File information
Created by
registrator2000Uploaded by
registrator2000Virus scan
- Fixed an issue where loading a mod that uses HUDFramework above HUDFramework in load order (i.e. ESM mods) would cause other widgets to stop working.
- Resolved a race condition that could happen if HUDFramework is installed at the same time as a mod using the framework, and the mod attempts to use HUDFramework functionality before it is fully initialized.
- Fixed issue where messages in the string message queue would be sent in reverse order.
- Fixed issue where messages in the string message queue would not dispatch in menu mode.
- Widgets are now notified when they are unloaded.
- Fixed an issue whereby if the compass is resized, widgets would appear too large or too small when in Power Armor.
- Fixed an issue where widgets would not appear when loading a game in Power Armor.
- Fixed an issue with Eval where if evaluating three or more expressions in quick succession, only the first and last are evaluated.
- Fixed an issue where SendMessageString was accepting a widget's friendly-name instead of its identifier as the first parameter.
- Add "data" object to VM root as a general-purpose data store for mods utilizing the Eval function.
- Add getHUD() function for widgets to obtain a reference to HUDMenu root. (AS3)
The mod can be updated in-place by installing the new version over the old one. No special update steps are necessary. -
LockedStickyMods using HUDFramework:
HoloTime - HUD Clock Widget by registrator2000
Companion Status HUD by registrator2000
Immersive HUD (iHUD) by Gopher
Survival stats widget by Neanka
Explosives widget by Neanka
AmmoTweaks - A Weapon Overhaul by isathar (ammo type and weapon condition widget)
Ammo count widget by Neanka
PA stats widget by Neanka
Wasteland Energy Shields by neotropic
Power Armor HUD (paHUD) by Gopher
Buffs panel widget by Neanka
Vault-Tec Accelerated Focus System (VAFS) by Ashnal (crit meter)
Transfer Settlements - Shareable Settlement Blueprints by CDante (video)
Sim Settlements by kinggath
Vault Time - HUD Clock (Tranquility Lane) by Bwones
Upcoming mods using HUDFramework to watch out for:
Gas mask status and visor overlays for Fallout 2287 - Gas Masks of the Wasteland by D1v1ne122, Scrivener07, and team. -
I have FallUI-HUD and HUD Framework both installed, they are completely compatible for me.
Hey can you share how you make it work? I used the Auto patcher but my FallUI-HUD still not working
Edit: Nvm I just remove both mod from MO2 then re-download and re-install HUDFramework first then FallUI-HUD second, then problem fix. For those who get problem HUDmenu.swf are not found in FallUI-HUD MCM Layout menu you can try this. -
use NMM ...
Are you really telling someone to use Vortex over MO2? I must be dreaming.
SanityFlippers Its a outdated and even creators won't recommend it. They even hid it NMM
@RedWidow93 No they aren't they are saying use NMM which is outdated and shitty. Vortex is perfectly okay to use though, don't gatekeep and throw shade just because someone likes Vortex. That's some reddit s#*!
Can someone help me please? I have no idea on how to make this work.
Safe to remove this midgame?
I realized I have this mod installed even though I no longer use any mod that utilizes it, since I migrated from DEF_UI and other sorting mods to FallUI series. Which doesn't use this mod. So the mod is just standing there... menacingly. -
can't use the auto-patcher at all it says I don't have Java when I do can someone help
Sorry wrong thread.
i have text saying hudframework int complete
this is a text notification
on my screen at all times -
Guys I'm losing sanity. I swear this mod or something like it allowed me to edit the hudmenu.swf file so i could custom tailor my U.I. I don't thing Gopher's lets you edit the swf file, and I don't remember having to deal with any papyrus scripts when I last had the mod. Does anyone remember which one it was that let you edit that SWF file out of the box?
Any one claiming this needs to be updated is wrong.
If you encounter crashes that would be a clearcut user-error.Example: If you want to use Fall-UI you need to use the HUD--F autopatcher. Both edit the HUDMenu.swf, you can not have 2 mods editing the same file. Basic mod using knowledge. No update for HUD-F would fix user-errors. It does NOT need an update.
In an ideal world FALL-UI wouldoffer that patch themselves. or even better be compatible with HUD-F.Blame them.The framework HUD-F offers has been created by reg2k to avoid this exact issue. (enabling a method so multiple mods can add changes to the HUD, which is simply brilliant)
And yes those wondering, current version of this mod is compatible with NG and mods like Transfer Settlements which rely on HUD-F
(TS teammember here, and i encounter a lot of false claims HUD-F breaks stuff, it does NOT)
Apparently Fall-UI is compatible, see viruskiller82`s reply below.
People having issues still comes down to user-error. HUD Framework does not need to be updated.-
Hi- just want to confirm I am doing this correct. I think I need to download transfer settlements since I am using 4est misc installer that has Finch Farm by wasteland project, and the finch farm has requirements for hudframework and transfer settlements- So from these files- do I only need the auto-patcher? Not the main file? And I will have to download Java 8 and I'm not sure what the RABCDASM is. I do use the FallUI suite and M8r complex sorter.
I am not familiar with a that 4est misc installer you mention. But that is besides the point.
It comes down to you having Fall-UI and needing HUD Framework to use with Transfer Settlements.
Yes, you will need the HUD-F main file.Instructions for the Autopatcher are included in its download. I do not see anything calling for RABCDASM, but JAVA 8 is required.
RABCDASM Robust ActionScript Bytecode [Dis-]Assembler
Nope, you won't need that to make a basic patch. It is the tool reg2k used to create the autopatcher.
/edit 2
Apparently Fall-UI is compatible with HUD Framework, see viruskiller82`s reply below. -
You are wrong as stated by m8r98a4f2 creator of FALLUI - HUD
"24 May 2022, 12:25AM
Have you read the mod page before, you had saved yourself a lot of trouble.
FallUI HUD is already HUDFramework-ready. It works out-of-the-box if installed
as described on the mod page. Simply don't use the auto-patcher with
FallUI HUD - it will destroy the already existing HUDFramework
structure. Install it after HF and make sure nothing overwrites FallUI
HUD." -
I stand corrected if FallUI HUD is already HUDFramework-ready. Sorry about that. I indeed have never used Fall-UI, and i do not have time to read every modpage i do not use myself. I was misguided by the countless number of people using Fall-UI claiming HUD-F is broken, which simply is not true.
But if it is HUDFramework-ready like you say, all users having issues combining Fall-UI and HUD-F still are wrong. HUD Framework does NOT need an update. I'll edit my post above to reflect what you said. -
TY for this.
thank you!
Broken for NG it causes CTD. Tested with 100+ mods.
Will this be updated for next gen?
probably not, it hasn't been updated since 2017
If it really needed to be updated to function and yet Sim Settlements 2 still lists it as a requirement, don't you suppose that the author of Sim Settlements 2 would have removed that requirement or found a way around it?
Far more likely is that you have some conflict with another mod(s) rather than the base game. -
Guess what, any author, for any reason -- or none, can list it as a requirement, likewise just forgot about it.
Also says "Soft requirement - to get access to UI features", as in it's not really a requirement. And the mod can be played without it, and if Hud-Framework broke, and it did, people might not have noticed. -
The Author has updated 3 of their mods in the past 30 days for this game I don't see why they would overlook a mod as important as this one.
Shouldn't need to be updated as it's not dependent on F4SE.
Thanks for your opinions, just wondering if you are saying that Transfer Settlements and Sim Settlements 2 are both working with this mod in it's present state? I haven't loaded up Fallout 4 since before the latest Bethesda drama bomb.
Thanks for your thoughts.