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About this mod

This mod adds 5 unique Railroad themed outfits for Male and Female players to the game as well as to the Railroad LvLed Lists.

Permissions and credits

This mod adds 5 unique Railroad themed outfits for Male and Female players to the game
as well as to the Railroad LvLed Lists.


Railroad agents will randomly show up with these outfits, but you can also craft them in the Chemstation.

The female Outfits are CBBE, the male outfits are Vanilla!

HERE you can find an optional file to change Elianora's Armor Compendium to be more compatible with other Mods that add outfits to Vanilla LvLed Lists by removing her additions to the Vanilla LvLed Lists and then re-adding them by script. It is NOT necessary for the compatibility with Railroad Variations, however, it does make the compatibility a little more balanced! More importantly, it will make the Armor Compendium compatible with mods like We Are The Minutemen, that also change the vanilla lists.


Required mods:


(And be sure to pick up
Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
if you want to create your own custom body!)
This Mod also requires Far Harbor and Nuka World!!!

Recommended mods:

Apocalypse Accessories
Because anything by Elianora is awesome, and some of these look great with the
outfits in this mod!


This mod is basically compatible with most other Mods... However, if they change the Vanilla LvLed Lists, the variation might be off balance, as my mod is tweaked to Vanilla settings...

This also goes for:
Elianora's Armor Compendium (without the mentioned patch)
Any other mod that changes the Railroad LvLed lists

This mod is NOT compatible with any mod that removes the use of the Vanilla Railroad LvLed Lists in order to clothe them, because my mod may add the outfits to those lists, but those lists will have been made redundant.

However, even if a mod is not compatible, the Railroad Variations outfits will always be craftable in the Chemstation!


Use anything I have made for your own mods, as long as you DON’T upload my full mods as your own,
either on the Nexus or anywhere else! Actually, don’t upload my mods to any
other sites other than the Nexus full stop! My mods are exclusive to the Nexus!
If you use my modifications of other people's mods (see credits), make sure you get their permission as well!
(For this mod you will need permission from nsk13)

If you use anything I made in your own mods, you are not allowed to ask money for them.
Donations are fine, but don’t charge people for my work!


Elianora for basically all her mods.
nsk13 for
Ralfetas for
Unkut5 for
Ellise for
Petrovich for
And invalidfate for the port to FO4
And a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped me both on the NEXUS forums and the NEXUS Author Discord!!!!!! You guys are truly the best!!!

 shad0wshayd3 who was my ultimate scripting hero for this Mod!