About this mod
Savegame with all settlements I built in the main game, Nuka World and Far Harbor. The Mechanist Lair and Vault 88 are under construction. There is nothing at Home Plate at the moment. My character is level 198 at the moment with 36 unspent perk points. Check out the screenshots. 1300+ hours in game.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
I spent tons of time building settlements and felt it would be nice to let others see what I've created. Most settlements in the game including the Nuka World and Far Harbor DLCs are fully constructed (with Home Plate, the Mechanists Lair and Vault 88 not completed).
My character is level 198 as of v1.18 with 36 unspent perk points. I stopped using the perk points so others can assign any extra points where ever they want and I'll keep doing this going forward.
No other mods required - this is all done using the vanilla game and DLCs (all DLCs required, except the HD texture pack is optional of course).
Have fun exploring what I've built and please post comments/thoughts/suggestions. Hopefully my work will inspire others to either start building settlements (those who tend to ignore the building element of the game) or give ideas on ways to go about tweaking their own settlements for those who enjoy the building aspect.
I have added lots of screenshots for a better overview of what downloaders are getting themselves into. :)
I do recommend a fairly high end computer/graphics card since I went way over the default build size in most settlements using the "dump a bunch of stuff on the ground and store it in the workshop" bug to let me build way more than I would normally be able to. I've added my PC particulars below so people have a feel for what they may want to be close to for using this savegame.
My system specs (no OC'ing):
CPU - Intel i7-8700K
RAM - 16GB
HDD - 512GB M.2 SSD
GFX - AMD Radeon RX580 8GB
Please keep in mind most of these are fully functioning settlements (beds, food, water, defense) but little or no decoration. It's about BUILDING! lol
If you like my work, please endorse. It's nice to have some encouragement after spending hundreds of hours building settlements, and then even more time making blueprints :)
I've been successful exporting and importing using Transfer Settlements. Transfer Settlements v1.41 is out now and it includes exporting/importing WIRED connections! Now everyone can use my settlements in their own game and not have to worry about reconnecting all the wiring I've done! (Note: I'd advise scrapping everything that is scrappable in the settlement WITHOUT using mods that you can scrap everything since I typically build around what's already there that isn't scrappable in the vanilla game).
You can get Transfer Settlements here Transfer Settlements and the Fallout 4 Script Extender here Fallout 4 Script Extender.
Update: July 29, 2018: Twenty-six blueprints ready to use located below:
Click the below links to find my Transfer Settlements blueprints:
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Sanctuary Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Red Rocket Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - County Crossing Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - The Slog Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Starlight Drive In Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Somerville Place Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - The Castle Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Hangman's Alley Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Abernathy Farm Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Nuka-World Red Rocket Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Egret Tours Marina Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Coastal Cottage Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Greentop Nursery Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Murkwater Construction Site Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Graygarden Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Sunshine Tidings Co-op Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Tenpines Bluff Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Outpost Zimonja Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Covenant Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Taffington Boathouse Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Kingsport Lighthouse Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Finch Farm Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Oberland Station Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Mechanist Lair Vault Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Home Plate Blueprint.
Onyx Nightshade's Settlements - Boston Airport.
Changes in v1.18
The Castle: I decided to do a walk-through video of my updated Castle build rather than doing screenshots. Enjoy!
Changes in v1.17
Kingsport Lighthouse: So a friend asked if I'd do a "piratey" build at Kingsport Lighthouse. There isn't much in the vanilla game or DLCs that is "piratey" but I gave it a shot using what was there...

Changes in v1.16
Taffington Boathouse: Completely rebuilt this settlement from scratch so I had room to add all the markets and crafting stations. Improved the original house layout. Walled in the settlement to improve defenses.

Changes in v1.15
Covenant: So who else hates this settlement? I really hated this settlement ever since I first set eyes on it. I did eventually come up with a decent build for it though. It now has a full marketplace, clinic, bar, players home, and it even has 'hidden' passages!

Changes in v1.14
The Slog: Made many fixes to this settlement that include adding missing floor pieces, railings, adjusting walls, completely
rebuilt the upper floor of the main building, adding a market, and adding player's home. The main building is now 4 stories rather than my original 2. I had always planned to put the market on the roof of the main building but didn't like how the 2nd floor turned out in the original build, so I scrapped it and started over on the second floor. This expanded into adding the player home on the third and fourth floors. I tried not to mess too much with the original layout of the settlement and kept the new additions in line with the style of the original.

Outpost Zimonja: I really didn't like my original build here so I completely rebuilt this settlement from scratch. It kind of
reminds me of a factory now with it's multiple levels, maze like quality, and unusual design. Looking down from above, it
looks vaguely like the mechanical insides of a clockwork device.

