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About this mod

The boys and girls at West Tek have added colours to your West Tek Targeting HUD optics! Green for friends, blue for corpses, and red for 'stop looking at it and shoot'.

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West Tek Tactical Optics - Enhanced Targeting HUD

Welcome to the West Tek Employee Terminal Link

Date: 04/23/2075, 1530
Current Function: Internal Email
Recipient: CEO - Signal, Fading 

Subject: New Tech for our Targeting HUD Modules!

After several accidents involving employees while testing our targeting HUD modules, where other testers were "mistaken" for hostiles, we have successfully developed and implemented a method to distinguish targets based on their aggression levels toward the operator.
Individuals that are non-aggressive towards testers now glow green, those that display hostile tenancies are red, and those that are no longer capable of reacting (at all) are blue.
These upgraded HUDs are still fully compatible with all our other modules, and as such they still work in our multi-vision sensors, and in our Power Armour modules.
Production models should be rolling out in the next few weeks, once we've sorted out one last bug (for some reason Jeff swears that Alan is still displayed as red, he's shot him twice already).

Hope you like the changes, it's a pity you couldn't test for yourself, but the storms recently have been truly horrific, it's no wonder you couldn't make it.

Charles Ringhold


Does what it says on the box, this just alters Fadings excellent mod so that the Targeting HUD modules will highlight NPCs based on status: enemy, friendly, dead.
Highlighting will change dynamically, so if you shoot a peaceful merchant expect their, uhh, aura (and attitude) to change.
A note on dead bodies, they WILL continue to glow after you loot them. Personally I like the effect, and because you can toggle the goggles I don't find it distracting.
It DOESN'T change the highlighting feature of thermal vision, because to me it makes perfect sense that thermal would only highlight in red.


The only requirement is pretty obvious, West Tek Tactical Optics by Fadingsignal. Just load this plugin afterward. It will work with the AWCKR patch too.
Pick just one version, either main or optional file, the only difference is the dead body colour.


TLDR; If it works with West Tek Tactical Optics, it will work with this.

Targeting Sensors on Recon Scopes (Highly recommended, Rcoll's mod inspired and helped me to make this one, so thanks!)
Targeting HUD and Berry Mentats Enhanced (Works great, has a bit of overlap, WTTO also adds its modules to power armour, but it wont cause any conflict)
I haven't personally tested Customizable Targeting HUD, although it should work without a problem.

That's it really. Just a small change to a great mod. If you have any issues I'll be happy to help if I can, just remember to be DESCRIPTIVE if you are reporting a problem.
Thanks Fading for West Tek Tactical Optics, and the go ahead to upload this. Also Rcoll (although he doesn't know it) for your mod, it's great and inspired this one.
Oh, and you, yes you. I love the community on here and how helpful everyone is. Stay awesome.

1.0 - Release
2.0 - Added no friendly and yellow corpse versions, you DO NOT need to update if you already have the configuration you want