The floors (and the Glass panes at Dalton) would have come from one of the Settlement object or Vault corner etc mods mentioned on the front page. You may have to hunt via the "Tracker" mentioned in the description for missing bits. Back when Nexus introduced collections, a few mod authors took exception to this policy (permanent archival) and removed their mods. As every single one of my settlement designs was adversely impacted by these actions. I was forced to walk away or spend several months chasing missing mods that could change on a whim.
I ended up uninstalling Fallout 4 and moving on to other games .
It's a shame as I enjoyed the process of building these settlements.
Thank you for responding. Shame you have left the game. Thank to that link and a little google searching and discord accounts and was able to find them ALL. I am reliability new to Fallout 4 coming from skyrim where I even used creation kit and made my own island, so I love fallout because you can create your own without creation kit unless you want to do major changes but for now Im happy exploring the options in game. Yeah, Nexus has been insensible with what happened. But modders do have other platforms, like AFK. Would have been easier if they'd all just gone there instead of their own hard-to-find discord platforms. One modder Im using for alot of my settlements is chuck Yufarley. Ive just build his greenhouse and wow. Ive started with your Daltons farm since thats my favourite location by the water with lovely serene views. Ive changed it around alot to my personal flavour and being female have added decorations, flora etc and changed the building exterior to a lovely old-style brick. yours helped me to get mine started so thank you. I may just upload mine as blueprint when Im happy with it. Oh and Id not even known about the cages at all so am thrilled to bit seeing gorillas in my settlement. Im just across the ditch in NZ.
Thanks, I've just started with Starfield and expect modders will come up with similar additions to the settlement systems. ATM I'm just finding my way around but with Baldur's Gate well under way and Phantom Liberty about to drop, it may be some time before I get around to messing with settlement building.
With all my F4 designs I released them as templates, so kept clutter to a minimum in the expectation that end users would turn them intro something reflecting their personal playstyle. Gorillas are great for both defense and settlement happiness... (even if they occasionally block stairs and doorways) My designs should yield both maximum happiness and settler count. The defences are excessive but all one needs to do is arrive at the attack site to find most of the pest eradication done and dusted. Thanks again for the kind words.
You may have to hunt via the "Tracker" mentioned in the description for missing bits.
Back when Nexus introduced collections, a few mod authors took exception to this policy (permanent archival) and removed their mods.
As every single one of my settlement designs was adversely impacted by these actions. I was forced to walk away or spend several months chasing missing mods that could change on a whim.
I ended up uninstalling Fallout 4 and moving on to other games .
It's a shame as I enjoyed the process of building these settlements.
Good luck and happy hunting!
I've just started with Starfield and expect modders will come up with similar additions to the settlement systems. ATM I'm just finding my way around but with Baldur's Gate well under way and Phantom Liberty about to drop, it may be some time before I get around to messing with settlement building.
With all my F4 designs I released them as templates, so kept clutter to a minimum in the expectation that end users would turn them intro something reflecting their personal playstyle.
Gorillas are great for both defense and settlement happiness... (even if they occasionally block stairs and doorways)
My designs should yield both maximum happiness and settler count. The defences are excessive but all one needs to do is arrive at the attack site to find most of the pest eradication done and dusted.
Thanks again for the kind words.