Has it ever bugged you that NPCs can shoot at you forever and never run out of ammo?
This mod aims to change that!
After installing this mod all NPCs that aren't listed below will use (and potentially run out of) ammo during fights
> Companions - Danse, Codsworth etc
> Certain Storyline NPCs (No spoilers here boss)
> Prewar Robots (Mr. Gutsy, Assaultron etc)
> Turrets
This mod will affect enemies spawned via various mods that add in extra NPCs or randomly spawned NPCs.
The end result:
The result of using this mod will be that ammo is generally rarer and more valuable.
It also means that the Scrounger perk actually means something now.
If this mod proves to be popular, I'll make a similar one for Robots, Turrets, etc
This mod shouldn't conflict with any other mods. I've specifically made the minimum number of edits to avoid conflicts with other mods.