File information
Last updated
Original upload
Created by
Ethical LuneUploaded by
EthicalLuneVirus scan
Safe to use
Tags for this mod
- Compilation
- Gameplay
- Fair and balanced
- English
- NPCs
- Weapons - Energy
- Weapons - Conventional
- Weapons - Melee
- Weapons - Components
- Weapons - Explosive
- Overhaul
- DLC: Automatron
- DLC: Wasteland Workshop
- DLC: Far Harbor
- DLC: Contraptions Workshop
- DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- DLC: Nuka-World
Current section
About this mod
An extensive overhaul that touches upon almost every aspect of the game which aims to make the game more fun, challenging in a good way and varied while rewarding skill and tactics.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Automatron Wasteland Workshop Far Harbor Contraptions Workshop Vault-Tec Workshop Nuka World Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes High FPS Physics Fix Not a true requirement but will completely negate the extended loading times that come with large mods like UFO. (It's also an incredible mod you should check out regardless) Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
do whatever its just a mod
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
Donation Points system
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- Russian
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Russian Author:Ethical Lune Unbogus Fallout Overhaul Russian Translation - Changelogs
Version 2.Boogaloo
- -Added an optional simple custom sorting system, the system will sort the important stuff(pretty much everything other than junk items and misc items) with [Tags] similar to other sorting mods and will restructure how weapons & armor are named, it will always show the item's name first and any modifications afterwards
- -Added a lite version of the custom sorting which only affects the weapon & armor name structure without adding any tags
- -Altered difficulty setting multipliers slightly to fit UFO better, new multipliers can be seen on the front page
- -Added a misc file to revert damage multipliers back to vanilla for those who prefer it that way
- -Added a misc file called I Also Like To Live Dangerously, regardless of difficulty setting you will deal x3 damage and receive x6 damage, purely for fun file for those who enjoy pain
- -Moved the live dismemberment for humans and supermutants to a misc file called Punisher, in retrospect this should've always been an optional feature
- -Improved the effectiveness of the Tactical Distraction Cans, they will now get attention from a bigger radius making it more worthwhile to use
- -Made lockpicking a tad easier
- -Removed Ammo Component boxes that sometimes drop from lunchboxes and instead added an openable box which contains a random ammo type of a randomized amount that gets added directly to your inventory
- -Caps from lunchboxes are now a randomized amount instead of always the same amount
- -Reduced the intensity of the screen effect when damaged a bit
- -Reduced how long molotovs burn targets
- -Molotovs shot in mid-air will now explode in a greatly increased radius
- -Removed Poison Bombs and Toxic Bombs
- -Removed Discombobulator Grenades
- -Added Makeshift Grenades, cheap but weaker grenades that even the lowest level raiders have access to
- -Added Flashbangs, applies prolonged stagger, heavy slowdown, a severe accuracy debuff and will blind for a modest duration in a large radius
- -Added Boomer Boy, a 'grenade' that deploys a suicide-bombing molerat that runs into targets and detonates itself into valhalla, only craftable
- -The Flamer will now deal the same afterburn damage both from direct hits and environmental fire hits
- -Flamer Muzzle attachments will now act as straight damage upgrades(with one additional basic attachment added) similar to upgrades many other weapons have
- -Added the Incinerator Tank for the Flamer, launches exploding fireballs with a moderately large blast radius, practically infinite range and high ammo efficiency, but fires much slower in semi-auto
- -Cryogenic grenades/mines will now actually briefly freeze stuff solid(including you!) for a short time while also reducing their damage resistance while frozen
- -Voltaic Grenades no longer paralyze targets but deal some more damage
- -Pain Train no longer drains extra AP when sprinting but will drain a larger amount of AP when impacting a target
- -All ranks of Ninja additionally increases damage dealt to targets from behind, both in and out of combat
- -Last rank of Mister Sandman now guarantees crits against 'distracted' targets, which means targets who are sitting in a chair, leaning against a wall, sleeping etc
- -Medic will now also improve the effectiveness of Med-Tek Bandages
- -Last rank of Medic now instead gives you the damage reduction bonus while under the effects of a stimpak
- -Local Leader's abilities will now be inherent to the player, the perk has been replaced with Speechcraft which grants bonuses to persuasion chance and speech XP
- -Rearranged a few Charisma perks
- -Shotgun Surgeon has been converted to buff firearm damage & crit damage at very close range instead of only buffing shotguns
- -Brutal Tactics now only has 2 ranks instead of 3
- -Brutal Tactics will additionally increase damage dealt to staggered targets
- -Toughness now provides much more powerful damage mitigation and the last rank provides stagger immunity instead of reducing damage from groups of enemies
- -Refractor has been converted into a perk that grants a chance for attacks to glance off of you with the final rank granting very powerful damage reduction at full health
- -Moving Target no longer provides passive dodge chance but all other effects are considerably stronger
- -Reduced the bonus crit chances for Finesse
- -Nerd Rage is now more worthwhile with stronger effects
- -Cap Collector now starts with a bigger trading bonus
- -Toxic Tolerant's exponential rad resistance is now even stronger at lower health levels
- -The perk Sniper will now also increase range with all weapons each rank
- -Changed the bonus carry weight on Strong Back to +25 each rank
- -Reverted Penetrator to vanilla
- -Toxic Tolerant now only has 4 ranks instead of 5 but a bit less poison resistance
- -Bloody Mess now only has 2 ranks instead of 4
- -Converted Rooted into Medieval Roots, a perk that buffs your crit chances and reduces all damage taken whenever you're holding any type of melee weapon in active combat
- -Action Boy/Girl no longer affects fall damage but has a bit stronger AP related buffs
- -Adamantium Skeleton now also reduces falling damage by the same amount it reduces limb damage
- -Robotics Expert rank 2 will now also allow you to hack turrets(workshop turrets excluded), but you can only shut them down or incite them since it might be a little difficult for a turret to follow you
- -Reverted Unstoppables magazine perk to vanilla
- -Improved Demolition Expert damage reduction and explosion radius
- -Improved United We Stand with double the benefits
- -Made the assault rifle(.308) semi-automatic-only
- -Reduced the projectile speed of missiles some
- -Removed the baseball cheer sound effect from baseball grenades, maybe that was a little too goofy to play every single time
- -Reduced the splash radius of mini-nukes a little
- -Revised the material costs for many craftables to be less intense
- -Added a recipe for Med-Tek Bandages
- -Suppressors no longer directly reduce damage but have a stronger range penalty
- -Reverted almost all recoil-related changes back to normal
- -Reverted Fusion Core max charge back to normal
- -Gave Hazmat Suit full radiation immunity instead of 98% resistance, it's supposed to be intact!
- -Made the lever action rifle spawn more commonly and gave the shotgun variant a decent chance to spawn whenever it shows up on enemies
- -Nerfed Thermobaric Warhead Launcher's burn damage but made the initial explosion also hit through cover
- -Fat Man can no longer spawn with thermobaric warheads which is instead only craftable by the player
- -Legendary effect Wounding is now split between gun and melee with melee inflicting more bleed damage
- -Legendary effect Shocking will now deal increased damage and have a higher knockdown chance with melee and semi-automatic hits compared to automatic
- -Legendary effect Chameleon now functions whenever you are sneaking even if moving but only if your weapons are holstered, it will also drain your AP while active & moving and stops working if AP reaches 0
- -Legendary effect Warping has been converted to Bloodthirsty, it siphons a portion of health from targets to the user
- -Legendary effect Scrapper will now have a higher stagger chance with semi-automatic weapons and a much higher chance with melee weapons
- -Legendary effect Two-Shot is now restored close to vanilla but additionally gains no bonus accuracy from aiming down sights
- -Legendary effect Plasma Infused will now deal a bit more damage but over 1 second(non-stacking) instead of instantly in order to make both automatic and semi-automatic setups useful instead of primarily automatic
- -Legendary effect Explosive has been converted to Maniacal, it greatly increases the rate of fire and ammo capacity of a weapon while also increasing the recoil and reducing sighted accuracy a bit(reason why explosive was changed is that it's not possible for the explosions to use the actual physical damage of the weapon so it's impossible to balance for multiple weapon types)
- -Went over some other legendary effects and primarily buffed weak ones but also slightly nerfed a few overpowered effects
- -Pulse grenades will now ignore resistances which will deal even more damage to mechanical targets, it will also hit things through cover and reduce the movement speed and impede AP regeneration of any target(even organics) for 15 seconds
- -Added Optimized Barrels to the gatling gun as an alternative for the Heavy Barrels for those who'd rather keep the high rate of fire
- -Gas masks will now grant poison resistance instead of radiation resistance
- -Made the Plasma Flamer more similar to vanilla while still using fuel instead of plasma cells
- -Reduced the radius on the various connectors and pylons some, still much larger than vanilla
- -MIRV grenades will now deal a little damage with the initial explosion and the bomblets will explode erratically after a random duration rather than on impact
- -Made folders have 1 cloth instead of nothing, very important change to document so you are aware of this groundbreaking alteration, you're welcome
- -Made the sniper barrel on the laser gun deal more damage when fully charged and also charge a bit faster
- -Poseidon Turret Relay can now spawn in a Mk X turret if your player level is high enough
- -Poseidon Eyebot will no longer float away and hide from combat, oops..
- -Removed Damaged Prevent
- -Added a Recevier modification slot to the Minigun, barrel attachments will no longer affect the raw damage
- -The Missile Launcher will now have a Payload modification slot where you can select what type of rocket is loaded, magazine size is restored to vanilla with a separate slot, make sure to service your old launchers at a weapon workbench!
- -Added Incendiary Payload to the missile launcher, deals less direct damage but burns targets over time
- -Added Tank Buster Payload to the missile launcher, deals a good amount of extra damage with a very fast projectile but requires a direct hit
- -The Quad Missile Turret is now the Micro Missile Turret, shoots one micro missile per shot but much faster than before
- -The Electro-Grenade Launcher Turret is now the Grenade Launcher Turret, lobs actual grenades that explode after a duration rather than on impact
- -Buffed the fire damage from the Incendiary Grenade
- -Converted the Radium Rifle into the Static Rifle, it deals some instant energy damage based on the receiver and can be upgraded with improved electronics which inflict damage over time, it also has electric-sounding firing sounds
- -Added the Radium(Static) Rifle to a few higher-end loot lists in the commonwealth
- -Gave melee weapons with Very Fast attack speeds a chance to stagger each hit and some inherent minor bleed damage as to make them a more viable choice
- -The plasma gun attachment Bomber will no longer deal a fixed amount of energy damage and will instead directly transfer the energy damage of the gun to the explosion, also dealing the damage instantly instead of over 1 second, also gave it a much better firing sound effect
- -Fixed the player becoming almost completely immobile when swinging a melee weapon while crouching
- -The Handmade Rifle will now spawn a bit more commonly and can be chambered in both 7.62 and 5.56
- -Fixed plasma grenades having 700% more gravity than any other grenade
- -Added the Thunder Coil to the Power Fist, adds strong electric damage and some additional electric damage over time
- -Tweaked Alien Blaster to deal primarily energy damage and a little explosive damage
- -Aquaboy/Aquagirl will now also double your breath timer
- -Made Sentry Bots overheat even slower
- -Removed the Plasma Bolter attachment, didn't really serve a useful purpose
- -Removed all extra perk requirements from the Receiver modifications on the Handmade Rifle(Commando & Rifleman)
- -Added a better sound for Alien Blaster explosions
- -Gave NPC's the ability to use the Poseidon Turret Relay grenades, no longer exclusive to just the player!
- -Doubled the rad resist given by Rad-X
- -Gave Fusion Cells and Plasma Cartridges a higher chance to show up wherever ammo may be found
- -Removed .50 conversion on the Pipe Bolt Action gun
- -Changed Deliverer to use .45 instead of 10mm and gave it a unique legendary effect which gives it bonus sneak attack damage
- -Added a non-unique version of Deliverer called Walther PPK that can be found around the world like any other gun
- -Added a new consumable called Mutagen, grants the user complete radiation immunity for an extended period of time
- -Gave behemoths a large amount of scrap items for you to packrat into your pockets
- -Removed the tunneling ability from molerats and radscropions as they can cause nasty freezing problems that can prevent you from continuing your game, thanks todd
- -Fixed a few NPC types getting incorrect large health bonuses, like Triggermen, Children of Atom and several others
- -Renamed the Flamer Turret to Napalmer Turret
- -Added a Flamethrower Turret, short range gas flame turret
- -Silver Shroud SMG will now have a unique legendary effect that gives it +200% critical hit damage
- -Gave police protectrons a powerful shotgun laser weapon
- -Turned Fire Bomb into Blackwater Cocktail, the strongest version of a molotov cocktail
- -Finetuned some NPC stats
- -Tweaked the base damage of a few weapons
- -Squashed a few bugs
- -Other small tweaks here and there
Version 2.7.3
- -Added additional healing to stimpaks that applies only to NPC's, could possibly help players who have problems reviving companions in Survival
- -Greatly increased radius of wireless power transmitters, like Power Conduits & Power Pylons, the bigger the transmitter the bigger the radius
- -Chem & Aid items no longer make you thirsty in Survival mode
- -Buffed flamer raw damage
- -Nerfed damage dealt & explosion radius of vertibird front cannons some
- -Buffed Throwing Hatchet to same damage as a harpoon but it's still harder to craft and rarer to find
Version 2.7.2
- -Re-added the +15 Carry Weight bonus per Strength instead of +10... there's just too much junk to carry!
