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About this mod

Overhaul of Goodneighbor
6 New Npcs with their own shops and schedule, Small Player Home with no Load Screen, Reimagined Shops for Daisy and Kleo and much more!

Permissions and credits
!Quick Update!
V1.01 is now up for a quick bugfix 
If you want to know more go to Logs > Changelogs

The Entrance Overview

Disabled most of the trash, remade the junk wall, added a new Npc(Doctor)remade both shops Daisy´s Discounts and Kill or be Killed 
[More Details below]

1.New Npc: Doc Scuzi he is a fully functional Doctor that can cure,heal and sell some Meds and Chems he works from 7:00 - 23:00 after this time he will sleep and will not be available until he starts working again at 7:00

2.Daisy´s Discounts: Remade almost the complete interior added a new storage area new tables with static clutter on them new fridge and a good amount of clutter Also Remade Daisy´s room fixed the holes in the wall with some Plywood new bed and a little shelf

3.Kleos Weapon Shop: Lots and lots of weapons, mines,Grenades,weapon mods, ammo containers, replaced the Power armor station,and other supplies most of the items are static but you could steal the mods that are behind the counterKleos Room: added a Robot loading Station some robots/parts that Kleo brutally "salvaged" for their Fusion Cores and some small other things

Hancocks Speech Area Overview

Didn't really do too much here for now because there are a lot of event/stage Markers but ive added a shop to the right were the small little collapsed house/shop was
[More Details below]

1.New Npc: Alexandra she is an armor/clothing merchant who works from 8:00-22:00 she sells almost everything she has on display

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Area Overview

2New Shops, small Player Home, Jail, sleep Area for the People of Goodneighbor and more
[More Details below]

1.New Npc: Old Pete has a medium-sized Butchershop with some Creatures he will sell you meat from most of the Creatures of the Commonwealth but he has some more Rare/Exotic wares like Deathclawmeat and the rare but Delicious Deathclaw Egg he will be the Butcher of your choice 24/7 in the Commonwealth

2.New Npc´s: Verena the Mechanic and Heinzi the BusinessmanThe two are a couple who have their own Repairshop Verena most of the time will just repair stuff but Heinzi will sell you Shipments of the more Rare components, junk/scrap and RobotrepairkitsHeinzi will sell you items from 7:00-22:00 they might have some secrets that are not that clear at the moment

3.Player Home: It's a small little shack with a Bed,cooking station,Armor workbench,ammobox,dufflebag,Medkit,Steamer Trunk and Bobblehead Shelf all of the items/Containers are owned by the Player and do not respawn so u can use them as Storage

4. Storage Area with a Jail where a raider is currently held the storage area currently is not completely done in a later update there will be a bit more 

5. General Area added some crashed cars, a Military APC that has a mysterious crate that is locked inside it, a Megaloader that the People of Goodneighbor got working again and using to clear the rubble where the highway and the billboards collapsed

Other Things i did

I've added some things here and there i.e edited walkways, wooden boards to hide some things and similar things to hide things
Did some landscapeediting because Goodneighbors ground is made out of fucking trash literally, remade navmeshes for the new locations and so on
added new idle markers and disabled some of those horrible "steam" effect that come out of the ground Moved some Patrol, idle and light markers

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Things i did not do

 i didn't touch any Stage/Event/Quest Markers of anything that has to do with scripted events or Quests


Main Version: Automatron, Far Harbor, Wasteland Workshop,  Crafting Fury 9000 GTX - Buildable armour stands - Decorations - Furniture
Optional Version: Automatron, Far Harbor, Wasteland Workshop (read changelog for more info)
Optinal Shops only Version: early version of the mod that has just the entrance done i.e both shops and Rooms of (Kleo-Daisy) this file requires Automatron, Far Harbor 

Precombine & Previs : Remade so there should be no lagging or popping in 

Compatibility: Not compatible with any mods that edit Goodneighbor  | Compatible with mods that edit The Memory Den, Hotel Rexford and The Third Rail 

Bugs: Currently there a really small bug that if u install this mod before going inside(i.e fresh savegame/never been there before) that 2of the npc just wont start there AI Package right it will settle after a cell reset but if u just want to use from the begining just disable (Pete,his molerat in the cage) and re-enable them they will then immediately start their AI Package 

when u look at the mod with FO4Edit it will tell you that there is 1deleted Navmesh that i can't for the life of me find i shouldn't cause any problems 

A Big Thanks to Elianora for letting me use her mod:Crafting Fury 9000 GTX - Buildable armour stands - Decorations - Furniture

Updates: Later down the line i will probably add some more detail to the areas that look a bit empty/less lived in (Daisy's room, Storage, Entrance) so if u have any ideas for Goodneighbor or other places please tell me

And please if u got some Screenshots/Videos post them here :)
My Other Mods:
CGT Better Diamond City
Corrunda's Re-envisioned Commonwealth
Corrunda's RedRocket - Light - Curb Fix