Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Console modding permissionThis mod will not be available on Bethesda.net for console users
Author notes
It is the second save for the fallout 4 game that I have and a point on this site. It is 90% completed (more quest is done) because I have completed the main quest and the missions in the main cities / villages and most of the missions, but I did not visit all the places, as far as I can tell, maximum 20% do 30% of the places visited I can not visit the others to make the game / save 100%, really 100%. The others say 100% just to finish the main quest story, which is not true. 20% main quest 20% other importance quest 20% side quest 20% visit to the quest 20% what left. Only after you've done these parts, this deck this percentage (%) game is complete / full done. Of course my save or my save game has modes / mods, I play games only with modes, you should have no problems if you use my save without mods / mods. Don't be bad, I do what I can, as I know. In this savegame I chose to be on the side of the institute, raider, nucleus (atom follows, lighthouse harbor) and stih in FAR HAROR (or as they say) Sanctuary is great, I put a lot but I did my home 88, put all the decorations and my companions house. In vault 88, in the house that I built in vault on the first floor, there are 2 tree cabinets. 1 wardrobe contains all the weapons and weapons the other wardrobe contains the other types of items (such as move, aid, etc.)
File credits
It is the second save for the fallout 4 game that I have and a point on this site. It is 90% completed (more quest is done) because I have completed the main quest and the missions in the main cities / villages and most of the missions, but I did not visit all the places, as far as I can tell, maximum 20% do 30% of the places visited I can not visit the others to make the game / save 100%, really 100%. The others say 100% just to finish the main quest story, which is not true. 20% main quest 20% other importance quest 20% side quest 20% visit to the quest 20% what left. Only after you've done these parts, this deck this percentage (%) game is complete / full done. Of course my save or my save game has modes / mods, I play games only with modes, you should have no problems if you use my save without mods / mods. Don't be bad, I do what I can, as I know. In this savegame I chose to be on the side of the institute, raider, nucleus (atom follows, lighthouse harbor) and stih in FAR HAROR (or as they say) Sanctuary is great, I put a lot but I did my home 88, put all the decorations and my companions house. In vault 88, in the house that I built in vault on the first floor, there are 2 tree cabinets. 1 wardrobe contains all the weapons and weapons the other wardrobe contains the other types of items (such as move, aid, etc.)
Donation Points system
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It is the second save for the fallout 4 game that I have and a point on this site. It is 90% completed (more quest is done) because I have completed the main quest and the missions in the main cities / villages and most of the missions, but I did not visit all the places, as far as I can tell, maximum 20% do 30% of the places visited I can not visit the others to make the game / save 100%, really 100%. The others say 100% just to finish the main quest story, which is not true. 20% main quest 20% other importance quest 20% side quest 20% visit to the quest 20% what left. Only after you've done these parts, this deck this percentage (%) game is complete / full done. Of course my save or my save game has modes / mods, I play games only with modes, you should have no problems if you use my save without mods / mods. Don't be bad, I do what I can, as I know. In this savegame I chose to be on the side of the institute, raider, nucleus (atom follows, lighthouse harbor) and stih in FAR HAROR (or as they say) Sanctuary is great, I put a lot but I did my home 88, put all the decorations and my companions house. In vault 88, in the house that I built in vault on the first floor, there are 2 tree cabinets. 1 wardrobe contains all the weapons and weapons the other wardrobe contains the other types of items (such as move, aid, etc.)