File information

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Original upload

Created by

Black Magic

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Safe to use

About this mod

Save file at 99 happiness

Permissions and credits
So yeah, im probably like the 1000000th guy to upload something like this, but its Jamaica Plain, 19 followers @ 99%. Be warned, this save file has had the "drop guns then store in workshop" exploit used, so if you have a weak system, DO NOT USE THIS FILE.

The only mods that i can think of as "critical" to get this thing to work are CBBE, Azar's Ponytails, and Rad-Ban Eyewear, although they mainly only affect aesthetics and should not be needed if you dont mind playing a bald vanilla girl for a few minutes. (sidenote, Armorsmith is installed but none of its features are in use, as im wearing a Vaultsuit with Combat Armor.)

How to use:
Extract the file to "C:/Users/[user]/My Documents/My Games/Fallout 4/Saves", or (in win7) open explorer, click my documents, then my games, then fallout 4 and extract to Saves folder

Open Fallout 4 and hit the "Show all save files" key/button

Load up my save

Sit at the picnic table and wait for 24 hrs

Congratulations, cheater. You just got into the 2% club.

(One thing: I would very much appreciate it if you did NOT facerip my character. I wont do anything if you do, but please, just don't. She mine mkay?)