About this mod
The future is here, and it is full of vibrant color! This adds 256 Standalone Hair Colors for you to pick from all at once in a single ESP file. Standard, Darkened, Black, and Dark Brown Eye Brow colors are available. Huge Update: Added 256 More Standalone Hair Colors and put them all into a single ESP file! 512 IS HERE!!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Mandarin
- Donations
Also... THIS MOD REQUIRES LOOKSMENU v1.2.0 or above AND FALLOUT 4 SCRIPT EXTENDER (F4SE) 1.8.7 or above TO FUNCTION PROPERLY!!... probably important.
****If you updated Fallout 4, you will be required to update LooksMenu and F4SE before this mod works right. Make sure they are the correct versions and everything Fallout 4, F4SE, and LooksMenu works together.****
There is something for everyone in here, no matter if you like your hair colors excessively vibrant, multicolored, highlighted, or just normal looking. I got you covered.
Guess I will do my normal shtick now… *clears throat*
Do you like having a large variety of options available to you in game without having to swap out ESP files or texture pallets?
Do you like my other hair color mod “Standalone Epic Hair Colors (160 and Counting)”?
Do you want it all? Do you want it now (plus more)? IT IS HERE!!!
I bring to you a massive hair color compendium “256 Standalone Hair Colors (1 ESP)”!!!
Thanks to cormell for providing these pictures.
These are a few examples, a download of his work will be available in the Downloads area for those interested,

Best One of All!!! HOT FILES!!!
(Thank You!! This is what I was striving for ever since I first downlaoded and began to teach myself FO4Edit in Dec of 2015! I still largely prefer it over the CK...)

*****This mod REQUIRES this: LooksMenu version 1.2.0, Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) 1.8.7, and Fallout 4 version 1.8.7.*****
Each of these hair colors are textured and at a higher quality than the vanilla hair color textures.
I will not be uploading a picture of each of the 256 hair colors, a lot of the individual pictures can actually be found in the above link to my other hair color mod, if you want to take a look.
All of these hair colors I got from actual textures in Fallout 4, Skyrim, or pictures that I found on google.
I am going to mark this as a Modders Resource due to it being easy to follow, and all of the textures can be easily opened in Photoshop or Paint.Net.
I will include texture replacer files so that those of you that want Black, Darkened, or Dark Brown Eye Brows and Facial Hair can of course have that if you want it. (I know a lot about hair colors and what players want from all the requests I have done on my other hair color mod.)
If you are a Modder with other textured hair colors and either cannot figure out how this works, or are too busy with other mods to bother, give me a PM by all means and tell me what hair colors from your mod you would like added to this and I will be happy to make infusion patches for you and the good people of Nexus Mods.
IMPORTANT!!! Q: What if I have one of the Standalone Epic Hair Colors or another hair color mod that works with only having 10 standalone colors per esp file? Would it work with that? What should I do?
A: It will work with that also, but I do have a suggestion… If you have Nuka World DLC they ninja’d in a Hair Color Pallet with that and some of the enemies are supposed to have those hair colors and you have access to them after the Vault 111 Quest is over, I recommend reacquiring that pallet as this mod does not have those colors in it (on purpose) and it will work with that pallet.
Suggested Places to reacquire that Hair Color pallet: Standalone Epic Hair Colors (R-EHC Standalone Pack 16 under Files) by Myself or Gimme Dat Nuka Hair by Pthalo.
Q: Does this work with LooksMenu Customization Compendium?
A: Yes it does!
Q: Does this work with Extended Hair Colors?
A: Yes it does!
Q: The Texture Replacers…?
A: All they do is change the color of both your character’s eye brows and facial hair (if you are male with facial hair), the hair color will remain the same.
Q: Can anything be done about the order they are appearing in?
A: Nothing yet sadly, if something comes about I will work my best to try to bring some order to this massive list as it can be difficult to find what you are looking for.
Q: Can you please post all the pictures of the hair colors?
A: I feel like part of the experience/excitement now that it is all in a single ESP file is to look through them yourself in game. If you are familiar with my other Hair Color mod listed above, 97-98% of those colors made it into this mod (of course the ones that I got the most requests for made it).
Q: What about frosty (or other colored) tips?
A: The tips I haven't figured out yet, but I am getting closer, if I do figure them out I will release it as an infusion update with this mod. Meaning it will have another ESP file, I want to keep the origonal 256 together.
Q: I do not have the requirements, can you make this for those of us without the requirements?
A: Unfortunately that is impossible to do with how the game works, outside of this method. If you do want a bunch of different hair colors to pick from that does not require LooksMenu or F4SE I suggest looking at my other hair color mod listed and linked above. 160 colors in that mod, but only 10 per ESP (at a time).
Extended Hair Colors for LooksMenu by expired6978
(I used this as a base model for making this mod, I did have to alter several things, but it was a great learning tool and contains 16 very nice standalone hair colors that all will work with this mod as well.)
Looks Mirror by expired6978
(Fast and easy way to alter your appearance at any settlement.)
Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar v2.0 by azarkiowa
(Excellent Hair Styles that work perfectly with any and all hair color mods.)
I recommend using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) then activate the ESP file (Plugin).
If you do not use the NMM, then copy and paste the content from the mods Data folder into the Games Data folder and activate the ESP file.
If you want to use a Texture Replacer either use Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) and choose to replace all the textures it brings up with the new ones you just downloaded. There is no ESP file with these. If you do not use NMM just drag and drop the Data Folder in the Texture Replacer Pack to the Data folder in the Game and click replace all when prompted.
Bethesda for Fallout 4, Skyrim, and the Textures from Both
The Makers of FO4Edit
The Makers of Paint.Net
The Makers of NotePad++
All of the random people that posted pictures on google that I used for this mod.
Expired6978 for LooksMenu and Extended Hair Colors
Cormell for providing all the pictures that I will be redecorating this mod with. There will be an optional download as well.
Omega2008 has created 256 alternative colors that go with this mod check them out... Here. This mods main file is required for these to work.
This mod was made by myself using Paint.Net, FO4Edit and NotePad++.
There is something for everyone here, no matter your preference!
May your character’s unique colors shine through!
***I just added the donation function, this is of course optional, and any little bit helps. Thank You.***
I have turned off the verification for pictures, please go crazy and post as many as you please. I just request that you don’t include nudity in your pictures (I will delete them if you do). I really enjoy looking at your pictures.
Please Enjoy as Always!