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Changes Lob Barrel to make it useful and an unique choice for tesla gun.

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Tesla Gun can be transformed into 3 types of weapons in vanilla game and they are very different from each other. However, Lob barrel Tesla Rifle is not useful even though it is one of the most unique weapons in the game. With this mod I have tried to make it a viable choice when engaging hostiles. Instead of shooting them to make the projectiles hit, it may be better to miss and attach the projectiles to walls and the floor, and let the electricity kill the enemies. Here is what I have changed:

In Vanilla, Lob Barrel for tesla gun shoots 5 balls of electricity (to hell with physics) and if you miss the target, it attach to walls and start to electrify those around it. It is a cool concept, but it doesn't work in game because the radius for damage if too small, and the damage is very small. Another thing that is bad for Lob Barrel is the small  range of the projectiles, making this type of weapon uselss.

With this mod, Lob Barrel will mantain the damage for the projectiles, but if they attach to walls, the damage emitted from them is now 50% stronger and reaches enemies 2.5x farther away. Also, the projectiles will go much further, allowing you to attach your "eletric balls" behind enemies cover.

If you shoot them in Vats at long range you will probably miss, but the electricity emitted will get them. At very close range it still does damage like a shotgun if you decide to hit your enemies instead of shooting the walls/floor.