mod that does a lot of things and exists since Fallout 4's release! Since then the mod has been developed and updated for a long time!

Jimmy: Woaw!! Sooo old, like my dad! And why should i download this mod?

Zzyxzz: You get a cat for free and not only that! You get a complete combat overhaul, thats probably the realistic one on the whole nexus. This mod will add a lot of features to your game. Enemies can be truely killed by a headshot, except they wear a helmet. *grabs a helmet and throws it over to Jimmy* Take this Helmet Jimmy and let us demonstrate it!

Jimmy: Okay! I trust you! As i really want that cat for free! I will name him Freddy! *puts on the helmet*

*Fancy shot sounds and bling noise appear*

Zzyxzz: See Jimmy, nothing happend to you! Not a single scratch!

Jimmy: It's true! It's really true! I can't believe it!

Zzyxzz: Yes, Jimmy! But now, when we take our good old hunting, rifle with our slightly bigger .308 rounds, we will see that the helmet becomes paper.

Jimmy: What!? Really? So i can also kill people with one shot, even when they wear a helmet??

Zzyxzz: Absoluuutely, Jimmy. Good that you asked that question. Hold still, so i can demonstrate that, to our audience.

*Jimmy puts off the helmet, throws it and runs away* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!

1 comment

  1. loen999
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    "three week later, Jimmy come back with a fat man."