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About this mod

I haven't seen any completed savegames that were like I wanted, so did a speed-ish run, then removed all mods, cleaned, and saved

What there is: Male Savegame with Main, Far Harbor, Automatron, and Nuka-World DLC main quests complete.

You will need to download Scrappable Commonwealth here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mo

Permissions and credits
Main Quest: Main Complete, sided with Minutemen, friendly with BOS, Institute destroyed.

Automatron: Main Complete, let The Mechanist live.

Far Harbor: Main Complete, all 3 faction have peace.

Nuka-World: Killed raiders in main town at last minute. Some attractions may need cleared.

Scrappable Commonwealth will be needed to clear out any building I did.

Many settlements are unlocked with minimal building. Some will have to be deconstructed.

Many side quests are not complete.

Some settlements are not unlocked.

It's a decent enough savegame if you want to go right to playing mods.
