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Backpacks attachable to Power Armors

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With this mod you can attach a Backpack to any of the T45, T51, T60 and X01 Power Armors.

The Backpacks you can create at a chemical station (Power Armor Backpacks). Two versions are available:

  • Hip Pack with increased carryweight of 100 and
  • Hip-and Gear Pack with increased carryweight of 180.

You can use these Backpacks like any other mod Backpack (they equip on slot 54 and do the job). However, they are made for use on a Power Armor.

To attach a Backpack to a Power Armor take a Power Armor Torso and place it to the ground (drop it). Then activate it (take it) while you wear the Backpack which you want to attach to the Power Armor. This will open the menu to attach the Backpack. Thats it.

Version 1.1 lets you also remove an attached Backpack from a Power Armor. Just place the Power Armor Torso to the ground (drop it) and activate it (take it) without wearing a Backpack. This will open the menu to remove the attached Backpack.

Technical stuff:

- No DLCs or F4SE required but works on the Nuka and VIM PAs and with the CC Paints.
- Technically this mod is done like the Tesla Torso from Automatron.
- All mod slots for PA torsos will be still available with the backpacks.
- You can use the backpacks also on a legendary torso (e.g. the piezonuklear T51).
- Attaching a backpack will not change the mods already attached to a torso but add the incresed carryweight and the bags.
- You cannot attach backpacks to Raider-PA torsos or the Automatron-Tesla torso or Hellfire-PA, etc.
- Does not conflict with MPAM (but without a patch you won't have the second misc mod slot on a PA torso with attached backpacks).

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