Ak5C - A Nordic Relic Turkish Translation
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About this mod
asXas' e ait ''Ak5C - A Nordic Relic'' modunun türkçe çevirisidir. Lütfen beğenirseniz onaylamayı unutmayın.
Turkish translation of the mod ''Ak5C - A Nordic Relic'' owned by asXas. Please don't forget to endorse if you find this file useful.
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Tercüme V1.2 güncelleştirmesini içermektedir.
Beğenirseniz lütfen onay vermeyi unutmayın.
Turkish translation of the mod ''Ak5C - A Nordic Relic'' owned by asXas. Download the main file of Ak5C - A Nordic Relic with NMM then overwrite ''Ak5C.esp'' with this one.
The translation already contains v1.2 update.
Please don't forget to endorse if you find this file useful.