About this mod
A character preset based on Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 Remake
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
A character preset based on Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 Remake
TAKE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE MOD, meaning textures used in this preset will affect all female npc's as well
Screenshots posted above uses enb and reshade, i have added 1 screenshot without both effects and that is what you should atleast expect after you installed the preset
BDO Hairstyles
Check Vtaw's Discord
before you start make sure mods are enabled in Fallout 4
STEP 1: Install all the required mods listed above
STEP 2: Download the main file and install manually or with a mod manager of your choice
in your game, open your console > type slm 14 1 > press (R) for presets > choose N5465 Claire Redfield
PLEASE take your time to endorse these mods and their authors who made this preset possible, here are the list:
Looks Menu Customization Compendium by AGodComplexPikachu
Collection of textures and presets for the girls by Skarlett645
No Expression Creases and Wrinkles by liambutt
Female Neck Tweaks by TheMalevolentTrout
Extended Facial Sculpting by Septfox
Natasha Face Texture by mrjack900
Natural Female by Avallonkao
And dont forget to endorse the mods listed under required mods as well
And i think thats it! If you liked it, hit that ENDORSE button!~