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Tags for this mod
- Gameplay
- Lore-Friendly
- Fair and balanced
- English
- Russian
- Terrain
- Tutorials for Players
- User Interface
- Utilities for Modders
- Items - Furniture
- Locations - Player-Owned
- NPC Vendors
- Items - Clutter
- Overhaul
- Settlement
- Xbox One version available
- Sim Settlements
- Sim Settlements: City Plan
Current section
About this mod
Settlers should build their own damn houses (and farms, and shops, and...), you've got a Commonwealth to explore!
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
- Console modding permission The author uploaded this mod to and it is available for console users
Author notes
If you're building add-on packs that require this mod as a parent, you obviously don't have to credit me - it's pretty much implied.
File credits
mm137 for Craftable Cats
RetroBabe and femshepping for Oriental and Modern rug designs
David J Cobb and Chesko for the Rotation and Vector LibrariesDonation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Spanish
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Russian Author:Slimer91 Sim Settlements (RU) 4.2.9b Italian Author:samyesu Sim Settlements ---- traduzione italiana Portuguese Author:MeuDiaKasual Sim Settlement - Brazilian Portuguese Translation Mandarin Author:ShrimpBallin Sim Settlements - Chinese 4.2.9b French Author:McGuffin Sim Settlements - French Spanish Author:nexusernesto Sim Settlements Three-in-One -Spanish- German Author:darksoon Sim Settlements Three-in-One - German Translation 4.2.9 German Author:MAbutix Sim Settlement - German Translation Portuguese Author:Nadex Sim Settlements v4.1.1 Translation Portuguese PT-BR Russian Author:Mi4ok Sim Settlements - RU Spanish Author:mosqui Sim Settlements esp Other Author:aatest123 Sim Settlements - Chinese - Mirrors
- Changelogs
Version 1.1.7
- Going forward, all patch notes can be found here:
Version 1.1.6
- - Fixed another case where settlers could be flagged as having a job when they didn’t.
- Fixed a bug where the happiness meter would stay at zero, even if the happiness was fine in workshop mode.
- Dogs/Brahmin should no longer appear jobless in ASAM Vision.
- Automatron robots will no longer take over residential plots.
- Robots will no longer show up as homeless in ASAM Vision.
- Settlers can now be assigned to vanilla work objects along with Residential plots in either order. If residential plots are assigned before vanilla objects, there will still be a brief 10 second period where the NPC is unassigned from their residential plot.
- Added Architect’s TSquare. This is a new tool that can crafted in the Chemistry Station under Utility. This changes the plot activation options to allow you to cycle through the building plans for that plot type, it will display the name of the building plan in the corner. Doing so will reset the plot to level 1. It is the preferred method of altering the building plan, as opposed to the previous method of picking up the plot in workshop mode and choosing the middle option.
- - Fixed another case where settlers could be flagged as having a job when they didn’t.
Version 1.1.5a
- - Find Owner tracking quest will now be cleared if an NPC moves to another settlement, is killed, or is assigned to a new plot.
- Fixed issue with ASAM Vision where a settler could still be flagged as being employed even though they didn’t have a job yet.
- Settlers can once again be assigned to a vanilla/mod added job after being assigned to a residential plot.
- - Find Owner tracking quest will now be cleared if an NPC moves to another settlement, is killed, or is assigned to a new plot.
Version 1.1.5
- - Fixed several random objects that were being moved by Sim Settlements (thanks Creation Kit -.- ).
- Fixed messages at the bottom of the holotape that print out when Auto Close Doors was toggled so the messages now match what is actually happening.
- Spotlights, dogs, and your current companion will no longer be detected as homeless/jobless by ASAM Vision.
- ASAM Vision will now be turned off if you toggle it while outside of a settlement. You will still get the warning message, but can be confident it turned off.
- Tax day for zero dollars will no longer trigger before the holotape is found.
If an Addon Pack is removed, plots using the Addon will be reset and assigned a new building plan the first time you visit each settlement.
