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About this mod

Windows tool to perform various bulk operations on Transfer Settlements blueprints. Remove mods and object types, replace objects, make them static. It also helps to find missing mods and so on.

Permissions and credits
This is a standalone application for Windows, not a mod. Just download it an run, no need to use mod manager. It wasn't updated since 2019, but works perfectly in 2024.

Initially made for my own pleasure. I had two goals in mind - I wanted to import a much lighter version of Vault 88 by Mayaterror (around 10 000 objects, though I only wanted half of them) and I wanted to share my heavily modded settlements, but allowing people to cut or replace what they don't want to install. And if they do want to install these mods - provide them a faster way to do so.

There is no installation procedure - just unpack and run (see readme.txt inside for more text, not necessarily information). You will need Windows Vista or up (so, 7, 8 or 10 will do).

Possible scenarios:
1. Make lighter versions of your blueprints by removing certain objects.
2. Remove problematic mods.
3. Replace objects of older mods with newer ones or generic objects.
4. Make particular type of clutter static.
5. Sort objects in your blueprint so that they would nicely build from ground up.
6. Find mods used by blueprint, and their footprint (e.g. how many objects of that mod are there).
7. Find collisions between two blueprints.
8. Generate blueprint description for your Nexus page.
9. Create additional blueprints on top of someone else work, distributing only newly added parts.