About this mod
Adds the Children of Atom as a conqueror faction for the Sim Settlements expansion Conqueror. New special units included. GLORY TO ATOM!
- Permissions and credits

Requires Version 4.0.10 or Greater of Sim Settlements: Conqueror
Faction: Children of Atom
Assault Support: Yes
Defender Support: Yes
Decorations: Yes
Soundscape: Only Discovery and Exploration so far
"Behold! He's coming with the clouds! And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of
his voice!" - Confessor Cromwell, Fallout 3
I just love the Children of Atom and the way they were represented in the Far Harbor DLC. A growing cult of possibly dangerous, radiation-obsessed lunatics, who still might just be right in their beliefs. Now you, too, can spread the word of Atom and bring glorious division to all non-believers. So grab your Fatman, Gamma gun or Kiloton Rifle, go out there and start converting!
How to Get Started:
Just build the War Planner's Desk and select to take an outpost for the Children of Atom faction. They're set as conquerors and are hostile to all other factions, since I figured the only way most common wastelanders would accept their beliefs would be by force, a.k.a being shown Atom's power first-hand.
The required resources are-
Minor: Nuclear material, .45 ammo, Irradiated Blood, Glowing Fungus
Major: Mini Nukes, Missiles, Toy Rocketships, Fusion Cores, Glowing Blood Packs and NEW! - relics of Atom himself!
Feel free to change this file to your own liking, I literally own none of the resouces used to create it and Kinggath should get all the credit anyway because of his brilliant and thorough tutorial on creating Conqueror factions.
Requires the Far Harbor and Nuka World DLCs.
Also requires Contraptions Workshop and Wasteland Workshop DLCs.
NEW! - Update 1.4:
- implemented new special unit types. In addition to your regular soldiers, you now have access to suicidal Half-Lifes, melee-crazed War Chaplains, ghoul-summoning Redeemers, psychic Blast Augurs and Glow-Children*!
- Half-Lifes should also now explode properly. No longer shall they be denied blessed Division!
- Bounty posts are currently being worked on. So far, you'll have two random events that might give you new items, as well as some fluff regarding the Children
of Atom and espescially their new unit types!
- Atomite relics have been added. Find these to either disconstruct them into lots of Nuclear Material, or use them as Major Recruitment Resources to bolster
your ranks!
- Two new bulding types - Unleash exploding molerats upon unsuspecting attackers, or drown them in Far Harbor's cleansing fog!
(*They're just common ghouls, seeking refuge. However, since the Children view ghoulification as a blessing, they still treat them as if they were saints of some kind.)
Update 1.3:
- reworked all Leveld Lists again to ensure your recruits get even more variety. Some will be suicidal bombers, others melee-focused war chaplains!
- reworked armory rewards. CoA soldiers will spawn in according to their intial unit type - Cultist, Half-Life or War Chaplain, and not change their equipped weapons or armor until reaching rank 4 or above, except for equipping advanced radium rifles on level 3. Level 4/5 soldiers will don full marine armors, and have a chance of getting plasma weapons, missile launchers or even a Fatman upon promotion (although that last one might require some luck on your part).
Upon building an armory, all your soldiers at all levels will have a chance to receive stimpaks or nuke grenades before each attack to balance out their sub-par armor and random equipment on lower levels.
Update 1.2:
- added rank support for the newest Conqueror update. CoA have 5 ranks now - Convert, Zealot, Apostle, Crusader and Inquisitor. May they walk in his light!
- added basic rewards for building an armory in your settlements - CoA soldiers will have a chance to get advanced radium rifles when leveling up, as well as
stimpaks or nuke grenades before each attack
- added a new class of CoA Heavy Attackers, the suicidal Half-Lifes. Not sure if they work correctly yet and still trying to figure out a way to add them randomly
to player's Recruit List. I'll see to it that they'll be fully implemented in the next update.
Update 1.1:
- added a few more face variations
- added 3 more faction decorations (Atomite shrine + Fat Man crates)
- overhauled equipment leveled lists. CoA soldiers can now spawn with radium rifles, gamma guns, or board-type melee weapons
- overhauled armor leveled lists. CoA soldiers can now come equipped with standard rags (should support CoA Overhaul mod) or a basic zealot outfit. Also added
some helmets; mostly gas masks.
- added new leveled lists for weapons/gear to the Attacker/Defender NPCs, too.
- Faction resource message now properly displays. Overhauled resource lists to be a bit more balanced/easy to find (as shown above).
- removed Minutemen from friendslist (Sorry Preston, you're blocked!) Added all CoA base-game factions to it instead and nothing else.
Recommended Mods:
These new armors are just beautiful and they will be distributed among your recruits with both mods installed. Also, craftable gamma miniguns!
My mod already adds nuclear waste barrels and radiation markers as a faction decoration, but I am not sure from testing that the markers do anything. In case you wanna spread some more glow around your outposts, try this mod!
Allows you to farm plants from Far Harbor, like the glowing Blight fungus. I think it goes well with the Children's aesthetics.
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13919 and https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27298
Gives you the ability to craft cages for Far Harbor monsters and to place them in the Commonwealth, respectively. Ever wanted to boost your defenses with one or two Fog Crawlers? Now you can! It think they'd make a great addition to CoA camps - Maybe you can roleplay it as the Fog mother's special blessing!
Opens up 7 new settlements in the Glowing Sea, Atom's blessed lands! Also great for screenshots I bet!