- Staggered object update code when the player arrives in/leaves a settlement. This should reduce the likelihood of CTDs on Xbox and older PCs when fast traveling to/from a settlement that has a large number of plots.
- All Industrial jobs will now have the scavenger icon, this also means they get the bizarre default behavior of spending a lot of their time wandering around your settlement with gun drawn. Existing buildings will need be refreshed with the Immersion Breaker Breaker or the NPC re-assigned to correct the icon.
- Switched all beds used by the default Sim Settlements houses so they each count as exactly one bed. Any plots with an incorrect bed count will need to be refreshed (with the IBB or new holotape tool mentioned below).
- Added maintenance quest that will help to alleviate issues caused by various script lag.
- Replaced hammer construction markers with wrench and torch animations. The loud sounds of the hammering defeated the purpose of keeping building sounds to a very short radius.
- Added new holotape Tool to “Refresh Local Plots” - which will apply the Immersion Breaker Breaker effect to all the plots in the current settlement.
- Mod version upgrade message should now work on Xbox.
- Altered the way assignment is tracked, this should reduce the likelihood of NPCs stealing each other’s plots.
- - Fixed several random objects that were being moved by Sim Settlements (thanks Creation Kit -.- ).
Version 1.1.4
- - Fixed a bug that could be caused by a plot being deleted by a third party script (from outside Sim Settlements) without firing the appropriate events.
- Added maintenance script that will periodically scrub the auto-assignment queue of bad data to prevent that bug from occurring again in the future.
- All beds should correctly count as one bed now.
- - Fixed a bug that could be caused by a plot being deleted by a third party script (from outside Sim Settlements) without firing the appropriate events.
Version 1.1.3
- - Fixed issue where a Town Meeting could get stuck a fade to black for a very long time for some users.
- Fixed issue where ASAM Vision could quit working if you used it outside of a settlement.
- Improved plot initialization code (thanks cdante!), this should reduce occurrences of plots getting stuck due to backed up workshop scripts.
- Settlers will no longer be re-assigned back to plots after being moved to a new settlement.
- ASAM Sensor and ASAM Vision Switch recipes are automatically unlocked when the holotape is loaded. This was done because the global that controls this is being reset for some users for an unknown reason.
- Agricultural Plots should no longer bug out and require power. Any that currently require power can be fixed with the Immersion Breaker Breaker.
- Agricultural Plots should no longer lose their food count when viewed in Workshop mode. For plots that already have this issue, the Immersion Breaker Breaker will now correct it.
- Added Notification Settings option to convert messages to pop-ups.
- Plot doors will now close themselves. This only applies to doors created after this patch. Using the Immersion Breaker Breaker on a plot will register its doors with the autoclose system.
- Added Auto Door Closing controls to holotape.
- - Fixed issue where a Town Meeting could get stuck a fade to black for a very long time for some users.
Version 1.1.2
- - “Can't spawn object” messages moved to the trace log instead of printing to the screen.
- Added Town Meeting ability which brings all settlers directly to you after a short fade out. The settlers then follow you for about 30 seconds. The Town Meeting can be started in the holotape or with an object called the Town Meeting Gavel which can be crafted at the Chemistry Workbench.
- Added ASAM Vision ability which highlights settlers that need homes or jobs. You can cycle through the versions of this in the holotape or with an object called the ASAM Vision Switch which can be crafted at the Chemistry Workbench.
- Settlers assigned to only a residential plot will no longer be flagged as having a job. This should make Sim Settlements work better with Settlement Management Software (unconfirmed). Note that settlers assigned to residential plots prior to this patch are flagged as having a job still - only new assignments will correct this issue.
- Modified the way building models are handled to help prevent future “double-buildings” from occurring (where a new building model seems to start growing on a plot that already has one).
- Added Tools menu to the holotape. Citizen Needs and Start Self Destruct Sequence can now be found there. As well as a toggle for ASAM Vision, and an option to Call Town Meeting.
