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About this mod

Adds new thrown and placed explosives with various effects to suit various playstyles. Also reimagines some unique grenades from Fallout New Vegas.

Permissions and credits

One of my favorite things about Fallout New Vegas was the explosives crafting.  There was a lot of variety, and some of the options were just charming in their practicality.  I wanted to try my hand at bringing some of that to Fallout 4.

  • Tin Can Grenade: Cheap, low-yield grenade.  A tin can filled with scrap metal, this grenade will deal light ballistic damage without the blast of a frag grenade - ideal for players that don't want to disrupt all the loot their foes are hording or turn a room into a tornado site (like me).
  • IED: Cheap, low-yield improvised explosive device.  A placed version of the Tin Can Grenade.
  • Soda POP: A 2072 lawsuit alleged mixing Sugar Bombs with Nuka Cola caused a fatally combustible fireball. The suit was settled out of court, but both products now carry a disclaimer.  Just mix, shake, and throw to create a radioactive firestorm in its wake.  
  • Handy Mine: Similar to Soda POP, this Mr. Handy fuel canister rigged to explode will create a huge radioactive fireball.
  • MFC Grenade: An old favorite from FNV, this cheap, low-yield Microfusion Cell rigged to overload will create a burst of electrical energy that will not disrupt the area around it.
  • MFC Cluster: Another old FNV favorite, 6 MFC Grenades lashed together, dispersing on contact.  Creates a devastating discharge of electrical energy.
  • Dirty Bomb: Disperses a lingering cloud of hazardous radioactive fallout into the air.
  • Dirty Mine: A placed version of the dirty bomb.
  • Icer Grenade: I designed this to complement my Daisy Johnson/Quake Super Powers (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) mod playthrough.  Inspired by the episode T.R.A.C.K.S., the Icer Grenade disperses a cloud of the dendrotoxin used in the night-night gun/icer, paralysing any enemy that comes into contact with it.  Beware, inhaling the cloud yourself will drain your AP.
  • Dendrotoxin Gas Mask: Helps reduce the effects of the dendrotoxin from the Icer Grenade, should you chose to charge in headfirst like it's WWI.  Crafted under "Utility" at the Chem Lab (requires 1.0.1 Update patch)

All forms are unique and only reference other unique forms so there should be no issues.

***I always appreciate seeing your screenshots/videos!***

-Special thanks to Play6ner for providing a Russian translation.

All-In-One Realistic Construction Recipes

Guard Posts and Towers with Spotlights
Anarchist's Cookbook Vol. 2
Robotic Prosthetic Arms - made from scratch
Looksmenu Presets - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Pack 1 - Coulson, Daisy, YoYo, and Mack
Yo-Yo's Super Powers - Super Speed Then Warp Back (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Shotgun-Axe (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Daisy Johnson/Quake Super Powers and Gear

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