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About this mod

Adds a craftable misc item that counts as one of every component in the game, so you can easily tag whatever components you're low on manually.

Permissions and credits
Scrapbook - Manual Component Tagging & All-in-One Scrapping!

The Problem
If you're like me, you may have had some trouble with the way component tagging works in the crafting menus. Particularly the way you can only tag components if they're insufficient for the recipe you're working on and sometimes you can be stuck in a loop because one recipe has enough of component A and not B while the other has enough of B and not of A and the game won't let you tag both because it'll detag what you have enough of before you can tag what you don't have enough of! Ugh...

Well, no more!

The Thing!
I created a new misc item, the 'Scrapbook'. It looks like a confidential file folder but there's something weird awesome about it. It's scrapping information treats it as being one of every component in the game! One of the cool parts is that if you don't particularly want the Scrapbook any more, it can be scrapped into one of every component in the game! It costs 250 caps at the Chemistry Station though so it may be a bit pricey for the early game, but a worthwhile investment for the mid and endgame. The Scrapbook is worthless to vendors but it weighs nothing so you can carry it around without problems, well, until you start crafting anyway.

How the Thing Works
Whether you knew this already, but if you go into your Pip-boy's INV > Junk tab, there's a button you can press to go into 'Component View' (C button for Vanilla PC users), instead of showing your junk items with a list of components it contains, Component View reverses it so that it lists your Components first and then what junk items they belong to. In this view you can manually tag each and any components you're actively looking for, but only if you actually have the junk/component in your possession... Well that's helpful not! And why isn't this on the crafting UI anyway?

The good thing is that because the Scrapbook counts as every component, you'll have a complete list to work with and finally be able to tag and untag any component you see fit!

But where do I get the Thing?
You can get the Scrapbook from the Chemistry Station under 'Utility', it costs 250 caps, so while it's not free, it's cheaper and quicker than the alternatives. My advice is to go into Component view and manually update your tags before doing any crafting so you don't accidentally use up your Scrapbook in the crafting process. Because the Scrapbook CAN be scrapped into one of every component, it's necessary for it to cost 250 caps at least to balance things out; perhaps you can use them to get those last few rare materials for whatever mod/workshop building you're after eh?

But what happens if this mod ruins my life gives me problems, who do I call?
Don't call Ghostbusters, just leave a comment or bug report if you think this mod is doing something it shouldn't and I'll give it a once over. If you think there's something you want to see added (that doesn't include scripting or modelling, or bending the laws of space and time), give me a suggestion or two. This is my first mod so I'm sure I f***ed up somewhere, but there's always room to improve!