- Updated Help menu in the holotape. The names should now match what are actually in the holotape.
- Added Citizen Needs Requirement toggle to holotape. This will allow upgrades to happen even if settler needs aren’t met. This will allow different gameplay styles such as using some settlements as farm hubs to supply food for the others, or playing with low defense to encourage raids. Better options for those play styles will be coming in future updates, but this is an immediate means of enabling that playstyle without having to sacrifice Sim Settlement upgrades. Note: Taxes still require that all needs are met regardless of this setting.
- The Immersion Breaker Breaker should now be much better at cleaning up leftover objects if you experience random bugs with spawn objects or if you uninstall an AddOn pack which had generated one of your buildings.
- - “Can't spawn object” messages moved to the trace log instead of printing to the screen.
Version 1.1.1
- - Fixed light alignment of level 2 Trailer Trash building plan so it works with 2x2 plots.
- Immersion Breaker Breaker will now correctly work with 2x2 plots.
- Removed hose from L3 farm plot as it doesn’t work with all plot sizes, may add it back in the future when I find a way to deal with the post being in a different place on each plot size.
- Concrete plots now have a proper sound effect when placing them.
- Fixed front left corner collision so that floor tiles can be snapped there.
- Changed farm collision so that the very front of the plot is open for settlers to be able to walk on. This should also help with snapping.
- Special effects for demolition can be turned off in the holotape, will make it easier for re-placing plots as you won’t have to wait for the debris to de-spawn.
- NPCs will now be fully cleared from animation marks of a plot after they are re-assigned. Previously, someone else would need to be assigned to the plot in order to change ownership of the markers. So you could end up with a shopkeeper that would come use the farming animation markers even after they were unassigned from an agricultural plot.
- Random reassignment should no longer occur from the mod. Third party mods can still override assignments - but Sim Settlements will no longer compete with itself.
- Settlers will no longer be able to own vanilla work and Sim Settlements jobs (they can still own a home plus vanilla work). To fix existing multiple assignment issues, store the vanilla object in the workshop and place it again.
- Fixed navigation in level 1 Clothing Store so that the settler will actually man the shop. Will require using the Immersion Breaker Breaker to update existing.
- Fixed issue where some settlers would stop qualifying for auto-assignment.
- Fixed the Sim Settlement sound effects - turns out you guys couldn’t hear what I heard!
- - Fixed light alignment of level 2 Trailer Trash building plan so it works with 2x2 plots.
Version 1.1.0
- -Made changes to the plot counting code to prep for additional plot types.
-Re-designed data storage to expand possibilities for future updates. This will also improve the code that controls taxes and commercial property requirements.
This requires a short install period when you first load your game to migrate to the new storage. It is a non-destructive process so you can still roll back your save or mod version without issue.
-Replaced all vanilla furniture markers that are spawned by Plots with Sim Settlements versions, this should resolve the issue with many farmers and industrial scavengers seeming to just stand around. (Use the Immersion Breaker Breaker on existing plots).
-Sim Settlements crops should now all be manually harvestable every so often.
-Plots were increased in size by about 10% so they match with the game’s existing objects. Your previously placed plots are still the former size.
-New 2x2 plots with foundations have many more snap points and the arrow indicator is more easily visible.
-Added Other category to Commercial for AddOn packs to make use of for custom shops.
-The Holotape (and some sensors) can now be found in two additional locations around the Commonwealth.
-Added toggle for Crash Watch in the Notifications section of the holotape.
- -Made changes to the plot counting code to prep for additional plot types.
Version 1.0.6
- Fixed issue where plots created before patch 1.0.4 could get stuck after you demo the building.
The building will start constructing again after about 15 seconds unless you’ve modified the building material delay holotape option.
Prepped building plans to support new industrial buildings.
Added support for expansion esps.
Moved residential power connect point to a new spot to make it much less likely it gets covered by a building model.
