Fallout 4
Late Night

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Titles are hard. Here are my two main characters meeting or something.

Lex (Alexandria) was an entitled rich brat with a giant ego and a law degree before the bombs fell, and now she's just an entitled brat with a giant ego and an armory's worth of firepower. 

"Victoria" (random name given to her by Lex since she is mute and illiterate) is ghoulish, and was raised by a small roaming group of Atomites after her family was supposedly killed in a skirmish over a small cache of purified water. Completely neutral to everything, serene, zombie-like and creepy. 

Part of my current play-through. Not that I've ever actually played through a whole Bethesda game without making a new character a couple hours into said play-through.

1 comment

  1. User_19634119
    • account closed
    • 45 kudos
    Lovely ,love the milked skin . do you have texture 4 it . Thanks