- -Added a new workshop turret, "Baseball Launcher Turret", cheap and does tiny damage but has a chance to stagger targets and a lesser chance to knock them down, a fun little support turret of sorts
- -Added a new workshop turret, "Flamer Turret", the energy equivalent of the minigun turret, shoots napalm fire at a fairly long distance
- -Added a new workshop turret, "Tesla Turret", acts as a slow sniper turret that pretty much always hits, great for long range but inferior for mid and short range compared to other turrets
- -Nerfed the defense values of the alien animatronic workshop turrets but made them cheaper to craft
- -Further reduced amount of fusion cores found as random loot & sold by vendors
- -Tweaked minigun attachments
- -Tweaked some NPC's
- -Tweaked throwing weapon stats, harpoons are now the highest damage throwables with hatchets being slightly weaker but with the benefit of being retrieveable
- -Nerfed the nuka world baseball bat & sledgehammer attachments some
- -Direct hits with napalm flames will no longer spawn lingering fires and instead only environmental hits cause those fires like with the gas flamer, mostly to prevent floating flames
- -Added lesser afterburn to flamers using gas tanks
- -The Meat Hook and Pole Hook upgrades are now stronger and inflicts powerful bleeding
- -Buffed Gulper Slurry with a +20% movement speed bonus for the duration, making it perfect for ninja builds
- -Raw Sap now grants slow health regen for 10m
- -Ware's Brew now grants slow health regen & radiation regen for 10m
- -Reduced damage of the modified bowling ball launcher but each shot will knock down most targets and stagger big targets, the projectiles fly faster & the weapon gets a bit ligther
- -Moved the recipe for Modified Bowling Ball to the Ammo category
- -The bowling ball launcher attachment can now be crafted on any launcher after you find the schematics
- -Buffed the Bonebreaker attachment with stronger & faster bleed
- -Slightly increased health regen values for Glowing NPC's, ghouls and super mutants
- -Made taunt noises of various creatures louder, just for some extra i m m e r s i o n
- -Streetlights no longer require direct wiring and cost slightly less steel to craft
- -Improved the projectile model used for quad rockets
- -The sniper barrel for the tesla rifle now fires a normal lightning 'projectile' instead of an exploding one
- -Made it possible for Predator Grenades to spawn on appropriate vendors and sometimes as random loot, giving you limited access to this neat item early-game
- -Increased chances for commonwealth humans to spawn with a Handmade Rifle
- -Increased frequency of MIRV Frag spawns
- -Buffed Scutter with more health and a missile launcher
- -Buffed Absalom with more health and a semi-auto sniper assault rifle
- -Nerfed Leady Belly to work under less max rads(50/75/100 instead of 50/100/150)
- -Fixed a vanilla bug where Curie's laser arm would not make firing sounds
- -Updated the compatibility patch for "SIG Sauer MPX"
- -Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
Version 2.7
- 2.7
-Removed the wall penetration of .50 & 2mm EC, balancing such a thing is hard when NPC's can also use it and without a way to limit how thick of a wall/object it can shoot through
-Added more .50 receivers to NPC lists, will begin to spawn at around level 40-50
-Increased the audio radius of suicider molerat beeps
-Buffed higher-end types of most npc's to help prevent the game getting too easy later on
-Reworked how the Flamer works, by default it will shoot gas flames like vanilla but the Napalm Tank attachment allows it to shoot napalm flames again
-Added a new randomly spawning turret type, a standing turret equivalent of the wall/roof mounted 'minigun' bubble turrets called Mk X, shows up after lvl 40
-Added a craftable workshop version of the new Mk X turret, it ranks somewhere inbetween a heavy turret and a minigun turret
-Added higher ranks of Utility, Fireman, Medic and Police protectrons
-Tweaked attachments for the Minigun & Gatling Laser
-Nerfed ammo capacity of the plasma flamer
-Tweaked a few stats related to alcohols, including durations which are considerably lesser on weaker drinks
-Changed the buffs from the Vault-Tec Workshop stat items(like the Weight Bench or Power Cycle) to not be S.P.E.C.I.A.L buffs but other things instead
-Seeker missiles now deal slightly less total damage, -50% impact damage(25 from 50) and -20% explosion damage(120 from 150)
-Extended the reach of workshop wires to 4000 units from 1100 units
-Made underwater screen effects less blurry
-Buffed the luck bonus from Perfectly Preserved Pie
-Reduced the bleed resistance of bandages to 3 from 5, since they are quite plentiful and can be stacked
-Nerfed nuka grenades/mines
-Decreased amount of ammo sold by vendors
-Buffed Red Tourette with better stats, an outfit and a big ol' minigun
-Buffed Eager Ernie with better stats, a dapper outfit and a full auto assault rifle
-Robot flamethrowers are now all gas flames instead of napalm flames
-Fixed vertibird defenders firing multiple projectiles at once, accidentally left over from a test I was doing, oops!
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Vivid Weathers" (reduced how annoying radstorms get in vivid weathers)
- 2.7
Version 2.6.8
- 2.6.8
-Lowered recoil of some guns, including a few patched guns(especially the service rifle)
-Significantly nerfed Gulpers
-Buffed Anglers
-Tweaked some other npc's
-Tweaked the healing rates of most Nuka World cola mixes, mostly nerfed ones that are very cheap to create
-All 'Ice Cold' versions of drinks now always grant 20% additional healing instead of a seemingly random amount
-Doubled duration for Hydra
-Decreased intensity of the screen effect when getting hurt to make returning fire during intense moments less frustrating
-Increased the effect duration from Iguana Soup to 60m from 10m
-Nerfed synths to be a wee bit less tanky and have a few less discombobulator grenades
-Removed the missile launcher from Jared and instead gave him an automatic laser rifle
-Removed plasma flamers from synth leaders
-Made the extraordinarily ugly synth armor a bit less common for legendary drops
-Buffed Judge Zeller with more health, better armor and a handmade rifle
-Nerfed Lead Belly to reduce rads from food a bit less
-Nerfed the burn damage on laser/plasma fire receivers a little
-Nerfed triggermen
-Switched Life Giver and Cannibal positions on the perk chart with one another
-Buffed Life Giver heal rates to fit its new position on the chart
-Buffed the legendary weapon effect "Hitman" to 25% damage bonus
-Nerfed the legendary weapon effect "Powerful" to 10% damage bonus but with no speed penalty
-Turned the legendary weapon effect "Two Shot" into "Ravaging" which grants +15% damage, +20% armor penetration & -15% rate of fire. Also made it possible to spawn on more weapon types
-Buffed the legendary weapon effect "Defiant" with +50% random crit chance with the last shot
-Buffed the legendary weapon effect "Crippling" to +40% limb damage
-Buffed the legendary weapon effect "Penetrating" to +35% armor penetration
-Tweaked the legendary weapon effect "Violent" to do +10% damage, +25% limb damage and inflict less of a recoil debuff
-Buffed the 'sniper' barrels for energy weapons
-Nerfed the laser splitter attachments a small amount
-Reduced the value of legendary items, making it less profitable to sell them
-Nerfed the base damage of the Minigun and the Gatling Laser Gun a little bit
-Removed .50 & 2mm EC ammo from Scrounger drops
-Further reduced volume of some workshop generators
-Nerfed poison from barnacle traps but made them also inflict some radiation damage
-Gave most far harbor vendors some rad-x and radaway for sale
-Made the bear traps cause intense leg damage to anything not too big
-Tweaked prices of a few items, especially Aid items
-Made "Marine Gloves" a standard glove type so it can be upgraded
-Tweaked the weight of a few miscellaneous items in the VIS patch that the original mod seemed to have missed
-Buffed "Gulper Slurry" to 20s from 10s
-Increased chance to get a legendary minigun drop to the same rate as a legendary missile launcher
-Gave the World Series baseball bat a +25% damage bonus
-Tweaked Harpoon Gun attachments, standard deals less bleed, flechette deals very little bleed but does more raw damage with fewer projectiles, and barbed inflicts bleed for longer with a minor crit bonus
-The perk "Party Boy/Girl" rank 2 now grants double duration rather than double effect
-Increased standard carry weight to 300(like in skyrim) instead of 200 but reverted the strength bonus back to +10 instead of +15
^to update yourself mid-game, just use something that affects Strength, like chems or clothing
-Doubled the amount of materials in concrete shipments, price increased by 25%
-Buffed higher tier raider armor pieces
-Tweaked energy weapon attachments, in total they will deal less damage than before but not a lot less, also made short barrels viable options
-Fixed the legendary armor effect "Fortifying" not giving you 10 health properly
!!^you have to unequip any armor with this effect before updating your game or you will be permanently stuck with bonus health that drains away on its own
-Updated the compatibility patch for "SIG Sauer MPX"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "SIG Sauer P220"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "10mm SMG"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Wattz Laser Rifle"
- 2.6.8
Version 2.6.6
- 2.6.6
-Tweaked stats of some NPC's
-Tweaked trading prices to be a bit less intense
-Increased chance for legendary encounters, might be necessary to get what you're looking for since the list of possible legendary items is plenty larger than vanilla
-Increased XP rewarded for discovering new locations considerably (300% vanilla now)
-Added the Army Helmet as a possible lower-tier legendary drop
-Nerfed codsworth's flamer a little
-Nerfed the 'wastelander' armors (spike & cage stuff)
-Nerfed lower level bloodbugs to be squishier, fly a little bit slower and not stack the bleed damage
-Buffed Ack-Ack with some actual armor and more health
-Buffed Jared with more health and a missile launcher
-Buffed Swan with an extremely deadly melee attack and tiny health regen
-Buffed Fist with the best super mutant armor(and other 'boss' mutants too)
-Buffed Hammer with higher health and an unusual movement speed bonus, he no longer uses a missile launcher but instead his hammer, he really likes hammers
-Buffed Cinder with more health and a flamethrower
-Buffed the Walden Pond raider gang with better stats and unique outfits
-Buffed Sully Mathis with more health and a missile launcher
-The Double Barrel Shotgun attachment "Flechette Receiver" does not grant armor penetration, but each 'pellet' inflicts a tiny amount of bleed damage, which ignores resistances
-Reduced the recoil of the pipe bolt rifle
-Increased base accuracy for shotguns
-Tweaked masks a bit
-The chance to find extra meat with Wasteland Survival #9 is now significantly lower
-Increased the cost of some common food recipes, perhaps making you consider eating some scavenged food items sometimes
-Doubled the output when cooking deathclaw steak, like with cooking mirelurk queen steak
-Added a recipe to make dirty water, just in case you need some
-Poison & Toxic bombs are now timed explosives instead of impact explosives, slightly stronger effects to compensate
-The Poseidon Relay Turret now scales to your level as to make it less OP early on but still very useful end-game
-Decreased the volume of turret engines, workshop generators and water purifiers
-Severely reduced the force applied to physics objects/ragdolls via explosions, mainly to make it easier to find loot after a battle
-Moderately reduced the maximum force applied to ragdolls
^if you already use a mod that tweaks these kinds of forces, simply load them after unbogus and they'll work same as before
-Piper's companion perk "Gift of Gab" does not grant bonus location XP but more speech XP and a small success bonus to speech challenges
-The perk Adamantium Skeleton allows you to slowly regenerate lost limb damage with rank 3 while not in combat and while standing still, higher level requirements added
-Reduced weight of artillery flares
-Greatly increased level requirement for Chem Resistant rank 2
-Increased healing from Rooted rank 3
-Increased caps found in cap stashes a lot, bare minimum of 100~
-Bobby pin boxes and cap stashes may contain additional items, like trinkets or ammo
-Tweaked Rad-X to last 5m instead of 10m
-Tweaked Glowing Blood Pack to last 10m instead of 25m and grant 75 rad res instead of 100
-Reduced the maximum distance that NPC's will throw bottles at you
-Gave melee humanoids a slightly higher speed boost and a moderate melee damage bonus
-Made gorebags mostly contain bones and sometimes random small loot items, that rancid meat gunk doesn't look so edible
-Nerfed mirelurk hunter's poison damage
-Decreased amount of common ammo at vendors
-Fixed truffle mentats counting as a 'bad' chem as to avoid companions being pissy about it
-Added a 'standard' mod for glove Misc mods
-Added a compatibility patch for "Animated Chems Redone"
-Added a compatibility patch for "Vivid Weathers"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "SIG Sauer MPX"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle" (also re-added the alternate lower receivers)
-Little things and stuff here and there and whatnot y'know
- 2.6.6
Version 2.6.4
- 2.6.4
-Rebalanced automatic receivers on all weapons, they now deal -15% damage compared to a semi-auto receiver which means that for example a Powerful receiver deals +30% in semi-auto and +15% in full-auto
-Common ammo types will drop in higher amounts to compensate for automatic receivers being less powerful per shot
-Altered body part data for most things with increased limb damage and head damage to make combat a bit faster in most cases
-Increased the maximum weight for grabbing physical objects, no corpse should be too heavy to lift now(may need more tweaking)
-Each point of Strength will now give you +15 to carry weight instead of +10, to update yourself in-game simply use something that affects Strength, like chems or clothing
-NPC's no longer use up Missile Launcher ammo and they also drop fewer missiles when they die
-Reduced the amount of grenades found
-Buffed robobrains with more hp, stronger weapons and some health regen
-Tweaked the perk "Finesse" with damage bonuses 40%/50% instead of 50%/60% and melee bonus 20%/30% instead of 15%/25% (-10% small arms, +5% melee basically), also increased the rank 3 crit chance bonus to 2% instead of 1%
-Reduced the radiation damage from some enemies a bit
-The western revolver no longer requires Gunslinger for the basic attachments
-Increased the time it takes for enemies to stop searching for you even more
-Added a +1% random crit chance to the legendary armor effect "Lucky"
-Made some creatures sometimes spawn in multiples, so instead of a single Glowing Molerat you might find 3 regular Molerats
-The legendary weapon effect "Steadfast" is now cut in half but put into both Damage and Energy resistance
-Buffed sentry bots exponentially to make the higher level versions feel more intimidating and maybe make you think twice about engaging, but also improved their loot a bit
-Buffed the sentry bot rocket launcher weapon, no longer a direct downgrade to the sentry bot minigun