Robots are no longer counted in upgrade calculations. This means they no longer are added to the food and water requirement but also don’t count towards the Commercial population requirement.
Changed plot furniture marker code to help encourage AI to stay at their posts during work hours. Requires a Force Update with the Immersion Breaker Breaker on all plots you want to fix this issue for.
Added option to show HUD meters only in workshop mode. This can be tricky as there is a queued delay in HUDFramework which can cause this to fail sometimes.
Added scaling options to HUD meters of 100% (default), 75% of default, and 50% of default.
Added basic positioning options to HUD meters: Left, Indented Left, Right, Indented Right, Top, Middle, Bottom.
Leftover crops will now be scappable when the Sim Settlements Helper mod is installed.
Added buffer system to CrashWatch code to further reduce false positives caused by Sleeping/Waiting/Fast Travel.
Added Citizen Needs option to holotape which will show the needs of the current settlement in percent when selected. Meant for players who don’t have HUDFramework or can’t get it working.
- Fixed issue where plots created before patch 1.0.4 could get stuck after you demo the building.
Version 1.0.5
- Fixed issue with Auto Assign Unique NPCs option preventing manual assignment as well.
- Added holotape option to destroy all plots in the game to make uninstall simpler. Takes about 3 minutes to run, you will receive a pop-up on completion.
Version 1.0.4
- - Added a delay before building materials appear so users can snap plots in place without fighting the collision of those.
- Redesigned holotape options, dropped lore friendliness in favor of clear names.
- Holotape options now refresh screen instead of displaying lore friendly explanation, this will make the holotape feel a little more responsive.
- Building Material Delay can now be configured in the holotape.
- Commercial requirement can now be set to homes or population instead of both as it was in the initial release.
- Added multiple Auto-Assignment controls to the holotape to allow fine-tune control over which settlers are assigned to plots.
- Activating terminals created by Sim Settlements will no longer make the settlers hostile.
Certain NPCs not meant to be assignable, such as the Minuteman Radio Operator, will no longer be auto-assigned.
- Dead Settlers should no longer be assigned to plots.
- NPCs should do better at dual assignment between Residential Plots and vanilla/mod added work objects.
- - Added a delay before building materials appear so users can snap plots in place without fighting the collision of those.
Version 1.0.3
- Improves Crash Monitor to cause less false positives.
- Improved demolitions! Thanks veteran_gamer!
- Preps your game to work with external Addon packs created by the Builder's Toolkit
Version 1.0.2a
- Adds another way to detect the Dead Plot bug in the background, will display to you the same way the other did as described here:
This is an optional update, though if you think you have the bug and never received the crash prompt, it's worth downloading.
- Adds another way to detect the Dead Plot bug in the background, will display to you the same way the other did as described here:
Version 1.0.2
- Fixes a game-breaking bug. See for details.
Version 1.0.1
- - Removed several worldspace edits the CK decided to save.
- Child settlers are no longer assignable to plots. Presently, if they are assigned to any item that doesn’t have “Child Can Use” flagged causes them to get stuck, and since Sim Settlements assigns to all sub objects created by a plot, I don’t want to risk “breaking” those child settlers.
- Robots no longer require food, water, and homes in the Sim Settlement calculations.
- Robots are no longer assignable to residential plots. They don’t need them! This may become an optional feature in the future.
- Made changes to the message system to reduce the likelihood building upgrades are reported from the wrong settlement.
- Added Personal Inspections to holotape Zoning Laws. This will allow your buildings to continue upgrading even if you haven’t had a chance to see them in their current state.
- Fixed issue where buildings could upgrade the second you arrive at a settlement before you got a chance to see their current level.
- Tax Rate now correctly displays on plot. The rate displayed is the caps/tax period.
- Negative water rates will now show correctly as whole numbers on the HUD.
- - Removed several worldspace edits the CK decided to save.
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Now Available: Rise of the Commonwealth Expansion Pack!
