This may be a useful save for anyone who does extensive mod testing. The save is located right outside of the Red Rocket by Sanctuary. The player character has around 12000 of each type of ammo and roughly 15000 pieces of all junk.
DLC requirements
DLC name
Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor
Contraptions Workshop
Vault-Tec Workshop
Nuka World
Creation Club Content
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Just a simple clean save for those who like to test mods. The player has immediate access to thousands of rounds of ammunition and thousands of pieces of junk in their inventory. The player has had their carry-weight, health, and action points all raised to astronomical levels as well. (For testing purposes of course.) All relevant crafting perks have also been added to the player. You can find all the workbenches you should need a few feet in front of you so you can crack on with your weapon/armor/cooking adventures. (Thanks for the suggestion GTAFYFE :D) There are no dependencies on other mods for this save. This save was created with the season pass, and thus requires the DLC. The only things that have been done story wise are:
1.) Talking to Codsworth and clearing the insects from Sanctuary 2.) Meeting Dogmeat, killing the moles, and unlocking the Red Rocket workshop.