Changes in v1.13
Starlight Drive In: Finished the concrete detailing on the front of the main building (one corner is off the build zone lightly
so I had to do some magic to get them in place). Did some cosmetic detailing on the walls inside and shifted the powered door over a bit to fit the existing door frame better. Replaced a set of stairs and removed the wooden platform at the top of the movie screen. Altered the workshop shed so the eyebots could actually get out. Fixed a couple missing floor pieces in the garden area and also adjusted the water pumps so it's easier to get through the room they are in.
Greentop Nursery: Fixed up the floor in the bottom level of the main building. Figured out a way to place a couple missing corner pieces and railings.
Tenpines Bluff: Rebuilt from the ground up. Now features a player home, bar, market place, clinic, restrooms, and crafting barn. The roof of the main building is probably the most intricate roof I've built so far and took hours of fiddling around to get everything to go where I wanted it.

Changes in v1.12
Sanctuary: Kind of a hybrid between my original build and my 'Lite' build, but definitely not a light build. I eliminated a
lot of potted plants and lights. Overall performance in this settlement is better even with more items than my original build. Fixed a couple of the concrete supports (no longer sitting on the roofs of houses and actually reach the ground). Speaking of supports - I fixed up a couple that looked like they might fold in a strong breeze. Did some touchup work to the market place floors and lighting. Tweaked the front of the house with the workshop. Tore down the elevator building as it serves no purpose and doesn't really fit this settlement. Moved the trade caravan post and cooking station to the empty foundation left behind and decorated a bit to make it look more like a caravan rest stop. Added a ton of missing railings. I had always intended to turn the PC's original house in Sanctuary into part of this build. Finally did it. Original PC's house is now a new player home. It's also conveniently attached to the power armor garage. Now encased in concrete and sporting a brand new metal roof, your character should find it a comfortable and dry place when you have downtime after wandering the Commonwealth.
Red Rocket: What started as some very minor cosmetic changes to this build turned into a wee bit more. Added a small building under the Nuka Cola billboard, added railings, fixed up a bunch of floors and walls to fix gaps or make cosmetic changes. There is a new extension to the upper floor.

Graygarden: Realized I forgot a few things. Since this settlement is run by robots, I added a robot workbench and an eyebot pod. I also noticed two missing corner floor pieces above the burnt out campfire and added them. Realized I hadn't finished adding lights to the structure with the elevators and corrected this oversight. Added a couple more light sources on the ground level for atmosphere. Fixed some safety issues with railings.
Sunshine Tidings Co-op: Another settlement where I liked the concept I started with but not the end results. More or less started completely over here. Rather than build a bunch of new structures, I figured out a way to not only patch up the existing ones, but also fortify them. This settlement now has a communal crafting area, a bar, a marketplace, player home, and it's own 'hospital'.

Changes in v1.11
Graygarden: Although I wasn't really happy with my original build here, I did like the basic concept I started with. I essentially rebuilt this settlement from the ground up using my old build as a starting point. I ended up using the Place Everywhere mod on this build to get things to go where I wanted them to go (others won't need it to use this settlement). The player home is in the center structure suspended under the cross beams. I like how the market area in this build turned out.

Changes in v1.10
Greentop Nursery: Made some changes inside the building to deal with an enemy spawn point. Moved the water pumps away from enemy spawn point. Added a few decorations and stores.

Murkwater Construction Site: Replaced a lot of floors, ceilings and stairs. Added a new central structure suspended over the swamp. Rewired the whole place. Added more lighting. Changed two of the entrances to use ramps and added railings.

Changes in v1.09
The Castle: Added some more decorations. Fixed up the catwalk and made some tweaks to the floor on the wall above the entrance to correct some gaps. Made some changes to the stairs going to the top of the wall and added railings.
Nuka World Red Rocket: Added some more details. Added more power connectors and lights. Made some cosmetic changes to the walls around the existing building.
Egret Tours Marina: Removed a section of barn wall and replaced it with glass as I intended (not sure how I screwed that up). Also reversed a whole row of glass walls in the player's living quarters area since they were sticking out from the walls rather than being flush with the wall as I planned.
Kingsport Lighthouse: Added more railings. Fixed a set of stairs so you can pass under it. Replaced a wonky wire that had four turrets disabled.
Coastal Cottage: Added a new structure over the 'gopher hole'. Added more upper levels to include a player home and market place. The topmost floor is a rooftop patio.

Changes in v1.08
Spectacle Island: This build has several houses (the player mansion even has an indoor pool), a greenhouse, a warehouse on the docks, a warehouse/marketplace with a boathouse in the lower level, a lighhouse, a concession stand, a community recreational center, and even an underground cavern/military style bunker.
NOTE: Spectacle Island is still a work in progress and I am at the point where I am getting some graphic glitches and CTD's on fast travel. I may have to stop here or risk not being able to use the island.
Starlight Drive In: Added some cosmetic pieces to structure. Added lighting to the upper floors.
Somerville Place: Realized I was missing some stairs to two doors so added them. I also reversed a few doors so they open in to the buildings rather than out onto the stairs. Discovered a couple missing floor pieces and a misaligned set of stairs and corrected these. Also added a bunch of missing railings around stairwells. Finally got around to doing the wiring and lighting. Added a whole new structure in the center of the area. Kind of a 'command center' if you will.