-The perk "Nuclear Physicist" now has a lesser effect on the Gatling Laser to make it less overpowered
-Moderately increased how much heat it takes for a sentry bot to go into cooldown mode
-Second Wind additionally heals limb damage for the duration
-Nerfed higher-end deathclaws considerably so they're less tedious to take down, but increased their movement speed to make them fiercer
-Tweaked some creatures health & resistances a bit
-Removed the recipe to craft Flamer Fuel, too exploitable
-Tweaked the plasma flamer to be in line with other automatic weaponry, it now starts out pretty weak but ends up quite powerful for its size and ammo type
-Buffed the fusion core grenade to reflect its very expensive cost
-Increased the healing gained from the Mysterious Serum
-The companion perk "Isodoped" now also applies the damage reduction to explosions
-The companion perk "Lessons in Blood" no longer grants bonus damage resistance but instead has a higher XP bonus
-The companion perk "Shield Harmonics" grants a damage reduction to all incoming energy damage rather than a resistance bonus
-Bloodbugs now cause Bleed damage instead of Poison
-Increased the level requirements for Ninja & Sniper
-Decreased the amount of Space Blasters found
-Added +100% critical hit damage for the unique weapon "Lucky Eddy"
-Added powerful Poison damage over time to the unique weapon "Atom's Judgement"
-Fixed the legendary weapon effect "Gunfinity" not working on fusion cores
-Fixed a vanilla bug where nuka-world assaultrons would have no firing sound when using automatic laser arms
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth" (also made regular upgrades not require Strong Back)
-Updated the compatibility patch for "SIG Sauer MPX"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "10mm SMG"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "A Bundle of Tape"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Heckler und Koch - G36 Complex"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Kiparis SMG"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DLC Leveled List Integration"
- 2.6.4
Version 2.6.2
- 2.6.2
-The 'pacify' perks have been rebalanced for more stealthy uses(this one was tricky!), as long as a target is not attacking(searching for you doesn't count), you will always succeed at intimidating, but you will have to get closer to the target than before(very close for humans, moderate distance for creatures)
^the logic is that a tanky combat build has little use for making a target pacified when they can just shoot them in the face, while a stealthy character can really make use of having an extra temporary 'companion' to fight for them
-Made the 'pacify' perks work on legendary targets again to fit the new redesign
-Made the perk "Robotics Expert" work on legendary targets again since you have to get very close anyways
-Some perks have been repositioned on the perk chart, most notably all the intimidation perks can be aquired much earlier
-The Wasteland Whisperer no longer works on Mirelurk Queens and Behemoths
-Tweaked stealth a bit, outdoors stealth at day will be slightly easier
-Changed the perk "Rooted" to reduce incoming damage rather than increase resistances and gave rank 3 some health regen
-Buffed the perk "Lone Wanderer" as it now takes the place of the Charisma 10 perk
-Removed the bonus intimidation chance from Black Widow and Lady Killer, obviously for the new rework but also thanks to some great programming by bethesda, the perks actually decreased intimidation chances, but hey who needs to fix bugs when you can add paid mods
-Buffed Dogmeat's bleed damage and cripple chance considerably from the Attack Dog perk
-Buffed the perk magazine "Tumblers Today" to make more of a difference (5% bonus per magazine instead of 2%)
-Changed the "Covert Operations" magazines to actually make you slightly better at sneaking rather than just decreasing your movement noise, the Sneak perk does that well enough on its own
-Converted the Nuka World weapon "Acid Soaker" to "Oil Spitter", it will fire blobs of oil that create a 'hazard' when it impacts the ground that can then be shot and ignited for a long duration
^I can't stop you from shooting these blobs at walls, but if you do they will just kinda float in mid-air so that's up to you
-Reduced the costs of a few shipments further
-Slightly decreased the damage of the plasma flamer attachment but increase the rate of fire
-Greatly increased the amount of ground fires the plasma Flamethrower conversion can have going at the same time and increased the burn radius
-Tweaked the perk "Nerd Rage" to reduce total incoming damage rather than increase damage resistance, making it more useful for all build types
-Altered babyface MacCready's companion perk to also give you +10% bonus crit damage
-Buffed the legendary effect "Chameleon" with 50% better cloaking effect
-Weapons that can be converted into shotguns now count as 'possible shotgun' weapons which is only used to make sure they don't recieve Legendary effects that can make them quite OP, energy weapons with scatter receivers don't count for this
-Updated a few outfits with VIS tags and Misc upgrade slots
-The range the Flare Gun can call reinforcements from an allied settlement is now 4 times bigger, now you can actually get help where you need it
-Prefixed the custom chem Prevent with 'Damaged' just so it makes more sense for MacCready's questline
-Made Predator grenades easier to craft
-Scrapped artillery changes for now, everything is reverted back to vanilla until(and if) I can figure out some major bugs with it, call the minutemen instead if you need fire support
-Fixed Blitz 2 having an incorrect setting, remove and re-add perk rank via console if obtained prior
-Fixed a bug where fire traps would hit themselves, they now fire vanilla gas flames again instead of napalm flames
-Fixed the Miss Launcher attachments not playing firing sounds when used by NPC's
-Fixed the Flare Gun not calling reinforcements
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "SIG Sauer MPX"
-Some other things here and there
- 2.6.2
Version 2.6
- 2.6
-Added a simple tweak that makes the mod automatically compatible with Survival Mode, old survival patches deleted - Thanks to Nexus user "Rykin14" for this tip
-Added a bunch of "Ammo Component" boxes only found in Lunchboxes, this was the only way I could figure out how to give the player more than a single round of a ammo type via lunchbox drops, which means you won't find single .45 rounds in lunchboxes anymore, but instead a valuable component box you can either redeem at a chemstation or sell for some extra caps
^may be redesigned later if I can figure out a better method
-Restored a cut weapon from Nuka World, a "fake" alien blaster based on the one from New Vegas/FO3, found in nuka world and comes with some custom attachments
^fires 'space laser' projectiles by default, the real alien blaster now only fires the target-seeking projectiles so they are both unique enough
-Added two craftable versions(Science 2 MkI & Science 4 MkII) of the Alien Animatronic Turret for settlements, because yes
-Added the option to simply remove weaves from a piece of clothing so you can just swap it around for no cost
-Reaching the 'cap' of bartering will be harder now, lower level trading will be the same as before more or less
-Tweaked the Tesla Rifle, added an inherent DoT effect, added two new 'Optimized' attachments and made the lightning chain deal 20% less damage per chain rather than 35% per chain
-Made the Discombobulator Grenade cause knockdown in a smaller radius and cause stagger in a slightly wider radius than before
-The Discombobulator Grenade additionally drains a small amount & halts Action Point regeneration for the duration
-Pulse Grenades additionally drain a large amount of Action Points
-Added more molotovs to grenade lists
-Added some basic attachments for the Assaultron Blade
-Lorenzo's Suit can be upgraded like other suits and grants +2 Charisma and -15% to incoming damage, needs to be respawned with console if already obtained
-Tweaked the Gas Mask and Hazard Mask to both offer something different but also have them not be so good that you feel forced to put one on instead of stat buffing glasses or such
-Gave "Swatter" baseball bats a higher damage bonus
-Added two new attachments for the Missile Launcher, "Seeker Barrel" and "Triple Seeker Barrel", fires slow-moving target-seeking rockets with a drastically reduced explosion radius
^slap a scope on one of those to massively increase target seeking range, also once locked on to a target, try firing at an angle up behind yourself to hit a target from above
-Removed the "Dud Barrel" Missile Launcher attachment, I'm not entirely sure why I made that in the first place
-Removed the shotgun sound from the Lever Action Rifle's shotgun conversions, it didn't work so well if you put a silencer on it
-Removed stats from bandanas so they're purely cosmetic and optional
-Added a new attachment for the Super Sledge, it's a simple damage upgrade that outperforms a fully upgraded Sledgehammer in pure damage but with no additional buffs
-"The Unstoppables" magazines now give 2% less damage taken per rank instead of 1%
-Further buffed companion stealth, they shouldn't be much of a hinderance to sneaking now
-Made the placement of mines quieter, so the impact of the mine landing won't alert enemies as easily
-Made radiation traps a lot more intense
-Reduced the radius of bottlecap mines a little
-Nerfed the poison damage from barnacles
-Nerfed all scrapbots some, because man are they REAL frequent once they start showing up
-Added Robobrain bots as possible Rust Devil spawns
-Tweaked the Mysterious Serum to grant +1 Strength, low health regeneration & rad removal for 12 hours
-Tweaked Gamma Gun's explosion radius and damage
-Fixed Gamma Gun not dealing radiation damage properly via explosions
-Fixed a bug where Poison & Toxic bombs would float if dropped out of inventory by switching the model
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Crossbows of the Commonwealth"
- 2.6
Version 2.5.6
- 2.5.6
-Added an invisible +5% random crit chance with melee/unarmed weapons
-Gave the Tactical Distraction Can a larger noise radius
-Greatly increased the timer for cell resets, it will take much longer before an area gets new loot and NPC's
-Tweaked stealth a bit to make it easier for NPC's to see you up close in the dark
-Buffed radius of Vertibird Vanquisher explosions
-Very slightly increased chances for legendary NPC's to spawn
-Slightly increased the chance for the Iron Fist 5 knockback to happen
-Increased speed of plasma projectiles a little but added some projectile drop
-Increased radiation damage radius of irradiated creatures
-Added a stronger 'Sharpened' version of the Throwing Blade, for if you'd rather throw little knives than big hatchets or harpoons when sneaking around
-Turned Flashbang Grenades into Discombobulator Grenades, smaller radius but explodes on impact which should improve usefulness and make them less annoying through obstacles
-Tweaked the Acid Pistol to shoot at a slower rate but the projectiles move faster and go further
-Increased the chances for certain npc's to use suicide molerats a bit
-Increased the amount of rads alcohol removes slightly
-Increased Codsworth's reach with his flamethrower moderately
-Decreased the movement speed of Stingwings, Bloodbugs & Bloatflies a bit
-Made it harder for NPC's to detect mid-air projectiles, mainly to make it easier to use distraction items since they also count as projectiles
-Converted the Plasma Flamer Barrel attachment to fire regular flames and use flamer fuel, making it actually useable and not costing you your life savings of plasma cells in 30 seconds
^essentially takes the place of the vanilla flamer, but more compact and with a higher end-game potential
-Made the flamer shoot straighter, making it easier to aim at a distance
-Improved accuracy of all Double Barrel Shotgun barrels
-Reduced the distance of searchlights to almost vanilla, looked too ugly indoors and performs horribly with shadows enabled to circumvent that
-Removed headlamps from raiders, it looks too terrible indoors
-Tweaked the Silver Shroud armor values to fit a Finesse user better
-Added a new attachment for the Missile Launcher, "Triple Miss Barrel", for all your high capacity bootleg grenade launcher needs
-Altered the legendary weapon effect "Deadeye" to have 50% increased accuracy and 75% decreased recoil instead of a buggy slowmotion effect
-Altered the legendary weapon effect "Steadfast" and "Hitman" to also require the player to stand still for the effects
-Buffed the perk 'Finesse' by slightly increasing the armor cap each rank and giving it a lesser damage bonus to melee & unarmed weapons as well
-Buffed the perk 'Moving Target' with slightly higher dodge chances, but the perk no longer works in power armor
-Buffed the perk 'Penetrator' with higher values
-The perk "Critical Thinker" now has 4 ranks instead of 5, make sure to remove rank 5 if you own it before updating
-The perk 'Finesse' rank 3 addtionally permanently gives you +1% random crit chance
-The perk 'Sneak' rank 3 additionally gives you +5% random crit chance when not in combat, being searched for counts as being in combat
-Changed rank 2 of 'Blitz' to not increase resistances but instead reduce damage while sprinting, this will both make it more useful for tough high resistance characters and players using Finesse
-Some outfit items can now be upgraded with 'Misc' mods
-Added a bunch of clothing items, like suits, gloves and hats, to possible legendary drops
-Added some DLC armors as possible legendary drops
-Removed some crappy weapons from possible legendary drops, like rolling pins or pool cues
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle" (also fixed the Marksman Reflex Sight having incorrect zoom data)
-Updated the compatibility patch for "A Bundle of Tape"
- 2.5.6
Version 2.5.2
- 2.5.2
-Reworked Lead Belly to reduce rads from food less, not grant rad immunity at rank 3 and have the passive radiation purge only work when it's below certain values
^lead belly will mostly only be useful for food items and minor irraditation now, if you get some more intense rads you will have to use radaway or such
-Aquaboy/Aquagirl now only has one rank but does not grant water breathing
-Life Giver grants less health regen normally, but rank 3 grants exponentially powerful health regen the lower your health drops, nothing intense but it can help you in a pinch
-Vertibirds now have different rank names and unique weapons for each rank, if you didn't fear them before you might just fear them after this update
-Changed the Poseidon Turret to be a Mark VII explosive turret, not much more powerful than Mark V incendiary but hits targets more often and tends to give the player XP for kills made
-Shotguns are no longer allowed to spawn with the legendary effect "Hateful" due to the same reason they can't spawn with "Explosive", each pellet applies the effect individually and stacks
-Added some more shotgun ammo to drops
-Buffed some outfit items further
-Nerfed the regen values of Night Person, Solar Powered and Rad Child
-Fixed a bug where the Poison Bomb dealt more damage than intended
-Fixed Solar Powered's Strength bonus not applying properly
-Added a new Misc file that doubles all incoming and outgoing damage with all difficulties, not recommended by default, but if your middle name is Danger...
