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About this mod

This is a simple underwear replacement for fallout 4 made for the Capital Wasteland project and due to demand i decided to release it.

Permissions and credits

Classic Underwear Replacer


This is a simple underwear replacement for fallout 4 made for the Capital Wasteland project and due to demand i decided to release it. This contains the fallout 3/NV style underwear replacer for all NPCs using the clean skin type, since in my opinion it doesnt make sense to have raiders going around in pristine underwear. I mean this does what it says on the box really there isnt much else to explain :)


 - Replaces the vanilla underwear and thats it, well it doesnt for the raiders since it doesnt make much sense

Capital Wasteland Website

TheFriedturkey - 3D models, textures, Rigging
Elianora - CBBE Conversion and CBBE Screenshots
Chikaws - Screenshots

Tools used:
 - Autodesk 3ds Max 2018
 - Bodyslide (Outfit Studio) by ousnius
 - Material Editor by ousnius
 - Nifskope
 - TopoGun
 - Zbrush