About this mod
As of 3.0 update: this mod adds 24 new Raider/Tribal themed helmets/headwear, 3 sets of angel wings made entirely of blades and other melee weapons and 1 body accessory called Nixie Tube Augmentation. All items are craftable at the Armorsmith workbench under Raider, as such AWKCR is required for the mod.
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This mod adds 24 new Raider/Tribal themed helmets/headwear, 3 sets of angel wings made entirely of blades and other melee weapons and 1 body accessory called Nixie Tube Augmentation. All items are craftable at the Armorsmith workbench under Raider, as such AWKCR is required for the mod.
3.0 Update Important Announcement:
Because of now having 28 different items (still making many more) I've switched over from using loose files to using ba2 archives. This means that if you have installed 2.1 (the previous version) or any version before that you may want to uninstall it to remove the loose files before installing the 3.0 version. The 3.0 version contains all the previous items plus the new items.
New Items in 3.0:
-Bird Skull Headdress
-Snake Headdress
-Dragon Skull which available in 3 forms: Open Jaw, Closed Jaw and No Jaw
-Horned Helmet
-Steampunk Rabbit which available in 2 forms: Goggles Up or Goggles Down (shown as Steampunk Rabbit GU and Steampunk Rabbit GD ingame)
-The Goat
(see image gallery for pictures of the new items.)
Available upgrades:
- The 24 helms/headwear are able to be upgraded via ballistic weave (must still be unlocked from Railroad)
- While the helms/headwear don't have any legendary effect currently applied the keywords are there so if you have a mod that allows you to add legendary effects you can add them (NOTE: the wings do NOT have the legendary keywords)
- The 3 sets of Blade Angel Wings (large, medium, and small/micro) use slot [57] which have 4 tiers of upgrades for carry weight. They are:
- Packrat = +25 carry capacity (no requirement)
- Collector = +50 carry capacity (requires Armorer Rank 2)
- Hoarder = +75 carry capacity (requires Armorer Rank 3)
- Junk Dealer = +100 carry capacity (requires Armor Rank 4)
- Most of the headgear uses slot 30 [hair top] but not all of them use slot 31 [hair long] because of this set up some styles of short (or even long) hair can clip through the headwear items.
- The Blade Angel Wings lack collision, this is not an oversight it was done on purpose. When the wings had collision wearing the large or even medium wings caused problems with both doorways and low roofs.
- While the Large Blade Angel Wings are my favorite they are best used for screenshots only because due to their size playing in 3rd person they block much of the screen and also quite often block the screen during dialogue sequences as well. The Medium size also does block a bit too but since they are 50% smaller they block a lot less of the view.
Bodyslide Files for Nixie Tube Augmentation:
- The one included in the 2.0 update is set to fit regular CBBE body
-In the optional files section there is a file that contains the files needed to be able to make the Nixie Tube Augmentation fit personal presets. This is both a manual download and a use at your own risk file. I don't use custom presets in my game and have never created bodyslide files before but decided to create one as a courtesy. There is some distortion of some of the back Nixie tubes but it is relatively minor. Included in the download are instructions for placing the files so they can be seen by Bodyslide.
Future Plans:
- Make 4 new Raider Bosses to act as the Four Horsemen with each one having one of the 4 helms and possibly a pair of the wings to allow players an immersive way of obtaining the items without simply crafting them.
- Make an optional file that makes the Blade Angel Wings as mods for Automatron Robots.
--***Just added*** Try and create world models for all or most of the helmets/headwears so they aren't using the wooden box mesh when dropped.
Companion mods/Patches:
Frost Patch - (By CrimsonLegion94) Adds the Gas Mask enchantment to the skull and other helms, yes all of them (Including those added in the 2.1 Update). Check it out.
Driveables of the Commonwealth - Dogs -(By BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah) Not directly related but Driveable Dogs uses some assets from this mod (with permission) to allow players to trick out their dog mounts. The mod is a lot of fun check it out!
Ruff Riders - Mounted Enemies of the Commonweath -(By BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah)Brand new mod that adds Raiders riding large armored dogs as new enemies in to several areas of the Commonwealth. Some of the Ruff Riders mounts will spawn wearing the skull helms from this mod, but beware those ones are very difficult to defeat! Check out the mod!