(remember to remove and re-add any affected perk ranks already owned via console commands after updating)
- 2.5.2
Version 2.5
- 2.5
-NPC health & resistance tweaks
-Narrowed down health ranges for humans even more to compensate for them getting pretty deadly gear further into the game, also narrowed down ranges for a few other things, balancing is haaard
-Removed heavy weapons(like miniguns) from Rust Devils, they are just too common to have these
-Removed Combat Armor from raiders
-Removed resistances from triggermen
-Gave the triggermen exceptional accuracy to make up for lack of armor
-Gave the triggermen rank names like pretty much everything else has already
-Ballistic weapons will now only be capable of exploding limbs and not cutting, while laser/plasma weapons will generally be capable of both exploding and cutting
-Poseidon Relay Turret will now always be a Mark V turret, no level scaling
-Reduced the screen blur intensity when getting hit
-Reduced cost of missile ammo
-The perks Hacker and Locksmith now only have 3 ranks instead of 4
^if you have rank 3 of either perk, remove and re-add via console commands, if you have rank 4 then remove via console commands and give yourself another perk rank if you don't want to just lose a point
-Added a new item, "Tactical Deployable Gas Canister", just converts a regular gas canister into a throwable version, does nothing until shot and can be picked back up, can be used as a cheapo deadly trap if you bunch a few together
-Added more .38's and .45's to ammo lists
-Added 2 new upgrades for the Powerfist, one is a blacksmith 1 upgrade with a simple damage buff and the other is a blacksmith 3 upgrade with a higher damage buff and bonus crit damage
-Added a new upgrade for the Buzz Blade that behaves similarly to the Ripper's "Extended Blade" upgrade which improves damage and inflicts minor stacking bleed damage
-Added a basic ol' Advanced receiver for the hunting rifle
-.45 ammo now cost the same as .38
-Nerfed Double Barrel Shotgun damage slightly
-Double Barrel Shotgun will fire as fast as you can click regardless of receiver
-Trap shotguns will now use a unique shotgun only found on traps
-Reduced Handmade Rifle's recoil
-Reduced Combat Shotgun's recoil
-Reduced the XP bonus from the perfect pie to 30% from 50% but also added +1 Luck for the duration
-Reduced cost of Cryo Cells a lot
-Reduced the intensity of legendary poisons from certain legendary creatures
-Reduced reload speed of drum magazines to give some incentive to use smaller magazines too
-Increased combat shotgun's ammo capacity a little
-Increased double barrel shotgun's reload speed by 10%
-Increased amount of Fusion Cell ammo found and sold, players shouldn't feel like laser guns are too ammo intensive to even use
-Increased reload speed for the missile launcher
-Increased amount of missile ammo found to make up for the lowered damage
-Increased alien blaster projectile speed to make it a bit harder to use around corners but much easier to use on moving targets
-Increased the rate of fire with automatic Combat Shotgun receivers further so you have a reason to use them over semi-auto recievers
-Increased radiation from rad storms a lot, pop some rad-x or get indoors
-Increased reach of the electrical arc traps
-Increased amount of ammo salvaged from disarming electrical arc traps and flamethrower traps
-Tweaked some legendary effects, the balancing never ends
-Barnacles now deal a hefty amount of poison damage instead of radiation damage
-Buffed the flamer a little again, a tough one to balance
-Buffed human fist damage from 8 to 18
-Buffed certain outfit items
-Reduced chances for NPC's to spawn with Destroyer miniguns and Quad Pod missile launchers, now they have the same chance as any other configuration
-Nerfed the Chemist perk to grant 25% increased duration per rank instead of 50%
-Chem vendors now have some common ingredients for making chems
-Removed the crafting recipe for stimpaks
-Fixed the Miss Launcher attachment having no fire sound when NPC's use it
-Fixed the non-upgradeable gloves not having VIS icons
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth" (added proper VIS tags/icons too)
-Updated the compatibility patch for "A Bundle of Tape"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "10mm SMG"
- 2.5
Version 2.4
- 2.4
-Tweaked npc level scaling, also reduced file size a bit as a side-effect
-Tweaked a lot of NPC's health and resistances, mostly lowered, some quite severely to reduce tedium, still a work in progress and will be tweaked further in the future
^any npc's already spawned in will be unaffected, might take some in-game time for it to update everything
-Tweaked movement speed of some npc's, most notably a lot of insect types are quicker in general
-Increased limb health for some npc's
-Bloodbugs can now give you THE SUCC from any angle
-Added actual armor values to dog armor pieces, they are no longer purely cosmetic, beware the scurge of armored combat puppers
-Artillery explosions now only partially penetrate cover
-Increased artillery cooldown to 20h and reduced the max amount of artillery strikes per volley
-Workshop "Machinegun Turret" & "Heavy Machinegun Turret" will always be the same, no random Mk types anymore (fully remove/store and re-place any old turrets if you want to update them)
-Removed level scaling from turrets, including workshop turrets
-Added lesser level scaling to the Poseidon Relay Turret
-Added proper custom tags for gloves, and also icons for the VIS version
-Removed the IED Trap script, doesn't want to work the way I want it to so I decided to just leave it be
-Flashbangs will no longer cripple the players head and you instead get -10 perception for the duration, still cripples npc's heads for the sole reason of them exlaiming that they can't see when they get hit
-Flashbangs will now reduce the accuracy of everyone affected, NPC's too
-Flashbang visual effect will linger for the whole duration of the negative effects
-Made it possible for commonwealth's Children of Atom to have various weapons and not just Gamma Guns
-Made Cat Eye's effect a bit stronger again
-Gas Canisters explode instantly when shot instead of taking a weird amount of silent time to go off
-Nerfed ghoul poisons, should be less extreme now
-Nerfed doggo bite bleed damage to compensate for their ability to grab the player
-Nerfed the legendary armor effect "Bolstering"
-Nerfed the legendary armor effect "Fortifying"
-Nerfed the damage of Sniper Barrel modifications on energy weapons
-Nerfed ammo capacity of some energy weapons
-Nerfed the poison duration from bloatflies
-Nerfed the armor mod "Asbestos Lining" to only grant fire DoT immunity
-Nerfed the hack distance of Robotics Expert, for such an extremely powerful perk it needs to be harder to use, best utilized by sneaky characters now
-Nerfed stimpak limb heal to 20% from 25%
-Nerfed legendary BoS power armor users by removing the damage reduction, they're powerful enough without it
-Slightly reduced chances for NPC's to spawn with & use a Stealth Boy
-Reduced the added recoil from the "Violent" legendary weapon effect
-Reduced the duration for the screen effect when getting hit a bit
-Reduced perk requirements for crafting shotgun conversions with the lever action rifle
-Reduced base recoil of the combat rifle and submachinegun a little
-Reduced level requirements for Cap Collector a bit
-Reduced amount of Circuitry found
-Reduced amount of Adhesive gotten from Vegetable Starch
-Altered the values of some weapons, mostly lowered
-The combat rifle's .308 receiver has been replaced with a regular Advanced receiver like most other weapons have and requires a lower rank of gun nut to access
-You can now wear masks with the assaultron helmet, certain things may clip when the helmet closes
-Buffed Sentry Bot Helmet since it uses all head slots at once
-Slightly increased timer on Nuka grenades
-Added the molerat suicider 'weapon' to Pack members and Trappers with varying spawn chances
-Decreased the speed and increased the projectile drop of railway spike projectiles
-Buffed the Flamer, higher direct hit damage and ground fires cause lingering burns, still best used as a tactical weapon but is now more capable in direct combat too
-Made trading even harder, I think it's how it should be now, you will be ripped off hard in the beginning but once you get higher charisma, cap collector and some magazines in your travels you can do pretty well without becoming super rich, maybe
-Gave Gunners more helmets and masks
-Increased amount of 5mm and Flamer Fuel found from various sources
-Decreased speed of laser projectiles a little
-Doubled the cost of all workshop turrets
-Removed the light effect from flamer ground fires to improve performance
-Made the crafting recipe for Antivenom more costly
-Made the chem Prevent a bit more common
-The perk 'Medic' rank 3 now doubles the duration of Med-X instead of doubling power
-Rebalanced the plasma 'Flamer Barrel', slightly longer reach than vanilla, deals moderate damage and every hit inflicts DoT burning
-Removed the EMP Barrel from the Missile Launcher, I honestly kind of forgot it was still even there
-Rebalanced some chems, for example Psycho only gives a damage bonus and Grape Mentats give +2 charisma alongside the trade bonus instead of +5
-Rebalanced the Missile Launcher, a standard missile explosion is now the same strength as a frag grenade(and the extra impact damage if you aim well), but explosins have increased radius and missile ammo is more common to compensate
^this was done to both make it more fun to use and less horrible to face, you shouldn't get instakilled by missile launcher users anymore unless you're badly equipped and low on endurance
-Buffed the effects of 'Dirty Wastelander' drink to reflect the crafting cost
-Increased the splash radius of the plasma Bomber Barrel, very slightly decreased impact damage and increased the DoT damage
-Added a new item, "Genetically Modified Mirelurk Egg" which is a grenade that spawns a bunch of mirelurk hatchlings at once, can be used to distract enemies and possibly deal minor damage but they will attack you too
-The perk 'Iron Fist' now additionally increases damage with unarmed power armor punches since you can't equip unarmed weapons in power armor
-Added more stims and (especially)bandages to vendors
-Fixed companions not dealing decreased melee damage
-Fixed workshop laser turrets not shooting real projectiles
-Circumvented a vanilla bug where the minigun would play a firing sound in the background of the regular firing sound which cuts out if you aim down sights by replacing the minigun's spin noises with the gatling gun's spin noises
-Added a compatibility patch for "DeadPool2099's Service Rifle"
^if you already have the service rifle installed(which you shouldn't without a patch to begin with! naughty naughty), you will need to uninstall it, start your game and save, go back and reinstall it, add the patch and then you're good to go
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Wattz Laser Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "A Bundle of Tape"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "P220"
- 2.4
Version 2.3
- 2.3
-Stimpaks now heal a fixed amount of 60HP and 25% limb health, they also no longer provide 0.5 Bleed Resistance
-Med-Tek bandages now heal a fixed amount of 30HP and 50% limb health, same amount of Bleed Resistance as before
-Removed the stimpak addiction, just didn't work out as well as it could've, so stab away
-Rebalanced armor values & all related perks and ingestibles, values will now be considerably lower overall except for power armor & creatures
^as a result, combat will be more intense for both early and end gameplay and certain outfit items like the railroad coats may actually be viable options for a change, offering good protection at the cost of being less flexible
-Gloves can additionally be upgraded with various Misc mods
-Most outfits that normally come with gloves are now without gloves, this both fixes a problem where NPC's may become naked with just gloves on and also allows for more freedom to wear your own gloves with more outfits
-Added a couple of outfits that may be hard to obtain normally to clothing shop inventories
-A few full outfits like Railroad Armored Coats or the Battlecoat can now be additionally upgraded with Misc linings
-Assault Gas Mask can be modded with both material upgrades and weaves, because it looks pretty dope and should be useful despite using all head slots at once
-Added Railroad Armored Coats to Tinker Tom's shop & Cricket's shop to a lesser extent
-Anyone wearing power armor will now be much easier to be spotted and produce a lot more noise when moving around
-Power Armor will now give the wearer a small amount of Poison Resistance, mainly to make the fairly common poison bombs not be extremely powerful against wearers
-Buffed all shotguns with roughly 20-30% extra damage, should be just enough to make them equally as useful as a powerful single projectile weapon
-Shotgun Surgeon now applies to beam splitters as well
-Added a new item, "Deployable Lunchbox", basically just spawns a regular lunchbox for you to open, can be bought from vendors and found as rare loot
-Added a second upgrade for Grognak's Axe which will add a tiny amount of extra damage and double the bleed damage
-Synth Relay Grenades are craftable with synth components(synth components are also considered valuables instead of scrap with the VIS patch now)
-Added a new item, "Synth Mass Relay Grenade" which will spawn 5 synths in a cluster at once, expensive but powerful
-Added a new item, "Poseidon Turret Relay Grenade" which will spawn a basic friendly turret to fight for you, lasts until destroyed or when you leave the area for a while, can also be found at vendors and as rare loot
-Added the Synth Component item to a few lists & vendors as rare items to give you more for crafting the new items
-Kremvh's Tooth now has a 2% chance to instantly kill any target
-Gun traps will now always be double barrel shotguns instead of any regular small firearm, to increase danger and reduce profits from not picking up fully upgraded laser rifles like candy anymore
-Demolition Expert rank 2 & 5 will additionally reduce incoming explosion damages by 10% and 20%
-Steady Aim now only has 2 ranks, make sure to remove the third rank manually if you already own it, nothing will happen if you don't but you'll waste a perfectly good perk point!
