Project Cyberdog Fur Pattern - Duster

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2 progress updates in 1 day, getting crazy now!

Another fur pattern option, this one is based off my cousins doberman-husky Duster that passed away a few months ago. Duster had a scar across his face and was blind in his right eye due to an accident on the farm where he lived when he was a puppy. 


  1. squaresphere
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Ah, this looks amazing.
  2. Gorebellow
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I may be odd, well I am but that's beside the point, but the transparent brain cases on cyber dogs always made me stop and wonder how bad a sunburnt brain would feel.
    1. Shadowliger
      • member
      • 532 kudos
      I know right? I guess they went with the "if it looks cool do it" attitude instead of a "practical issues that would arise" attitude. Maybe the biogel has some kind of sunblock in it?

      Either way it makes about as much sense as highlighting the brain in a glowing glass dome and wondering why people shoot there.
    2. GratuitousLurking
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      I suppose in the case of Cyberdogs it allowed easier brain swaps, considering Rex, though then again Fallout universe did kinda love it's brains in jars. I'M LOOKING AT YOU BIG MT!
    3. Shadowliger
      • member
      • 532 kudos
      Fallout 3 Point Lookout also had its notable brain-in-jar character. I think its just one of those retro-futuristic 1950's tropes that goes along with the series.
  3. lunokakto
    • premium
    • 108 kudos
    Neato!! :D