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About this mod

Overhaul of the signs/posters in Diamond City. In keeping with the vanilla look, now you can read signs up close!

Permissions and credits

Overhaul of the signs/posters in Diamond City. In keeping with the vanilla look, now you can actually the read signs up close!

Signs/Posters re-textured

Commonwealth Weaponry:  Main Sign (Given a painted over time and time again feel)

Chem I Care: Prescriptions Sign and Mentats poster (Made readable)

The Dugout Inn: We keep you in good spirits poster (Better quality and a more hand painted feel)

To install use NMM or manually place in Data\textures\Architecture\DiamondCity after doing the steps in Gophers video linked below:

Enabling mods by Gopher


This is a learn as I go process so expect things to change as they go, any bugs/ problems found by users it would be amazing if they can be pointed out, thanks :)

Please be aware that the only files I have modified so far are 'diamondsigns03_d.DDS', 'diamondsigns01_d.DDS' and 'diamondsigns01_d.DDS' but they contain multiple signs/ posters. I have only re-textured the signs I feel need improving/ WIP so the other signs/posters are vanilla but are resized depending on what file size you choose. To be fair this shouldn't have much impact on performance. 

Further Improvements

Want to improve the overall textures of Diamond City? checkout:

'Diamond City Overhaul by sgtpectoralismajor