-Shotgun Surgeon now only has 4 ranks, read entry above if you have rank 5
-Shotgun Surgeon now grants extra crit damage instead of limb damage, bonus stacks with Opportunist if you want to get extra brutal :)
-Reduced how early raiders get access to stronger grenades
-Reduced amount of chems found from various loot sources, some more than others
-Reduced the intensity of the screen effect from getting hit considerably but made it linger a bit longer, since I can't make NPC's also flinch from getting shot, the screen effect should be a bit less obstructive
-Reduced the cooldown for artillery to 14 hours
-Reduced price of Adhesive shipments a bit
-Nerfed Toughness rank 5
-Nerfed Moving Target overall but improved final rank slightly
-Nerfed Finesse to +50% damage but the final rank increases it to +60%, double damage was a bit too powerful, still very powerful and fun though! (also removed a hidden 10% incoming damage intentional debuff from the perk, ssh dont tell anyone it was ever there)
-Nerfed reach of searchlights(the kind you find around raider camps or such) but made them wider, mainly to reduce visual buggery
-Nerfed Mr. Gutsy's automatic weapons severely
-Nerfed the HP of a few higher-end enemies
-Nerfed movement speed of Mirelurk Hunters
-Nerfed higher-end turrets
-Nerfed splash radius of the Bomber barrel for the plasma gun, still perfect for hitting targets behind cover, multiple targets in a cluster or just hitting almost every shot in general
-Improved the night vision effect from Cat Eye & increased the duration, should be very useful for prowling the nights now
-Disabled human NPC's ability to perform killmoves on the player, no more randomly getting instakilled in melee combat (if it still happens, please report it and with what weapon the human opponent used against you)
-Doggos can grab the player by the leg just like they can against any other human foe
-Increased cost of the Fusion Generator, it's available pretty early and can meet almost any power needs even with Sim Settlements, so it needs to be more costly
-Gave Trashcan Carla & Cricket new outfits & weapons, because I can!
-Made it harder for NPC's to spot you vertically, as in it will be easier to hide up on a rooftop and not be spotted as easily
-Further increased NPC's ability to block melee attacks
-The Radium Rifle will no longer get bonus Poison damage with upgrades but instead regular damage, it still deals basic Poison damage over time regardless of upgrades though
-Raiders can now occasionally deploy a suicider molerat against you, this suicider enemy is pretty interesting and is only seen like maybe two times in a full vanilla playthrough
-Added a tiny bit of weight to pre-war money
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "New Recipes"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Heckler und Koch - G36 Complex"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "P220"
-Some other stuff, and things, and whatnot, and such, and the like, you know?
PS: If you have any perks that give you Damage or Energy resistances, it is highly recommended to refresh those perk by removing and re-adding all the owned ranks of those perks
- 2.3
Version 2.2
- 2.2
-Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when playing without the VIS patch
-Reduced random critical hit chance to 0.5% per point of Luck, some investment into the Luck tree will be required to get the most out of crits now
-Added level scaling to most NPC's, this means they will scale to your level and get better gear over time but they won't get any bonus health
^this will help make the game more challenging later on and also give you better loot as a side effect
-Set the maximum level for all areas in the game to be infinite
-Intimidation/pacify perks do not check for levels anymore, but will not work on any legendary targets or power armor users
-Robot hacking will no longer work on legendary targets, it's already one of the most powerful perks in the game without being able to instantly disable legendary tank bots
-Increased cooldown for intimidation/pacify perks to 30 seconds, was 10, vanilla was 60
-Added an Artillery Flare attachment for the Flare Gun, available after you gain access to artillery, useful to call in artillery on distant targets
-Buffed artillery damage some
-Increased the radius of the suicider nuke a little
-Reduced effectiveness of "Strengthened" limb mods
-Nerfed "Refractor" to work at 95% health instead of 90%, 90% made it a bit too easy to peek from cover and heal tiny damage over and over, now it will be mostly for negating explosions and other hard-hitters if you can keep yourself healthy
-Disabled shadows for searchlights
-Did basic changes for a few missed clothing pieces
-Added weapon skin keywords & attachment points to all equippable weapons, load any skin related mod before the overhaul and it should work fine
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth"
- 2.2
Version 2.1
- 2.1
-Restored a bunch of cut throwing weapons(I found out about these from the wiki) from Far Harbor;
*Throwing Blade - Medium damage, inflicts bleeding
*Throwing Bottle - Low damage, breaks on impact and causes stagger, even against you
*Throwing Harpoon - Medium-high damage, inflicts stronger bleeding
*Throwing Harpoon: Electric - Medium-high damage, inflicts both bleeding and electric damage over time
*Throwing Harpoon: Explosive - Explodes on impact
*Throwing Hatchet - High damage, inflicts strong bleeding and can be retrieved even after a successful hit
^these will replace the old throwing knives & harpoons and may be found as loot and used by enemies
^^they are all(except explosive harpoon) affected by Big Leagues & Ninja, excellent for sneaky players who want a little more class with their takedowns
-Added a new chem station category for throwables so you don't have to go thru all the grenade recipes to get what you want
-Added a new type of resistance, "Bleed Resist", it will obviously reduce bleed damage and can be gotten from bandages, stimpaks and a few other things
-Most animals with claws & sharp teeth will inflict some bleeding
-The perk "Gun-Fu" has been turned into "Finesse" which lets you deal double damage with small firearms when you have below a certain amount of damage & energy resistances, high risk high reward
-The perk "Brutal Tactics" now additionally grants you a minor buff to experience from kills
-The perks "Toughness" and "Refractor" grants 5 resistance perk rank instead of 10
-The perk "Toughness" grants bleed resistance instead of poison resistance
-The perk "Grim Reaper's Sprint" rank 3 will additionally grant a massive AP bonus when you're below 35% health
-The perk "Leady Belly" is exponentially better at purging radiation over time
-The perk "Rad Resistant" has been renamed "Toxic Tolerant" and will grant both radiation and poison resistance, but less radiation resistance than before
-The perk "Pain Train" now additionally drains AP faster when sprinting and gets worse with each rank, trade agility for awesome power
-The perk "Basher" has been turned into "Shotgun Surgeon" and will increase your critical hit chances and limb damage with shotguns, works with shotgun conversions as well
-The perk "Big Leagues" now additionally buffs bashing damage
-The companion perk "Unite We Stand" reduces damage taken by 5% instead of granting you bonus damage & energy resistance
-The companion perk "Combat Medic" now triggers at 15% health instead of 10%
^remember that perks you already have may not be fully altered when updating unless you remove and re-add all the owned perk ranks via console commands after installing
-Added cut content of various gloves, they will be found around the world and at some vendors, they provide very minor buffs and can be slightly upgraded and work with most outfits
-Added upgrades to the Army Helmet, more DR but less ER than a Metal Helmet
-Added a new line of weaves for clothing called "Aramid Weave", exactly the same as Ballistic Weaves but for energy resistance
-Added a new line of weaves for hats, a bit weaker than regular weaves but can be applied to most normal hats so you can tip your favorite fedoras without giving up all armor in the process
-The clothing mod "Institute Killer Weave" buffs both physical and energy resistances and can be converted into a hat compatible version at a chemstation
-Rebalanced some clothing & armor pieces and buffed some unique pieces(like mechanist armor) to be plenty better
-Mama Murphy's outfit can be taken and worn, you strange strange person stealing clothes from the elderly
-Mama Murphy's hat is also a new seperate item, because why not
^both can be found at clothing vendors at well
-Added Synth Uniform under-armor to the institute Requisitions Officer for your convenience
-Rebalanced some under-armor outfits to be mostly the same to give you some options on what to wear and gave most of them weave slots, because the Road Leathers look dope
-Marine Tactical Helmet also grants underwater breathing
-Marine Armor is slightly stronger and each piece grants a tiny bit of extra carry weight, it's covered in satchels on every piece so why not
-Silver Shroud armor is stronger and can be upgraded with weaves
-Modified a few pieces of headgear to allow glasses & masks if they are visually able to
-Reduced the cost of creating weaves a little
-Made it possible to take & use Gage's Eyepatch, just in case you want to
-Reduced the amount of Endurance you can get from various clothing pieces
-Greatly increased the radiation resistance from gas masks and gave them minor poison resistance
-Replaced the "Lobster Trap Helmet" with the cut "Trapper Helmet", looks a lot better and fits trappers more than a.. lobster cage
^I found out about this cut item from the wiki, it was all finished and ready to go but never added into the actual game for some reason
-Massively increased maximum range for artillery strikes and increased their speed and spread but increased cooldown to aprox 18 hours, see it as a daily ability with pretty much zero cost
-Removed meat from mirelurk hatchlings
-The Fatman "MIRV" modification has been turned into "Hellrazer" and will send out a barrage powerful fireballs, aim at an angle upwards to cover a huge area
^while less powerful against single opponents, it can cover an enormous area if used right and will make short work of most things, and additionally inflict fear & burn through cover
^^sadly unusable by NPC's because the weapon deals no initial damage and NPC's see that as useless and will pick literally any other weapon
-Made the Shishkebab deal a bit less physical damage and more energy damage
-Pulse grenades & mines no longer cause knockdown but instead heavy stagger
-The Missile Launcher's EMP sidegrade now uses regular missile ammo but is less powerful than a proper pulse grenade explosion
-Gave Gunners more and better grenades
-Added Frag MIRV grenades to some generic lists
-Added a new item "Unstable Fusion Core" which is a top-tier grenade(due to availability & relative power) that you can create with demolition expert 5, basically the same thing as a core ejection in power armor but thrown a safe distance
-Added Homing Beacons as a very rare loot item
-Added a recipe to craft artillery smoke grenades if you have completed the appropriate quest
-Minutemen should now all wear militia hats to make them a bit easier to identify
-Changed how the flamer muzzle attachments work
-Changed the flamer Napalm Tank attachment to not boost damage but instead cause a lingering burn at the cost of impact damage
-Increased the speed of some monster projectiles, like mirelurk spit
-Increased limb health for humans a small amount
-Further reduced bonus damages some NPC's may get
-Reduced accuracy bonuses for legendary enemies
-Reduced how many fusion cores you can find from various places
-Reduced the Flashbang fuse from 2.5s to 2.0s
-Reduced the amount of chems you'll find in loot
-Increased the basic sneaking skills of all companions
-Nerfed the damage reduction granted by the perk "Refractor" some
-Nerfed the perk "Nuclear Physicist" to not boost radiation damage, highly exploitable and the fusion core bonus is more than enough incentive to get it anyways
-Nerfed the perk "Fortune Finder" to yield less caps, still worthwhile in the long run
-Nerfed some energy weapons a little
-Nerfed shotguns some
-Nerfed radiation sources
-Removed the .50 conversion for the lever action rifle but added 3 shotgun conversions instead which npc's have access to as well
-Gamma Gun's "Zeta Wave Barrel" will now do bonus energy damage and projectiles will seek targets you aim at
-Replaced Missile Launcher's "Fragmentation Missile Barrel" with "Dud Barrel" which will fire non-exploding rockets that you can pick up after firing
^fragmentation missile could suffer from a strange bug where the fragments could spawn right under you and give you a very bad time, no idea how to fix that so it had to be replaced
-Huge explosions will stagger everyone around them
-Sped up bleeding again, slow bleed didn't work so good in practice
-Bear traps will break 40% of the time instead of 75% of the time
-Made trading harder, it should be harder to end up with a buttload of caps after a while now
-Grenades will cost more to craft
-Added some stuff to the lunchbox drop list
-Some weapon upgrades can be accessed earlier, like the minigun and missile launcher attatchments
-Made the Windmill Generator as powerful as a Large Generator but it will also require Science 1 and more materials, they're cheaper than a Large Generator but take up more space
-The Fusion Generator uses up a Fusion Core instead of nuclear material and requires a lower rank of Science to access
-Companion damage nerf has been divided into melee and not melee, they will deal less damage with melee than with guns
-Removed railway rifles from npc's, for some reason they refuse to equip them on their own
-You will now start the game with Local Leader rank 1 & 2, this is the cleanest way to give you access to the functionality which I belive should not be locked behind perk points
-Nerfed the perk "Life Giver" to not give any bonus health on the first two ranks
-Nerfed the perk "Rad Child" to regenerate slower
-Nerfed poison bomb grenades
-Nerfed super mutant suiciders, they'll explode like a vanilla mini nuke which should make them less of a horrible pain in the butt
-Fixed "Inspirational" not working quite right
-Fixed not being able to grab molotovs mid-air, now it really works
-Fixed bear traps not doing the proper amount of damage, they're pretty deadly now and will benefit from Demolition Expert, watch your step!
