File information
Created by
Roland The HeadlessUploaded by
Roland The HeadlessVirus scan
About this mod
This is a save game with NO mods of any type in use, saved just before picking up the PIP Boy in Vault 111.. All the DLCs are present, but I don't think that would keep you from using this save.
Why a save before picking up the PIP Boy? Many mod authors use that event to trigger the start of their mod. This way you can still get a clean
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Why a save before picking up the PIP Boy? Many mod authors use that event to trigger the start of their mod. This way you can still get a clean start to those mods. Other authors trigger their mod when you leave the vault for the first time. This will, of course, happen with this save. Some authors trigger their mods when you start a new game. If I went back that far, it wouldn't be a fast start now would it. (Plus those mods generally start whenever you load your game after enabling the mod.)
I collected everything there is to collect in the vault (couple of 10MMs, couple of batons, couple of clean vault suits, spouse's wedding ring, bobby pin, over 100 rounds of ammo, game holo tape, eyeglasses, bunch of scrap). You get to change your character's looks, SPECIAL point assignment, and name when leaving the vault like always. In fact I would recommend that. I just used a standard preset as I didn't have Looksmenu loaded, because, you know, the purpose was to have a save with NO mods.
This is perfect for starting new games after changing mods, something I seem to do a lot and got so very tired of running through Vault 111 over and over. I also like this better than a quick start mod since nothing is added to my load order (I have a lot of mods loaded) and there is absolutely no possibility of any kind of conflict with this.
Just thought I would share, since disabling everything to do this is a pain. I was rebuilding my load order starting from scratch anyway, and thought to do this first.
Fallout 4, this won't work so well without it.
I did have all DLCs loaded when I made this save. If you don't have all DLCs loaded you should still be able to use this. Just click on OK when you get a warning message about DLCs missing. It shouldn't hurt anything.
I don't see how this could possibly conflict with anything. If anything conflicts with this it would conflict with the game itself.
1. Download the file manually.
2. Unzip the file.
2. Place the unzipped file in your save games folder. This is usually Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves.
3. Start the game and load the game named Unmodded Save Ilya or Unmodded Save Nate.
4. Pick up the PIP Boy and watch the messages scroll.
5. Enjoy.
Thanks to:
All you modders out there, making our gaming experience better.
Since I don't buy Bethesda games until all the DLCs are out (learned that lesson on Morrowind), I had never played Fallout 4 unmodded before this. Never saw the standard UI, standard character creation, and standard graphics before. Seeing the unmodded game was kinda shocking.