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About this mod

Green grass, pre-war trees, water slowly flowing to the center of the concourse...

Boring, right?

So... why don't we spice things up with a sky?

Permissions and credits
I present to you my second mod!

It just adds a fake-sky-screen-led-thingy to the Institute
making it more appealing than the vanilla dome.
Basically a skybox with day/night cycle.
(or maybe the institute is just flying because science)

Thats it, have fun!

If you can't find the Institute because you sided with other faction
Don't worry,

The Institute will find you


If you like it don't forget to endorse!
If you don't, then do not forget to spam me with insults because that will totally help me make better mods!

Feel like tossing a bottlecap to me?
(don't be shy, click the bottlecap)

My other Mods:

Immersive Shopping Cart - Carry All in your C.A.R.T.

Alien Todd Howard Glasses