-Fixed Action Boy/Girl rank 3 not reducing falling damage properly
-Fixed tall gas canisters creating giant gibs
-Nerfed several creature & animal NPC's health & resistances, especially higher-end versions
-Added a compatibility patch for "Backpacks of the Commonwealth"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "A Bundle of Tape"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Heckler und Koch - G36 Complex"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Crossbows of the Commonwealth"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Wattz Laser Rifle"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "New Recipes" and moved recipes to new seperate tabs to make it less messy
-Some other lil' tweaks and fixes
- 2.1
Version 2.0
- 2.0
-You will now deal critical hits outside of VATS, each point of Luck increases the chance by 1%
^please note that critical hits that happen too quickly may not show up on your screen, but they still happen
-Rank 5 of Sneak will no longer grant you the ability to blend into the shadows, sadly it caused the game to freeze at random
-The Sneak perk effects will no longer work if you're wearing power armor
-Reduced NPC Field of View from 190 to 145
-Reduced NPC accuracy a little
-Slightly increased search times (as in, when you get spotted and enemies search for you)
-Made alterations to NPC combat tactics, NPC's will be a lot more aggressive and fierce in general and have sligthly improved combat abilities
-Made NPC's more capable of blocking attacks by default (50% now, it used to be 0%!)
-Made all NPC's a lot more inclined to use grenades if they have any, makes more sense since they actually use up their grenades in this mod
-Made behemoth's capable of throwing boulders more often
-Gave npc's a chance to have various other grenades
-Base XP gain reverted to 100% instead of 80%, all other XP changes remain
-Indoor mines will have the same trigger radius as outdoor mines
-Stimpak Addiction reduces Energy Resistance as well
-Added the Lever Action Rifle and Handmade Rifle and their related ammo to generic lists
-Reduced perk requirements for Lever Action Rifle and Handmade Rifle mods
-Removed the legendary damage reduction from coursers
-Gave ammo boxes a tiny chance to have a bunch of extra ammo
-Exponentially increased the Ballistic Fiber cost for each rank of the Ballistic Weave armor mods since they are quite good permanent upgrades
-High caliber weapon conversions will allow the gun to dismember if it previously was unable to, and vice versa
-Changed the custom minigun attachment "Mini-Vertibird" to "Destroyer" which is not explosive but is still much more powerful per shot, sadly the old version was just too powerful any way you approached it
-Slowed down laser projectiles a bit, for that authentic cheesy sci-fi feel
-The occasional NPC's that spawn with a Gauss Rifle will now use up their 2mm ec ammo, but they spawn with more to compensate
-Gave synths a small movement speed bonus
-Doubled the duration and halved the damage of most bleed damage sources
-Added lens flare effects to most laser projectiles
-Made it easier to craft some of the custom flares
-Deathclaws will inflict prolonged bleeding with each hit, but so will the deathclaw gauntlet
-Increased damage dealt to NPC's in power armor, still tanky but not quite as much
-Decreased the effective size of bullet & laser projectiles which means they are far less likely to hit the air if you try to shoot through something narrow
-'Fan the hammer' modifications for revolvers will now reduce recoil the same amount the normal counterparts do
-The perk "Better Criticals" has been renamed "Critical Thinker" which will increase your chance of dealing a non-VATS critical hit per point of Luck
-The perk "Critical Banker" has been renamed "Opportunist" which will increase how much damage critical hits deal
-The perk "Grim Reaper's Sprint" will grant you faster AP regen depending on how low your health is
-The perk "Four Leaf Clover" has been turned into "Luck o' the Irish" which grants you higher Luck depending on how low your health is
-The perk "Basher" will give you an increasingly higher chance to critically hit with bashes for each rank
-The perk "Awareness" has been turned into "Brutal Tactics" with 3 ranks which will increase dealt limb damage alongside most of the vanilla effects of Awareness
-The perk "Rifleman" will no longer penetrate armor but instead grants an increasingly high chance to stagger and at rank 5 it may even cause knockdown
-The perk "Penetrator" now improves your ability to penetrate armor resistances with all guns
-The perk "Heavy Gunner" will no longer buff explosive weapons due to it stacking with Demolition Expert
-The perk "Demolition Expert" now has 5 ranks like every other base damage perk
-The perk "Inspirational" only has 1 rank and gives all the benefits except the damage bonus at once
^if you already have rank 2 or 3 of this perk, you should preferrably remove them via console before updating and give yourself other perks via console for those lost points
-The perk "Iron Fist" now has a chance to violently knock a target away with power attacks at rank 5 instead of paralyzing on VATS-only crits
-The perk "Ninja" now applies to 1H weapons and Unarmed weapons, not 2H
-The magazine perk "Unstoppable" gives you a 1% damage reduction per rank instead of 1% chance to avoid all damage, there's a perk for that after all
-Removed the slow health drain from Second Wind, instead the withdrawal penalty will kick in earlier (30s to be exact)
-Slightly increased chances for npc's to carry & use stealth boys and gave all legendary variations extra high chances, you're not the only one finding sweet loot
-The legendary weapon effect "Freezing" will now freeze enemies that are below 10% HP instead of freezing on crits, freeze duration has been increased to fit the purpose of this effect
-The legendary weapon effect "Resilient" has been turned into "Skillful", it grants an overall boost to various things
-The legendary weapon effect "Furious" has been turned into "Shocking" which inflicts bonus energy damage and has a small chance to knock targets down
^turns out Furious was by far the most overpowered effect in the game, it gives you +15/20% bonus damage per hit and it stacks forever, had to be replaced
-The legendary weapon effect "Kneecapper" has been turned into "Scrapper" which will deal additional non-resistable damage to robots, turrets & synths
-The legendary weapon effect "Staggering" will now cause stagger upon dealing a critical hit instead of randomly
-The legendary weapon effect "Explosive" has a bit bigger explosion radius but the stagger on crit feature is gone
-The legendary weapon effect "VATS Enhanced" has been turned into "Cunning" which will grant increased sneak damage and crit damage
-The legendary weapon effect "Unyielding" will regenerate your health a little and grant you +1 Luck whenever you're below 30% health instead of vanilla effects
-The legendary weapon effect "Instigating" has been turned into "Hateful" which will reduce the target's physical and energy resistances with every hit for a few seconds when they are below 30% health and will set them on fire
-Increased the noise radius of the Tactical Distraction Can
-Increased the amount of 5mm ammo you'll find from loot sources
-Reduced recoil of shotguns some
-VATS now slows time by 70% instead of 96%, if you use VATS for combat you will have less time to react
-VATS in action(as opposed to target selection) will reduce damage taken by 50% instead of 90%
-Removed the screen effect from flamer flames impacting nearby
-Made the screen effect from taking damage very slightly less intense
-Reworked how companions deal less damage, they will now deal less damage via a generic perk they all share instead of their unique weapons dealing less damage
^this was mostly done to prevent Strong from being OP as hell with melee weapons
-Companions will all deal less damage than before, they shouldn't be able to fight your fights for you, especially since they're immortal
-Gave companions fall damage immunity
-Slightly reduced the explosive damage of the Incendiary Grenade but buffed the burn damage and explosion radius
-Reduced the radius of the Homing Beacon explosion to make it a bit easier to not blow yourself up
-Changed the models used for the Fire Bomb and the Incendiary Grenade
-Automatic recievers for energy weapons will reduce damage as they do in vanilla, required for balancing
-Did power armor tweaks to DLC power armors
-Repairing power armor will require a few more components
-Restored vanilla ammo capacity for the Gauss Rifle but increased the time taken to fully charge a shot
-Rebalanced some companion perks and made the downright bad ones more useful
-Increased the projectile speed of the mirelurk king's sonic attack
-Removed the 2 custom mods for the Broadsider, they were pretty much just leftovers from Unbous Ranged and don't really have a place in this overhaul, 'Blunder' could even cause crashes
-Massively increased the reach of searchlights, the kind you find on walls around raider camps or such
-Weapon bobbleheads will additionally increase dealt crit damage by a minor amount
-Made it possible for NPC's to get the Plasma Bomber, Gatling /w beam splitter, Missile Quad Pod and Minigun Destroyer Barrel
-Made it possible for a few NPC's to have a Railway Rifle with a few different mod configurations
-Made it possible to grab molotov cocktails in mid-air, just because why not
-Gave NPC's more rocket ammo for whenever they spawn with a missile launcher
-Gave the Requisitions Officer in the institute a few extra goodies
-Added two new items, "Throwing Harpoon" and "Throwing Harpoon: Barbed", weaker than shooting them from a harpoon gun of course but incredibly cheap to make and can be thrown rapidly
-Added a new item, "Flashbang Grenade", it will stagger targets, cripple their heads and may cause knockdown if they are very close to the explosion, it even works against the player and will blind you more the closer you are
-Slightly reduced the explosion damage of missiles but increased the impact damage (you will do/recieve more damage on a direct hit)
-Reduced the damage of Institute lasers but increased the ammo capacity
-Very slightly reduced the physical and energy damage of the plasma gun
-Made lockpicks break slightly faster
-Increased Deliverer rate of fire but reduced the standard magazine size to the real world amount, 7
-Increased the fuse time for fragmentation grenades from 2.5s to 3s
-Increased chance of encountering legendary enemies to 1.0 for all difficulties (was .85)
-Made "Institute EM Pulse Grenade" an impact grenade to differentiate it from a regular pulse grenade a bit
-Buffed Shem Drowne's Sword
-Buffed laser splitters to be a little faster, use less projectiles and have a more narrow spread
-Buffed the Railway Rifle
-Buffed Gauss Rifle damage from upgrades
-Buffed Toughness 5 a bit, damage reduction when facing more targets at once will be exponentially improved
-Buffed the custom chem Prevent
-Buffed X-111 to remove rads over time and grant a powerful rad resistance
-Buffed Railroad Stealth Boy to be stronger than a regular Stealth Boy
-Nerfed Pulse explosions slightly
-Nerfed plasma bomber radius a bit
-Nerfed the healing received from higher-end nuka cola's
-Nerfed "Rad Resistant", the benefit from this perk is more exponential now
-Nerfed Rad-X
-Nerfed Mutant Hound Chops rad removal
-Nerfed "Bloody Mess" to have a smaller damage bonus
-Nerfed "Rooted" to not apply when you're crouching
-Nerfed "Action Boy/Girl" AP regen rate a little
-Nerfed most sources of burning damage, like molotovs or incendiary grenades
-Nerfed the 'explosion' damage of the behemoth boulders, still pretty deadly
-Nerfed poison resistances from various sources
-Circumvented a vanilla bug where Institute lasers would produce no sound upon firing, they now use the same sounds as the standard laser gun, not optimal but better than silence
-Circumvented a vanilla bug where the Radium Rifle didn't change audio upon getting a suppressor attachment by giving it the silencer audio of another gun
-Fixed "Moving Target" rank 5 using incorrect variables which resulted in the perk not working at all.. oops!
