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About this mod

This save comes in a male and female variant, and a power armor and no power armor variant. - Both have the same locations unlocked once you exit the vault. For people who don't wanna find the settlements themselves or are lazy like myself.

Permissions and credits

Nate - All specials set to 5, default look.


Nora - All specials set to 5, default look.

------------------- Both saves have 2 options, one that starts with a power armor frame in front of you with a 100% core, and one that does not. The frame comes with no armor, just the frame and a core.
------------------- Both saves, no matter if power armor or not, have a few key locations like the General Automics Factory (for the DLC if you wanna skip to it) and Fort Hagen, as well as Fenn ST Sewer.

Also some popular settlement locations are unlocked by default once you leave the vault. - Red Rocket, Starlight, Egret Tours, Castle, Zimonja, Country Crossing, Abernathy, Finch Farm, Warwick Island (not Spectacle Island though, just didn't feel like it.) Croup Manor, Kingsport, Some other places I may have missed are also unlocked, feels like I am forgetting about 3 or so.. but whatever.

This save was made using console commands and NO MODS INSTALLED, for maximum compatibility. No quests completed. Never even left the vault yet.

------------------------------- There is one strange minor issue - The power armor in the power armor saves sometimes spawns with armor or it, but when you activate or enter it, the armor disappears and shows what the armor is actually like - Naked. I'm not sure why this happens, but it might irritate some people that make a new game, but I can assure you, the armor is bare.