Changes in v1.07
Warwick Homestead: Realized a couple wall pieces were misaligned and fixed them.
Kingsport Lighthouse: Discovered one of my power generators was damaged and offline - now repaired.
Spectacle Island: This is by far the largest build I've ever attempted. I decided to challenge myself and build *gasp* REAL HOUSES in Fallout 4! I caught myself wondering why I never built an actual house in FO4. Then I tried it. It's not as easy as you might think. I spent almost 6 hours just figuring out how to make a basement. Then getting the layout of an actual house to work with the workshop pieces provided in game took about the same amount of time. That's just ONE house! Things started going faster once I had an idea of how to make things work, but I didn't stop with just one house! This build has several houses (one even has an indoor pool), a greenhouse, a warehouse on the docks, a warehouse/marketplace with a boathouse in the lower level, a lighthouse, a concession stand, a community recreational center, and even an underground cavern/military style bunker.
NOTE: Spectacle Island is still a work in progress, with large areas still not filled in with what I have in mind. Unfortunately I think I am getting close to what the game and my computer can manage. As it is, when one of my settlements is under attack, I have to swim to Warwick Homestead or some other settlement, save, and then try to fast travel or I instantly CTD. As long as I save in a settlement away from Spectacle Island I can usually then fast travel to the settlement under attack. Worst case if I get the CTD while in a settlement other than Spectacle Island I can then reload my save and fast travel with no problem. I've spent about 3 weeks on this so far, and I am no where near finished yet (unless my computer or the game engine finally gives up on me). Honestly the screenshots don't do it justice.
I've also uploaded an alternate save for those who are having issues with your game crashing (saved at the Castle instead of Spectacle Island). This should allow people to at least check out most of my other settlements. Or just use an older one of my saves.
So, I ended up doing a video walk-through of my Spectacle Island build with what I've done so far. The video is 58 minutes long. That's how long it took me to explore most of the island (and add a few things too - you'll see me in the workshop occasionally adding things or fixing things).

Changes in v1.06
Covenant: Expanded the upper floor somewhat and tweaked the outer wall. This settlement vexes me and I still hate it. To make things creepy, all the Covenant members I killed getting this settlement have come back to life (two of them are even headless) but don't seem to have any AI now and just stand about doing nothing.
Egret Tours Marina: I wasn't fond of my origial build here but liked some of the elements. I decided to strip out the stuff I didn't like and rebuilt a large chunk of this settlement. I like how the building on the docks turned out. Now if I could only keep the damn brahmin off the roof!

Changes in v1.05
Nuka World Red Rocket: discovered and fixed missing roof pieces in the outer wall. Added a few more heavy laser turrets to help fend off attackers at one of the entrances (very minor update).
Longfellow's Cabin: Since I hated my original build here, I started over with a whole new concept. 18 stories tall at it's highest. This build took nearly two weeks and was the most difficult one I've done (snapping where the game doesn't want to takes patience). Make sure to check out all levels of the tower :)

Changes in v1.04
Abernathy Farm: Did some gardening (moved the crops to the back of the building where they are less likely to be destroyed during an attack) and also doubled the water pumps. A couple other minor changes outside.
Nuka World Red Rocket: Finished building this settlement (finally). May eventually wire up some more lights and add more decorations but that is a project for another day.

Changes in v1.03
Abernathy Farm: Completely rebuilt from the ground up. This was a tricky build and turned out better than I expected. The top two floors have dead space inside the tower that you can't enter so I turned them into 'storage' rooms (purely decorative, you can't enter these areas without turning off clipping). Each of the front roll-up doors are independently powered and have their own switch, and there is a switch inside that will close both at the same time if both switches outside are on.

Changes in v1.02
The Castle: Figured out a way to fix the gap in the floor by the bar. Added mens and ladies washrooms under the bar and a janitors closet.
Changes in v1.01
The Castle: Rebuilt from scratch plus some basic decorating to give an idea of where I was going with this design. Used a different technique for repairing the Castle walls.

Jamaica Plains: Added some missing support posts
Somerville Place: Added a bunch of missing corner pieces
Future Plans: Finish some unfinished settlements. I've been working on a ridiculous build at Spectacle Island for the last several weeks and will likely be a couple more weeks before I feel it's finished enough to upload here (or the game dies, or my computer chokes on it).
P.S. Try out Onyx's Gauss Rifle ;) Especially if she's sneaking.