-Fixed Nick's companion perk "Private Dick" not correctly applying +5% damage for pistols
-Fixed explosive fuel barrels & fire extinguishers creating massive gibs
-Fixed some seemingly normal characters going at coursers speeds, because thank you bethesda for tagging random things as coursers for no reason
-Fixed a vanilla bug where Angler spit would apply molotov cocktail burn instead of the intended angler burn
-Fixed a vanilla bug where Cait's companion perk "Trigger Rush" was not working correctly, it actually only added an itty bitty 8.3% bonus regen rate, now it's properly 50% as intended
-Fixed a vanilla oversight where shotguns could get the "Explosive" or "Wounding" legendary effect, it resulted in every single 'pellet' from the shotgun individually recieveing the effects
-Gun bashing now does a lot more damage, the perk "Basher" has been adjusted accordingly
-Updated the compatibility patch for "10mm SMG"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "A Bundle of Tape"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "P220"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Kiparis SMG"
-Updated the compatibility patch for "Crossbows of the Commonwealth"
-Added a compatibility patch for "Wattz Laser Gun"
-Added a compatibility patch for "Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle"
-Added a compatibility patch for "Heckler und Koch - G36 Complex"
-Minor balancing alterations to some npcs
-Other tweaks & fixes
- 2.0
Version 1.5
- 1.5
Early update because I need to take a break, I'll continue in a week or two.
-Reduced ghoul poison damage a bit but doubled duration, don't forget you can get poison resistance from perks, gear or chems
-Nerfed the Gauss Rifle
-Vertibird miniguns will deal a little more damage and have decreased spread
-Vertibird miniguns used by the player will fire hitscan bullets due to major visual bugs from firing real projectiles in a moving vertibird
-Tweaked higher level NPC health ranges for a few things
-Tiny nerf to the Legendary NPC buff, 35% less damage taken instead of 40% less
-Toughness will now grant you 5 Poison resistance per rank instead of 10 per rank
-Life Giver will grant you HP regeneration with every rank but the health bonus for the first two ranks has been reduced to 10 per rank instead of 20
-Added a new grenade, "Toxic Bomb" which is an upgraded version of the common Poison Bomb, craftable at a chemstation
-Altered the model the Fire Bomb uses
-Buffed behemoth's ranged and melee damages
-Med-X no longer gives you Poison resistance, but it now also gives you Energy resistance
-Added a new item, "Prevent", it will grant you +25 HP and +50 Poison Resistance for 10 minutes with no addiction chance, found in chem boxes and a few other places
^if you have a better idea for this item, I'd appreciate any comments about it, I found the model for it and had to do.. something!
-Added a new item, "Antivenom", it will grant you +25 Poison Resistance for 2 minutes with no addiction chance, found in chem boxes and can be crafted at a chemstation
^new items may take a while before they show up in the world in an ongoing game
-Rank 2 of Medic will now buff Rad-X and rank 3 will buff Med-X, reverse of what it was before
-Humanoid NPC's should now properly have a small chance to carry & use a stealth boy, BoS & Gunners will have a slightly higher chance of owning one
-Fixed some minor bugs
- 1.5
Version 1.4
- 1.4
-Added a new item, "Med-Tek Bandages", which will rapidly heal some minor health damage and instantly some moderate limb damage, useful for not wasting stims on crippled limbs all the time, found here and there but not craftable for balancing reasons
-Added a new chem, "Hydra", which will grant you limb damage regeneration for a duration, craftable at a chemstation and found in chem boxes
-Added a new item, "Institute Nanobot Injector", it will heal 100% hp and rads but inflicts a small penalty to strength and agility for a few minutes
^new items may take a while before they show up in the world in an ongoing game
-Added a compatibility patch for 'OTs-02 Kiparis'
-Added a compatibility patch for 'Sig Sauer P220', get this gun because it's awesome, that's an order soldier
-Updated the compatibility patch for '10mm SMG'
-Updated the compatibility patch for 'A Bundle of Tape'
-Rushing Water now additionally restores Leg damage, keep at least one of these handy if you think you might run out of stims and get crippled
-Reverted block to normal, doesn't work so well since you take full limb damage through blocks, too bad
-Decreased spread on Combat Shotgun's long barrels
-Increased rate of fire on Combat Shotgun's automatic receivers
-Added Drum Mags to Combat Rifle
-Legendary enemies will now also take 40% less limb damage
-Added a new receiver to the Submachine Gun, ".38 Advanced Reciever", intended to give you a better use for all those .38's mid-game and beyond
-All revolvers will gain a small reload speed buff from upgraded grips
-Increased amount of energy ammo loot slightly
-Nerfed radscorpions & altered their locational damages, aim for the stinger
-Nerfed deathclaws
-Nerfed mirelurk queens resistances a lot but somewhat increased health
-Nerfed mirelurk kangs
-Nerfed mole rat brood mother resistances
-Nerfed turret resistances a little
-Nerfed assaultron max health some but left high resistances
-Nerfed behemoth health & resistances a good amount
-Nerfed higher level ghouls a bit
-Nerfed hermit crab resistances severely
-Reverted Missile Launcher to do the majority of the damage via the explosion rather than dividing the damage between explosion and impact, didn't work so well due to how resistances work
-Reduced how often you will encounter Legendary enemies on all difficulties, or more specifically it will always be the same chance which is slightly lower than on Normal difficulty
-Added a way to turn flare guns back to normal, just in case you want to
-Made lockpicking a little bit easier
-Reduced values of a few consumables
-The custom chem "Slasher" will additionally grant you limb damage immunity for the duration
-The default flare gun explosion will deal some damage instead of nothing
-The missile workshop turret will fire 4 micro missiles instead of regular missiles
-Cap Collector will no longer stack upon itself resulting in lower effectiveness, but rank 3 will lower prices further
-Cap Collector will now require higher levels to unlock
-'Polymer' upgrades for combat armor will now give it the look of the Gunner combat armor, because the stark white looks pretty bad with almost any outfit
-Alcoholic beverages will heal a small amount of rads & health, some more than others, also affected by Party Boy/Girl
-Purified water will no longer remove any rads
-Added a new grenade, "Poison Bomb", similar to the one robots have access to, craftable at a chem lab and found randomly
-Some weapon damage balancing once again, it's hard to find that perfect balance!
-Robot flamers will now be seperate from a regular Flamer with weaker effects
-All human NPC's have a tiny chance of posessing a Stealth Boy, you're not the only one scavenging out there
-Behemoth rocks will no longer magically seek targets, but they have a splash radius now
-Nerfed turrets overall some
-Added a new workshop turret, "Minigun Turret" which is considerably more powerful than a standard minigun, for when you 'really' want to keep those raiders out
-Reduced NPC health regen rates some again
-Bloatfly attacks will poison you for a longer duration
-Feral Ghouls will deal miniscule melee damage but inflict a larger amount of Poison and Radiation damage
-Some robotic melee attacks will be deadlier
-Second Wind will apply a weak non-resistable poison effect over a moderate duration, keep some decent food handy to counter the effect
-Power Armors now have x5 vanilla health, but take x10 as many materials to repair
-The legendary effect 'Plasma Infused' will now give your weapon plasma visual effects
- 1.4
Version 1.3
- 1.3
-Added a compatibility patch for '10mm SMG'
-Added a compatibility patch for 'A Bundle of Tape'
-Added a compatibility patch for 'Crossbows of the Commonwealth'
-Receievers will now decrease recoil the same way they increase damage;
*Hardened/Boosted = -15% recoil
*Powerful/Maximized = -30% recoil
*Advanced/Overcharged = -50% recoil
^Recoil reduced is relative to the additional recoil I previously added to receivers, so in actuality it won't be exactly the numbers above but pretty close, should make your schüt experience a bit more enjoyable
-10mm will now deal more damage than a .45
-10mm pistol capacity reduced
-10mm pistol rate of fire very slightly reduced
-Deliverer is back to 10mm again instead of .45
-Hunting Rifle .38 conversion is now a 5.56 conversion
-Combat Rifle .45 conversion is now a 10mm conversion
-Action Boy/Girl jump height now only applies if you're sprinting
-Default Missile Launcher explosions will now deal less splash damage but more impact damage, rewarding good aim and perhaps making them not always instakill when you're facing them
-Slightly increased Missile projectile speed
-Reduced base damage of Minigun and Gatling Laser, still very powerful but slightly less devestating
-Reduced Assault Rifle recoil
-Increased Mini-Vertibird Barrel splash radius
-Added 2 recipes to craft Nuka grenades & mines
-Nerfed a few grenade explosions
-Nerfed Fat Man MIRV attachment, it will still deal juicy damage and cause extreme amounts of rads
-Legendary armor effect "Chameleon" now only applies when you have your weapon holstered but also works if you sneak very slowly, far less annoying and potentially more useful
-Legendary weapon effect "Never Ending" will now double ammo capacity and increase rate of fire by 5%
-Legendary melee weapon effect "Blazing" will now always trigger
-Legendary melee weapon effect "Charging" will now trigger 50% of the time
-Rebalanced some other legendary effects
-Added a new attachment for the Missile Launcher "Miss Barrel", a recreation of the 'Miss Launcher' from Fallout 3
-The previously utterly worthless magazine "Wasteland Survival 5"(marked diamond city on your map) now grants you 5% increased movement speed whenever you're outdoors
-Included a fix that allows you to wear gas masks with helmets, not sure why Unofficial Patch guys haven't done this one
-Included a fix that allows you to wear glasses with the assaultron helmet
-Added a fix to the VIS patch that gives glass bottle scrap items some weight and value instead of nothing
-Reduced health regen rates some
-Blocking with melee weapons will no longer block 100% damage, and power attacks will hurt more through blocks
-Added VIS tags for a few mags & bobbleheads
-Strength will buff melee damage less than before
-Nerfed "Glowing One" ghouls health some
-Made brahmins shut the hell up, mostly
-Altered some loading screen messages to fit the overhaul better
-Reduced Fusion Core 'ammo' from 500 to 300
-Reduced damage bonuses on certain NPC's
-Nerfed super mutants, again
-Purified water will remove a tiny amount of rads
-Added a new grenade "Incendiary Grenade" which combines the power of a frag grenade and a molotov cocktail
-Reduced Legendary NPC's bonus damage & damage reduction
-Included a few missed Unofficial Patch fixes
- 1.3
Version 1.2
- 1.2
-Increased gravitational drop on most projectiles
-Reverted frags back to one radius, unfortunately the second radius causes damage through walls and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix it
-Some adjustments to loot, you will now find less ammo, even less rare ammo, fewer meds and a bit less good stuff in general
-Common ammo types are more plentiful at vendors while more powerful types are a bit scarcer
-Removed junk & caps from creatures
-Added Baseball Grenades to Diamond City guards
^you can still use more comprehensive loot mods by loading them before this mod, or after if you want to change it up even more
-Added the custom chems to a few chem lists
-Added the custom chems to the lunchbox's list
-Removed fusion core conversion recipes
-Some balancing tweaks to npc's
-Minor tweaks to perks
-Alcohol now lasts 10 minutes instead of 20
-Altered max possible XP gain from crafting, cooking and workshop building
-Fixed Minigun Mini-Vertibird Barrel not working right
-Rebalanced the Plasma Bomb receiver to be in line with other receivers and reverted it to using regular non-custom plasma cartridges
-Added a fix to the VIS patch that gives tool scrap items (wrenches, hammers etc) some weight and value instead of nothing
-Altered how lockpicking works, your picks will break much slower but finding the sweetspot will require some fiddling and gentle movement
-Increased Locksmith rank 4 to 150% larger sweetspot instead of 100% larger to compensate
-Gave the Contruction Spotlight a wider light
-Nerfed Ballistic Weave & made it only grant damage resistance, but also made the Institute Killer Weave have energy resistance to make it unique
-The first two ranks of Ballistic Weave is available from the start, there's upgrades for minor energy resistance so why not?
