1. LucasGod
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Update! It's now available on both XBOX1 and PS4 through Bethesda.net!

    Update! Version 2.1 released! Now with bracketed tags before the weapon mods names, so you know where they come from. This version also (accidentally) fixed a glitch where mods with the same name would have the same model when attaching them to the weapon and could switch randomly to another model after attaching.(For example, all "Long Barrel" mods from all weapons could have the appearance of the combat rifle one before attaching, and then the pipe rifle one after attaching).

    Version 2.0 released! Make sure you have AWKCR installed. Before upgrading, make sure you disable any compatibility patches created by other mod authors. Your old crazily modded weapons will retain their mods, but they will no longer accept new mods that were not meant for them. Now, in order to add crazy mods for a weapon, you must build a Weaponsmith Workbench (from AWKCR) and create the AMAW version of the weapon there, under the "UNCONVENTIONAL WEAPONS" tab. Then you can use the Weapons Workbench to add all the crazy mods you love.
  2. jonbafil
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm recreating this mod using RobCo Patcher This version will hopefully be able to support modded weapons.
  3. Noon98
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is there a non AWCKCR version? It's an extremely outdated mod and I really don't wanna deal with that headache
    1. RoseyLee1998
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      there is a patch for it made by infamous95. highly recommend.
    2. zrovihr
      • member
      • 2 kudos
    3. msx77412
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
  4. Skel329
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would love to have this mod on the bethesda net page, since now i play on geforce now my options on mods are very limited, this mod was very fun playing it when i had a pc lol, i know its been 8 years since this mod was uploaded but i wish someone or the creator himself did it since he already uploaded the xbox/ps4 version on bethesda net back in the day so i suppose it wouldnt take much time to upload the pc version
  5. could there maybe be a projectile choice? like in wacky weapons
  6. FalloutniiBoy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the problem is with textures, they are broken (I use 2.1)
  7. KimmyNeko
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Why attach the Missile launcher barrel to the Minigun body CANNOT make the rocket rain :(
    Edit: OK NVM. It turns out you have to attach the Missile launcher Targeting computer for the scope to change the projectile :)))
  8. slaptopgaming
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it wont load into my game whenever i try to enable it its not there someone please help
    1. XXZephyr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Have you tried the 1.2.0 version?
  9. XXZephyr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    With the next gen update, the 1.2.0 version works fine. The latest version (2.1) does not work for me, even removing the 2 from the esp did not work.
  10. ThaTylar
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Very nice! I made my own weapon too, junk jet that uses Plasma flamer, Steady grip and reflex. I call it the plasma mulcher. Of course it only shoots semi auto. Dunno how to put photo's in there but hey, its something at least.
  11. Argusti0
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    • 0 kudos
    Does anybody know if AMAW works with the Attachment Pack from Dak or other modded replacers/mods that add attachments to weapons?