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About this mod

A 'Slooty Vault Girl' themed re-texture of the of the 'Courser X-92 Power Suit' by DeserterX.

Permissions and credits
Vault-Tec's X-92 Vault 69 Sentinel Power Armor

I am a little late to the party! But hey...I Don't care if there are 20 other X-92 retextures out there, I still just wanted to do it!
(none of the others use 'Slooty Vault Girl'...Lol)

Fast Facts*
  • Vault 69 was occupied by one male and 999 female vault dwellers!
  • Vault 68 was occupied by one female and 999 male vault dwellers! 

Description: ***Updated to Ver: 1.01***
The Management and scientific minds at Vault-Tec, in all of their evil Wisdom figured that the Vault Dwellers emerging from 'Vault 69' might need a little more protection from the harsh world above. After all, they are Vault-Tec's social sexual experiment tasked with banging or being banged by anyone and everyone for a minimum of 25 years. These Vault dwellers, however submissive, are the hope of the future. They are destined to emerge from the Vault and start a wasteland sexual revolution to re-populate the devastated United States of America. So the x-92 Sentinel was born, it's the Vault 69 version of the T-47 Power Armor. It's good for cocktail parties, it offers great protection against enemies, the elements...and from STD's!

Blah Blah Blah! No you cannot have that minute back!
(Really it's just because I felt like it...if the Institute can have one Vault-Tec should too!)

  • Adds 4K hand crafted retexture for the X-92 power suit
  • Retextured Courser Goggles
  • Retextured Courser Fusion Core

***The ESP and item ID's have not been changed so in game it is still called 'Courser suit' or something like that. Build it at chem bench or type "help courser 4" into the console***

***Optional Update 12/03/2018***

  • Added optional Vault 88 version
  • Added optional Vault 95 version
  • Added optional Vault 111 version
  • Added optional Vault 68 version

That's about it!

Credits go to: 
  • DeserterX for the original X-92 COURSER SUIT.
  • DixiePig for the original Slooty Vaultsuit.
  • Shadman for the 'Vaultmeat' / Slooty Vault Girl' inspiration.
  • My dysfuntional parents for my glaring lack of moral fiber.
  • And lastly...I would like to thank Copious amounts of Vodka!

***Must download and install the original X-92 Courser suit and then overwrite with this mod!***