-Reduced recoil for the 10mm pistol, the main benefit of 10mm over .45 will now be that 10mm is much easier to control
-The Flamer will no longer display incorrect impact damage
-Made world radios have a larger audio radius, I personally like to only hear radios in the world so this tweak will make them more enjoyable, should be compatible with everything since it only alters generic outputs
-Gave supermutants increased melee damage & unarmed damage, they punch pretty hard now!
- 1.2
Version 1.1
- 1.1
-Tweaked almost all Workshop lights to have wider radius and smoother light, spotlights to be much more powerful and some lights to not use up energy points, check out the gif in the images section
-Tweaked the rates you will gain XP at, -20% base, -50% cooking & crafting, -75% workshop building and +75% for discovering new locations
-Tweaked resistances for some NPC's
-Rebalanced how much Defense you get from the various workshop turrets
-Altered workshop turret crafting requirements some
-Made the workshop spotlight turret have a much longer reach, x7 longer to be exact
-Fixed some minor consumables bugs
-Nerfed all ghouls resistances & health some
-Fixed a few ghouls having incorrect resistances & regen
-Fixed Combat Rifle & Assault Rifle having incorrect VIS tags
-Added an upgraded version of the Pipe Revolver Shotgun receiver
-Moved the synth component conversion recipes to be part of the fusion core conversion recipes instead
-Minor balancing tweaks to consumables
-Added a Reflex Sight to the Alien Blaster
-Reduced 10mm recoil some
-Big Leagues & Iron Fist will now give 5% extra damage per rank like the other main damage dealing perks, you get +10% damage from each point of Strength anyways
-Rebalanced base weapon damages of some previously borderline OP weapons
-Rebalanced how upgraded receivers work, they will now almost always have the following benefits regardless of weapon:
*Hardened/Boosted = +15% damage
*Powerful/Maximized = +30% damage
*Advanced/Overcharged = +50% damage
^This should help the game scale more smoothly and give some logic & consistency to receivers
-Caliber conversions will now get the damage for the equivalent of a gun upgraded with "Powerful" of the same caliber
-Armor Piercing receivers will now always deduct -20% damage from the equation
- 1.1

Unbogus Fallout Overhaul is an extensive gameplay overhaul that touches upon almost every aspect of the game, changing how you play, altering the vast majority of the game and adding many new features.
The world will feel more static and less like it revolves around you, rewarding skill and tactics regardless if you're level 5 or level 50, providing a fun challenge no matter how far into the game you get.
• Overhauled combat with fierce aggressive enemies that will challenge you from beginning to end.
• Painstakingly balanced NPC stats that makes the game never feel too easy or too hard at appropriate levels.
• Health works differently, both for you and everything around you.
You start with 100HP and every additional point of Endurance grants 20 HP, levels will do nothing for health.
• Healing works differently, food will heal you slowly over time and stimpaks heal a fixed amount of health and limb damage while the new med-tek bandages are much more effective at healing limb damage.
• Weapons all follow more generic guidelines, balanced primarily around caliber types and nearly universal damage modifications which makes almost every gun viable at any point with the right upgrades.
• New chems, like Second Wind, Antivenom, Cat Eye, Truffle Mentats or Relaxing Herb Cigar, and many vanilla chems have been rebalanced as well.
There is also a cure for the infamous molerat disease, craftable once you contract it.
• New perks and rebalanced vanilla perks. New ones like Critical Thinker, Shotgun Surgeon, Rad Child or Luck o' the Irish.
Extra notable examples are perks like;
Finesse which can change how you play and what equipment you go after by richly rewarding you for having very low armor values.
Intimidation which works every time when you catch your target by surprise up close, making it a perfect perk for stealthy characters.
Pain Train which works outside of power armor, allowing you to play ultra-aggressive.
Robotics Expert which will additionally allow you to hack turrets the same way you can hack robots.
• Optional custom basic sorting system with alterations to item name structures which will always show you the name of the item first and any modifications after, sorts everything in the game other than Misc and Junk items.
(Sorting those items opens a very big can of worms for mods that need a compatibility patch)
• Player killmove immunity, no more getting locked into a death cutscene even though you were at full health.
• New equipment like many new grenades, turret-spawning relays, and weapon attachments like Napalmer, Miss Launcher, Thermobaric Warhead Launcher or Plasma Bomber.
• Restored cut content, like the Space Blaster, revolver fanning, throwing weapons like Throwing Blades or Throwing Hatchets and many types of gloves that can be worn with almost any outfit and come with custom upgrades.
• Random critical hits based on Luck and a couple of perks.
• Real projectiles where bullets physically fly through the air with ballistics loosely based on real statistics, laser weapons fire bolts similar to laser guns from your favorite cheesy sci-fi movies.
• Difficult stealth, unless you invest into stealthy perks you will be detected very easily and enemies won't give up their search so fast. Stealth Boys will help you greatly, especially outdoors during daytime.
There are a few new items to help you become a better sneaky snake, like throwable distraction items, stealth boys that last 2 minutes or throwing weapons that benefit from melee sneak attack multipliers.
• Optional live dismemberment on humans and supermutants, only works with high caliber weaponry and explosives which may cause enemies to flee in terror or perform a last ditch effort on the ground. (Enabled through the miscellaneous file Punisher)
• Lunchboxes explode into a small pile of random loot with a massive list of potential items or even a bunch of caps, no $1.99 key required!
• New legendary effects, like Shocking, Bloodthirsty or Denting. Also rebalances almost all vanilla legendary effects to either be less overpowered or a lot more useful.
• Fast and deadly melee combat both for humanoids and creatures.
• Uncapped encounter zones.
• More scarce loot in general, for example you may not always find enough ammo to endlessly use your favorite gun, vary your weapon usage or get trading for supplies.
• More difficult bartering, don't expect to be able to buy everything you see!
• More difficult lockpicking, requires gentle fiddling to find the sweetspot but your picks will break much more slowly.
(Misc file to revert lockpicking to vanilla exists if you don't like this)
• New workshop turrets, like Minigun Turret, Electro-Bubble Turret, Napalm Turret or Alien Animatronic Turret.
• Tweaked armor with altered effectiveness, modifications and more reasonable usage slots, meaning you can for example equip a gas mask with an army helmet.
• Improved locational damage, shooting heads and mechanical weak spots inflict more damage than before while limbs and heavily armored spots inflict less damage.
• Areas reset plenty slower than vanilla, which means places you've already cleared out won't respawn with new enemies and loot quite as fast, but it does not affect random spawns in the world at all.
• Minutemen can be called in with flares from much further away and they will show up to fight in armor instead of clothing.
• Some light sources have been tweaked to provide more reasonable light, usually resulting in wider and softer light, there's a gif in the images section.
• Carry weight starts higher and improves more with Strength, catered for all your garbage-carrying needs.
• Improvements to the workshop, you can create trading routes by default, powerlines can reach much further, radial power sources are more powerful, and more.
• Some enemy types are different from each other, for example bug types tend to be much more squishy but very fast and agile, ghouls deal very little damage but can be hard to take out in big groups while dealing radiation and poison damage, synths are fast and super-aggressive but have weak limbs, and robots tend to be both powerful and tanky but fairly slow.
• Many more smaller tweaks here and there that I couldn't clutter up this list with, play and find out!
Damage multipliers have been altered a bit to fit UFO better:
Dealt | Taken
Very Easy: 2.0 | 0.5
Easy: 1.5 | 0.75
Normal: 1.0 | 1.0
Hard: 0.75 | 1.5
Very Hard: 0.5 | 2.0
Survival: 0.5 | 2.0
Very Easy: 1.25 | 0.5
Easy: 1.25 | 0.75
Normal: 1.0 | 1.0
Hard: 0.75 | 1.5
Very Hard: 0.75 | 2.0
Survival: 0.5 | 2.0
Dealt | Taken
Very Easy: 2.0 | 0.5
Easy: 1.5 | 0.75
Normal: 1.0 | 1.0
Hard: 0.75 | 1.5
Very Hard: 0.5 | 2.0
Survival: 0.5 | 2.0
Very Easy: 1.25 | 0.5
Easy: 1.25 | 0.75
Normal: 1.0 | 1.0
Hard: 0.75 | 1.5
Very Hard: 0.75 | 2.0
Survival: 0.5 | 2.0
I would personally recommend playing on Very Hard or Hard, but any choice of difficulty is of course fine.

Official XBone port of final version available

-Weapon mods will not be compatible without a patch, be careful as they can easily ruin the intended balance otherwise
-Armor/clothing mods will not be compatible, unless they are purely cosmetic they will have much higher armor ratings than any other items in the game
-Power Armor mods will require a patch to work properly, they will work without a patch but they will have slightly too powerful stats and wont receive health & crafting alterations
-Survival Mode related mods should be fine if you load them after the overhaul
-Food & Healing mods will not be compatible without a patch, healing rates will be very wrong
-Companion mods will be compatible, no companion records have been altered directly, recommend loading them before the overhaul anyways
-NPC mods will be incompatible, they will most likely have too much health and their levels won't scale to get better gear over time
-Weapon Skin mods should all be compatible if you load them before the overhaul, every equippable weapon has the changes necessary to support skins
If you have any doubts about any other kind of mod, load them before the overhaul, this is a good idea for any overhaul out there.
Compatibility patches are available for
•Sig Sauer P220 version 1.03
•New Recipes version 2.2.3
•Wattz Laser Gun * version 1.3.1
*Comes with fixes to the overly loud reload sounds.
•Backpacks of the Commonwealth version 1.4 (Script injection version only)
•DeadPool2099's Service Rifle * version 0.96
*Comes with fixes to the overly loud reload sounds.
•Vivid Weathers version 2.00
•Animated Chems Redone version 1.1
•Ithaca Model 37 * version 1.2
*Comes with fixes to the overly loud NPC firing sounds.
•LAER version 1.24
Make sure to load any patches after UFO and the files of the mods.
All patches are automatically compatible with Simply Sorted if you choose to use it.
Additional unofficial patches are available with;
UFO - Compatibility Patches made by user Son_of_Foamy
Resh's Gnarly UFO Patches made by user Reshirou
Arbo's Even Gnarlier UFO Patches made by user Arboren
---[Highly recommended mods]---
- Sim Settlements 2 if you want a massively improved settlement building experience
- Settlement Menu Manager for a far less messy workshop menu
- Start Me Up to quickly get into a fresh character
- Bullet Time, combine it with FO4 Hotkeys and you're golden
- Better Low Health for more intense combat situations & awareness, 35% version recommended
- Create Your Own Difficulty Rebalance not recommended by default, but if you want to change damage multipliers this is the mod for you
- Pip-Boy Flashlight if you want a flashlight at all times
- Settler Sandbox Expansion for having less braindead settlers
- True 3D Audio for greatly improved sound quality, do not use if you play third person as it will bug out
- All Settlements Extended for massively improved settlement boundaries
- Place Everywhere for building your settlements the way YOU want
- RAW INPUT for greatly improved mouse control, very recommended
- CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul for gnarly critical kills
- New Postapocalyptic for new and great ambient tracks
- More Where That Came From for an expanded library of radio tracks
- Get Out Of My Face for the ability to stop companions' doorway-blocking shenanigans
- Console Name Fix for when you inevitably have to fix some bethesda buggery manually
- Enhanced Color Correction 'gloom' version for an improved atmosphere
- Faster Terminal Displays for if you don't wanna spam skip constantly on every terminal you use[/color]
- Clean Water of the Commonwealth (Tropical & normal Rads version) for both getting great looking water and being able to see below the surface
- Drop The Bomb for expressing your emotions
- Full Dialogue Interface for partially fixing the mess of a dialogue system Bethesda created
- CROSS Jetpack for taking to the sky without clunky power armor