Now Available: Industrial Revolution Expansion Pack!
Head to for more details, and contacting kinggath to talk about the mod!
Now Available: Industrial Revolution Expansion Pack!
Head to for more details, and contacting kinggath to talk about the mod!
TLDR: Allows you to build zone objects that tell the settlers what type of buildings to create in different areas of your settlement and they will do so. Includes a progression system, a more interesting settler needs system, and rewards to help settlements matter more.
This mod aims to completely change the way you think about settlements. You'll now be able to create detailed, living places with minimal effort.
The ultimate goal: making every settlement a unique and awesome looking Fallout city, with perks and rewards that help you at every stage of the game.
Watch this Quick Start video before playing to learn how the mod starts and the basics on how to use it!
I'll be releasing several videos related to the mod each week, covering things like usage, future changes, and patch notes. There are already a ton of videos describing a lot of details on how the mod works if you want to learn some of the nitty-gritty!
Subscribe to my channel on Youtube: to be notified when new content is released!
The Why
One of the biggest problems with Fallout 4, is just how disconnected the Settlement system feels from the rest of the game. Settlements lack that Bethesda game feel of exploration and progression, and so there's not much incentive to actually use the system.
It also feels bizarre that you have to micromanage all these people, and personally plant seeds and decide where people sleep - you're their leader, not their mother! You're supplying these people with security and tons of resources, why can't they kick in and help out with building up the city?
The How
In version 1.0, this mod adds the start of that vision by allowing you to place down zones (ala Sim City) that will make your settlers create buildings of the appropriate type in that zone. It includes a series of systems to help bring your settlements to life, and make them more dynamic and interesting to engage with.
- Buildings are chosen at random and filled with random things depending on how you zoned an area. Using the basic types of Agricultural (farms), Commercial (stores), Industrial (factories), and Residential (homes) - you create a basic outline for your settlement using the workshop system and the settlers will handle the rest. Version 1.0 includes a large selection of buildings with even more on the way!
- Every building has multiple levels of upgrades that can be unlocked over time to keep you coming back to re-explore your own settlements and find out what's changed.

Dynamic Needs [Optional]:
- To help make settlements more interesting, the basic needs of your settlers change over time, making keeping them happy more of a challenge, raids less predictable, and the upgrade unlocks feel like they were earned.
Living Cities:
- No longer will all of your settlers share the same boring life story, some of them will be flagged with interesting backgrounds, likes, hobbies, and quirks that play out in a visual story in their homes to make them stand out and feel like a unique and important person.
- Clutter throughout homes and some shops is chosen randomly both at creation and periodically when you visit them to really make them feel lived in.
- Furniture markers are placed throughout the homes and buildings so your settlers spend less time clumped up waiting for something to do and instead engage with your settlement.
- To make the system even more worth it beyond the visual reward of the above systems, a tax system is in place to ensure the settlements can have a huge impact on your gameplay.
- In a future patch, tons of unlocks will be added in the form of special buildings and settler inventions that you can use while you're out conquering the wasteland!
Add Your Own Stuff:
- The entire system is open-ended, with scripts and tutorials that allow absolutely anyone to add their own buildings, clutter, and stories to expand the system from their own mods. Check out the Builder's Toolkit page!
Bonus: HUD Piece

If you have the HUDFramework mod installed, you'll gain access to a Workshop HUD piece designed specifically to make the goals while playing Sim Settlements clearly displayed in front of you whenever you're in your Settlements.
Bonus: Custom Workshop Menu
If you have Settlement Menu Manager installed, you'll gain a custom Sim Settlements menu that will organize the plots and any support pieces into a single menu. Settlement Menu Manager prevents custom menus from ever screwing up your workshop build menu without the need of an Uninstall Chem.
For a much more in-depth look at the ideas and systems behind Sim Settlements check out the video series below!
