About this mod
There are now two versions so be careful with what you download. One is for the old Sim Settlement and one is for the new Sim Settlement 2.
This addon will blend new and old into nice homes, shops or whatever you need to have a vibrant community. Will constantly be updated with new plots.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

Requires Version 2.1.7 or Greater of Sim Settlements
Requires Version 1.0.15a or Greater of Sim Settlements 2
Requires Version 0.1.4 or Greater of Settlement Menu Manager
No DLCs needed
Homes: 3
Shops: 0
Farms: 0
Recreational: 1
Martial 1x1: 1
Martial 2x2: 1
VIP Stories: 0
Flags: 7
Furnitures: 2
Clothes/Armor: 1
Building Features
Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: Yes
Performance Settings: Yes
-NEW- Workshop menu -NEW-
About the addon
This addon will mix old vanilla textures with my own new textures.
I try to stay as lore friendly as possible. But I will retexture everything I can to make it look as I want it too. Afterall, as I see it, if everyone in the Commonwealth can make a mini nuke out of scraps, he should also be able to make new furniture, paint, or even wallpapers, right? If you are one of those people who doesn't like to find new retextured stuff you should propably not download this addon.
I will upload new plots on a regular basis. Not as fast as many others doing addons for Sim Settlement will. Due to the simple fact that I almost always retexture everything I can and that takes time. :)
Big thanks!
To kinggath for his awsome mods, Builder's Toolkit and help,
Mytigio, Uituit, Sebbo and Altairp for being there for me and helping me on a daily basis.
And ofc all the others from the "new_modder_help" Discord channel.
And the Löfbergs Lila Company who let me use their old advertising posters from back when, and theire coffee tin texture.
Building plan names and info thus far
The Busstop
The bus never stops here anymore. But if it would, you would be first in line!
A small flowergarden with a tree outside. My very first plot!
Purple Busstop
After finding an old coffee tin for the import brand Löfbers Lila. The plotowner decided to collect whatever things he could find from
that brand. Afterall, purple is a nice color.
Recolored busstop. New books, bed, armchair, coffee tin and more. Can you find it all?
No raider can huff or puff this house down.
Flower pots and boxes makes barbequeing a whole new experience. New mattress, wallpaper, bookshelf and a wall-to-wall carpet.
Thou shalt not pass
A 1x1 small tower with a guarddog at all levels and a spotlight at level 3 (must be connected with power cable). All wrapped up in a camouflage net. (clipping can occur when windy. Sorry!)
MGF - Minutemen Guard Force
The newly formed policeforce named Minutemen Guard Force is here to defend your settlement. With tons of new textures and stuff to find and look at.
I hope this plot will keep you occupied and happy for a long time.
With this plot I also added 7 flags and 2 desks to your workbench!
And one new MGF armor to pick up!
Merry X-mas
A simple new plot with only 3 buildingstages.
Welcome to the recreation of what was called X-Mas. We have used plastic bits to recreate something called "snow" and found an old plastic tree called "x-mas tree". We have also decorated that in the most common way from before the war according to old magazines like Picket Fences. We hope you will enjoy our recreational plot and stay here a while and listen.
Note: This is my first experience with the Creation Kit or even modding for that matter. I propably will have bugs and other issues with this mod. Please report them to me here as soon as possible so I can fix them.
Thank you!
Thank you Juicehead for the spotlight!
Also big thanks to my master kinggath
I had an idea, kinggath made it shine!