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About this mod

This Mod will change the Level Difficulty Spawning of Enemies
If you are LVL 1, Instead of coming in contact with low LVL Enemies, You will come in contact with HIGH LVL Enemies. You wont be seeing just Raiders You will be seeing Raiders Survivalists or Raiders Veterans
So Don't install this mod when you are a low LVL,.

Permissions and credits
This Mod will change the Level Difficulty Spawning of Enemies and it very UNBALANCED when you are a low LVL
If you are LVL 1, Instead of coming in contact with low LVL Enemies, You will come in contact with HIGH LVL Enemies. You wont be seeing just Raiders You will be seeing Raiders Survivalists or Raiders Veterans
So Don't install this mod when you are a low LVL,. because you will die all the time, Install this Mod at MID or HIGH levels.

Ive change 3 codes

fLeveledActorMultEasy 0.400000 TO 9.999999
fLeveledActorMultMedium 0.700000 TO 9.999999
fLeveledActorMultHard 1.000000 TO 9.999999.

This mod wont break your saves. I know I am useing the mod right now in my save. Plus you dont have to wait a few days to see the changes. It works right away.

This Mod is base off ( Immersive Difficulty Upgrade--Sheogorath )   but I made my mod more harder than that mod

If you want more Info of how my mod works , go to this web page 

Immersive Difficulty Upgrade Sheogorath