Creating Your Own AddOn Pack
If you're interested in releasing your own AddOn Pack of buildings for Sim Settlements or just contributing to the mod, check out the Builder's Toolkit which teaches anyone at all, even those with out modding experience how to do so!
Q - Why don't the items show up in my Special menu?
A - Watch the Quick Start Video at the top of the description.
Q - Can you create plots to use inside the existing buildings or in the Vault DLC?
A - That's outside the scope of the mod right now, though at some point I will open-source the framework so the community can expand the system as much as they like!
Q - I'm having trouble with Commercial plots/Building Upgrades/Taxes!
A - Check out this video to get some background details on how the code works: FAQ Episode 1
Q - Why is this an ESM?
A - Sim Settlements includes tons of resources for anyone to add their own stuff to the mod. While this can be done without parenting to Sim Settlements, it's a ton more work and will inflate the size of their mod. By making this an ESM, other mods can set this as a Master File and make direct use of some of the objects in Sim Settlements.
Q - Where should this go in my load order?
A - ESM mods will be naturally near the top of your load order. Since this mod doesn't affect any vanilla records, it shouldn't matter where it is. If you're using HUDFramework, that mod should be above Sim Settlements in the load order.
Q - Is any DLC required?
A - Definitely not. Everything was built using vanilla or custom assets.
Q - Are there any limits to how many plots I can build?
A - Nope, go nuts.
Q - How does this affect my build limit?
A - Since this mod spawns in most of the objects, it actually bypasses affecting the build limit by quite a bit. The actual plot and the posts will count towards your triangle limit, but nothing else should. So you get a virtual boost to your build limit by using these!
Q - Will this hurt my frame rate?
A - For the most part, this won't affect your frame rate anymore than building a ton of workshop items would. There are a few shop models that have crazy amounts of high-poly clutter, so those might cause a dip - I will look into optimizing those for a future release.
Q - Why do the sleeping bags flicker in and out?
A - All items that are spawned by the plots are refreshed at each building stage, since the default build speed is now real-time, that happens quite rapidly. A workaround for the builder's beds may be added in a future update.
Known Issues
Moving plots in groups should NOT be done (picking up multiple objects simultaneously by holding down the activate button). Some of the position information in the code will not update correctly and you can end up with bizarre spawn locations for the building and furniture.
Some of the shoes and clothing in the Clothing Stores are a little boxy, had an issue with a nif exporter. It will be fixed in a future release.
Twisted Terminal bug: If you get to the museum and find the terminal at an unnatural angle, it may be covering up the holotape! To fix this, save and exit, disable the mod, reload the save, save and exit again, then activate the mod again. When you load back in to that last save after a few seconds the boxes, sensors, tape, and terminal should start spawning in to their correct positions.
- While technically compatible, if you're using Don't Call Me Settler, I can't offer help with your saves. The mod was pulled from the Nexus because it can cause irreversible damage to your save, so if you run into issues with your settlers and are using DCMS, there's almost nothing I can do to help.
- The Non-DLC UFO4P will cause issues with this mod. The authors of that have declared they are not supporting the Non-DLC version, so I can't either. If you don't have all of the DLC, I highly recommend NOT using UFO4P. Though if you already have it installed in your playthrough, it's not a good idea to remove it.
Special Thanks (Be sure to check out their mods!)
VG - Demolitions expert!
Del Chupenebray - Sound man!
Vicyorus, damanding, casputin, mimaef for finding serious bugs and getting me the save files and reports needed to get everything running seamlessly!
femshepping and retrobabe for allowing me to use the rug textures from their mods
mm137 for allowing me to use the cat textures from Craftable Cats
eskanonen for allowing me to use Scrappy Signs
Ethreon for allowing me to use some of his stair models (and his TONS of contributions to Industrial Revolution)
DavidJCobb and Chesko for their papyrus libraries, without which this mod would not have been possible!
Cube for helping on all sorts of aspects of Sim Settlements, doing the tough jobs!
Sirlach for helping redesign some of the SS buildings to match our new standards!