About this mod
A collection of small internal residential plots to add flavour and character to your settlements. Perfect for placing plots in tight spaces!
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Requires Version 4.0.2 or Greater of Sim Settlements
Also part of the HUGE Sim Settlements Mega Pack - Year Three
TheLich's most amazing Place Everywhere is almost mandatory to get the most out of this add-on. Helps Pack-em-in-tight!
Are you a frustrated commonwealth property developer looking to fit more settlers into your settlements? Or maybe you want to add some immersive character and flavor to the bedrooms of your overworked slaves! Intimate Spaces is a collection of 15 interior residential plots that are guaranteed™ to fit into a 1 x 1 space aligned to the ASAM sensor pole in the Right Hand Corner. Handy for those tight builds and hard to reach areas! See pictures for some examples.
New Homes: 17 (Interior Residential Plots)
New Shops: 0
New Factories: 0
New Farms: 0
New VIP Stories: 0
Building Features
Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: No
Randomized Clutter: No
Performance Settings: Yes
Hypochondriac - For when constant medical intervention is required.
Drinker - A room for the well lubricated.
Driver - A space to cool your wheels.
Patriot - A place to rest after a busy day purging the filth from the commonwealth! (BOS Themed)
CallofDuty - A minutes rest for the Minutemen. (Minutemen Themed)
MummaBear - Raising kids in the wasteland is hard work.
Espionage - Details <REDACTED> the <REDACTED> are <REDACTED> SECRET! (Railroad Themed)
Flashback - Visions of a better time.
Veteran - There isn't much left that hasn't already been seen.
Devout - The God of Baseball. (It might not look like it but it does act as a BED! Trust me.)
Minimal - Just the basics please.
Player - Sweet, Sweet Loving.
Miner - Getting down low.
Technician. - No, they will not fix your terminal! Just resting my eye's!
Writer (New) - For the Hemingway in all of us.
Janitor (New) - Sweep the Leg.
Disclaimer: This is my first ever mod. This was made possible by the amazingly detailed tutorials available in the Sim Settlements - Builder's Toolkit! If you have ever wanted to get into modding or just see how all of this is possible then I highly recommend you go and check it out. That's OK. I'll wait here till you come back.
There are not allot of advanced cool features in these plots but my intention is to develop this and other collections over time as I hone my CK-Fu!
Special Thanks:
All Hail the mighty Kinggath - May he mod forever!
XV-Verus - For late night / early morning moral support
UitUit - For his guidance and Beta Testing along the journey and not to mention his very impressive and always growing collection of Add-ons!
And all the other fantastic and helpful peeps on the Sim Settlements Supporters and Development Discord Servers!
BethNet PC -> https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4102449
BethNet XBox -> https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4102463
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Sim Settlements 2 - Apocalyptic Additions Addon Pack