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  1. JonathanOstrus
    • premium
    • 188 kudos
    Known Issues

    This is not really an issue with this patch but rather an issue with the 32bit CreationKit itself.

    Trying to load a plugin which has a .ESL file within the master chain will cause an error. This is because the 32bit CreationKit version that Bethesda has released does not support .ESL extensions. There are 2 known work-arounds.

    1. Make a copy of the .ESL and name it .ESP. Then change the header of the plugin that references the .ESL to use the .ESP file instead. Then after editing change the header back to use the .ESL file.
    2. Use the command line arguments for CreationKit to generate the single lip file.
    CreationKit32.exe -GenerateSingleLip:Data\Sound\TheRaider\mydialogueaudio.wav "Hey, you! Gimme your caps."
  2. RadoGamer
    • supporter
    • 84 kudos
    Sorry for the long post. It appears the patch has worked, the CK loads now, where it wasn't before but,  now it CTD's when a files is loaded after a few moments. Any suggestion's would be very appreciated.

    The answer to my and VearConf64's  question below, if anyone else is wondering, can be found here. Thanks to Kinggath Bethesda Mod School.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DonUtZx_JsM&t=1320s at 8:22

    In response to VearCon64's question
    I did everything up to the point where the patch was successful.  then there's  this.

    " You can then rename the original to some backup name, and
    then rename the newly created patched file to CreationKit32 and resume
    creating your lip files."

    I can see where he's not sure,

    A. Rename which original, the original Patch or CK32?

    B.Rename the new patch CreationKit32.exe??

    I think his question is valid since I'm not sure what you mean either.
    Thanks for your work.
    if I can get to the point where this is cleared up I'll be able to know if it worked for me.

  3. LadyEdith
    • member
    • 37 kudos
    This has worked for years and suddenly when I try to use it the program loads the generate lip file options is there i press it and no lip file is generated.
    It all works without error except no lips are generated at all. Is this a known issue? is there some workaround?
    thank you
    1. LadyEdith
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      for anyone else experiencing this issue I found the solution. One must export the audio in 16 bit instead of 32 bit. I was making the audio in a program called audacity and replacing sound files in the data folder. If one records the audio outside of the creation kit one must export as a 16 bit wav instead of any other number.
    2. Fume2019
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Also, 44.1kHz and Mono (Not Stereo)

      If im not mistaken...

      EDIT: Might have gotten mixed up:
      44.1kHz = Fallout 3
      48 kHz = Fallout 4
  4. SyntheticHeart
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    still works with the updated creation kit, thanks so much! can finally generate lip files again <3
  5. SuNguyen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Everything seems to work fine, but as soon as I turn on the character line the program crashes.  Any idea? 
    1. Outrora
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      I'm running through the same sheet, got a workaround?
  6. Aen9ine
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This does work, unfortunately it's quite hard to navigate quest dialogue in CK32, the scene diagram is almost completely gray, only showing a little stripe where I barely could find the line I wanted to generate. Can't believe this was so hard, I just wanted to edit 1 line. Anyway…

    Mod does what it promises, so thanks.
  7. Ordinaryhuman69
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can You make one for the 64bits version
    1. JonathanOstrus
      • premium
      • 188 kudos
      No, because it's not necessary. I'm a bit confused about your request. The 64bit version already supports the v1.0 plugins. Both on the last Bethesda.net release as well as the current Steam release.
    2. VearCon64
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      @BigAndFlabby The patched file is not an .exe file but is just a "file". Do I have to change the file extension to .exe or something?
    3. JonathanOstrus
      • premium
      • 188 kudos
      @VearCon64 If you read the README.TXT inside the downloaded archive it details how to apply the patch.
      Specifically the second section after Purpose that says How to use
  8. haplessAccreditation
    • premium
    • 212 kudos
    Thank you Big J
  9. heyiloveya
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I just wanted to get Cait to say “what’s the craic” with the xVA Synth voice… and thanks to you, I made it happen. Thank you thank you!
  10. Lollia
    • premium
    • 298 kudos
    Ah, this worked out splendidly! Much obliged for the speedy fix! 
  11. Sae33
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please excuse my poor English. I don't own it at all and work through a translator program. Please help with the following: The patch was successfully installed, the 32-bit Creation Kit was launched, and it found and opened my quest. But the window for displaying the contents of the scene opens as a narrow strip of 5 millimeters. The screenshot is    https://priscree.ru/img/13b0c141dda2ea.png   What is the cause of the error and how can I fix it? Sincerely, Alex.
    1. MisterCurious
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I have same problem. Did you ever solve this problem?
    2. TheModdingGoat
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      me too you ever solve it?
    3. OscarN1N7
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      I believe this is a known issue that can't be solved. Kinggath mentions it in this video at 22:00, and he shows a potential workaround.