About this mod
Just a quick little ambient radio version of the song for extra immersion.
- Permissions and credits
So, yeah that's the "mod" (just an audio file doesn't deserve to be called a mod :p ). Nice little reverb action going on there. Immersive wind and crickets action, for ultimate immersion. Because immersion is important everywhere even on the main menu.
This goes very well with the Immersive Main Menu mod here on the nexus. So I recommend checking that out. And if the mod author would like to add this as an optional file to theirs (or modify it because mine isn't that great) that would be fine by me c;
1. Drag the Music folder included in the mod to your Fallout4/Data folder.
2. That's it /:
If you are using a mod manager such as Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer
make sure to load this after any other file that would replace the main menu's music.
Don't see why you'd try to run two at the same time, but just make sure :P
Should be compatible with anything and everything.
No esp to be worried about, just a simple file replacer.